Handle multiple domains without restarting HTTP server - apache

Let's assume I have multiple domains pointing to one server.
I know that I can have multiple virtual hosts in Apache for example, but every time I want to add a new website I have to change the configuration and restart the server.
I am looking for hosting multiple domain names without having to create a config file each time.
Why ? because after creating a config file, I have then to restart the HTTP server which means that each domain I add will block all the other domains for a period of time.
Basically I want a config or program that points dynamically each domain to a sub-folder of my main source code without having to create a config file or restarting the HTTP server.
Please let me know if this is doable with the current HTTP servers or if not point me to some resources that will help me do this programatically.

With most standard web servers you simply cannot do this without a restart or at least reload of the service (so it picks up the new configs).
Of course you could build your own solution, based on your requirements.

You can reload the server without restart it, a reload keep the active connections up, so you can load the changes in your configuration without restarting the server.
Command for nginx: nginx -s reload
I suggest to use nginx -t && nginx -s reload in order to check the configuration before reloading
Command for Apache: apachectl -k graceful, systemctl reload httpd.service, service apache2 reload, service httpd reload (it depends on your environment)


Apache - limit scope of RequestReadTimeout

We are running apache and using nagios to query http for alerting / monitoring purposes. We have a few webservers that required more sensitive settings for mod_reqtimeout.c and on those servers we periodically / sporadically get alerts about "UNKNOWN 500 read timeout". Nothing is actually wrong with the webserver / apache when this is happening and we think we have narrowed down the problem to our relatively strict settings for:
RequestReadTimeout header=
We have quite a few vhosts configured on some of these servers and are trying to find a way to modify our global header read timeout setting to ignore certain IP addresses, for example the IP address of our nagios server.
Otherwise a way to have it only apply to certain domains, without having to specifically add the setting into every vhost entry where it needs to exist.
Is there a resource available that talks about how to limit a global parameter to ignore certain IPs or page requests?
Although you can define the timeout at both the server config and virtual host level, in my testing with Apache 2.4.41 I wasn't able to apply a configuration at the server config level and then override it at the virtual host. It just continued to apply the server config values. So I ended up increasing values in the server config.
If you are on Ubuntu then you probably have defaults defined in /etc/apache2/mods-available/reqtimeout.conf for the whole server which then means you aren't able to set values for a virtual host without first changing the configuration here.
There's a short thread about this on the apache users list.
According to the [official documentation][1]
[1]: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_reqtimeout.html, you should be able to override the global config in vhost config.
Context: server config, virtual host

Changing hostname of VPS - ZPanel Issue

Basically I've got a VPS setup but I incorrectly set the hostname. I left it for a while and it was fine, installed zpanel etc and now it's a 'web host' and everything was fine. Now I want to change the hostname so I logged into the hosting companies control panel for the server and changed the hostname.
The original and the new hostname are in the format of xxx.yyy.com. So nothing happend and I could still reach the zpanel login page via the 'old' host name even though in the hosting companies control panel it said it had changed.
For ease of explanation, we shall say my old hostname was xyz.example-domain.com and my new is server.another-domain.com. Both domains are controlled within this installation of zpanel.
Anyway. I deleted the dns entry for "xyz" on example-domain and, as you would expect, if you go to xyz.example-domain.com you get nothing. I created a dns A record for server.another-domain.com but now all you get is the default apache 'welcome to your server' page. To get to zpanel login, you need the IP address.
SO my question is, do I need to do something else? It seems that I need to change where this zpanel login page is getting displayed so that it can be server.another-domain.com. I'm guessing there is some file somewhere that I need to edit but I don't know what one and "the internet" isn't really helping as all I find is 'change the host name in the hosting companies control panel' which I've done.
PS It is an apache 2 server running CentOS 6
Take a look at your Apache configuration located in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. If you intend on running multiple domains off the same host, you'll need to setup Virtual Hosts. You'll see a detailed explanation of those settings toward the bottom of your configuration file.
Depending on where you've located your files, you'll want to set your DocumentRoot accordingly for each of your Virtual Hosts, and that will instruct Apache to look for the files in the proper places. By default, I believe it looks in /var/www.
NOTE: You will need to restart Apache or reload configurations whenever you alter your configuration file. You can do this by running either one of the following commands (as root):
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
/etc/init.d/httpd reload
Go to /etc/zpanel/panel/
rename: index.php -->panel.php (or any other name).
Then create index.php and let it in blank (or write a welcome message)
Finally enter to your zpanel like this: http://www.yourIP/panel.php
Works fine!
Is not necessary change any port

Apache does not start - httpd.conf in windows

I am trying to set up Apache http 2.2, with mod_jk module.
The intention is to set up a load balancer right on my PC, for test purposes.
So I made some changes to httpd.conf to set some parameters, then I run it and I get the popup:
"Windows couldn't start Apache 2.2 on local PC. For more information check system events log. If it's not a windows service contact service provider and reference the code:1"
I check on the log and I get:
httpd.exe: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
So I uncomment on httpd.conf line: ServerName myPcName:80 and run it again.
I get the same popup, but this time I don't get anything on the events log.
Any idea on how to let it work?
(Nothing is bound on 80 port.)
Thank you
Please check if port 80 is being used by other application or not. Most of the time in my case "Skype" was using port 80. So I had to stop it and then I used to start Apache service.
To troubleshoot further what you can do is, goto apache's bin directory and run httpd.exe -t option. This will show you exactly what is causing problem.
The configuration file in the apache /conf folder, has a piece of code that starts from C:. It is copyrighted and therefore you cannot change the code.
All you have to do is make a second copy of the whole apache folder and put it directly in your C: directory. Your apache file is in System 32 causing you to use cprompt right. Having 2 identical apache folders one in C: and one in System 32 bypasses the problem.

Settings nginx - users and rights

I wonder whether it is possible to force nginx to use some user/group for each given domain? It seems that nginx is able to run only as one given user for all the domains – in Apache I run each domain as a different user.
For static files, you don't need to do anything about user rights. The nginx user will serve these. The same applies to Apache btw, it runs normally as User "apache" in Group "apache".
it is in PHP that you need to set user details and this depends on how you run PHP with Nginx.
Nginx does not run PHP directly as Apache does and simply hands PHP requests to another separate process. This can be Apache as proxy or FastCGI using FPM etc. Whatever process it is that runs PHP is where the user issues have to be handled.
If serving as proxy to Apache, you set Apache up as you indicate and that is that. If FastCGI using FPM, then it will be in PHP FPM. Each pool conf file accepts "user" and "group". To make this work for multiple domains, you just need to make one fpm pool per domain and each would listen on a different port.
So Domain 1 can be on Port 9001, Domain 2 or 9002 etc. Each will have a separate user and group as required.

Virtual Host using Apache

We have development team of 10 people working on Linux platform our application is hosted on Apache server
Now what i want if every developer is having own codebase in his directory
he can have his own httpd conf file which uses his code base and his port on that server
and whenever he changes the code base he needs run only his apache process
and there is no need to start , restart the apache server as other people should not get disturbed
so can we do this listening same server on different ports with different DocumentRoot and no need to start or restart the whole apache server only individual process of apache need to be started if any changes are done in the local conf file of that user
You need not get into the complexity of managing virtual hosts.
You can create alias for each developer which will point to his directory.
Eg :
in httpd conf point dev1 to developer's working folder.
Developer can update code see the result at the above url without restarting server.