How to access columns by their names and not by their positions? - sql

I have just tried my first sqlite select-statement and got a result (an iterator over tuples). So, in other words, every row is represented by a tuple and I can access value in the cells of the row like this: r[7] or r[3] (get value from the column 7 or column 3). But I would like to access columns not by their positions but by their names. Let us say, I would like to know the value in the column user_name. What is the way to do it?

I found the answer on my question here:
cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(tablename)")
print cursor.fetchall()


Pandas Replace_ column values

I am analyzing the next dataset with this information .
The column ['program_number'] is an object but I want to change it to a integer colum.
I have tried to replace some values but it doesn´t work.
as you can see, some values like 6 is duplicate. like '6 ' and 6.
How can I resolve it? Many thanks
Didn't see 1X and 3X at first.
If you need those numbers and just want to remove the X then:
df["Program"] = df["Program"].str.strip(" X").astype(int)
If there is data in the column which aren't numbers or which shouldn't be converted, you can use pd.to_numeric with errors='corece'. If there are cells which can't be converted, you'll get NaN. Be aware that this will result in floating numbers.
df["Program"] = pd.to_numeric(df["Program"], errors="coerce")
You want to use str.strip() here, rather than replace.
Try this:
df1['program_number'] = df1['program_number'].str.strip().astype(int)

Subtract the mean of a group for a column away from a column value

I have a companies dataset with 35 columns. The companies can belong to one of 8 different groups. How do I for each group create a new dataframe which subtract the mean of the column for that group away from the original value?
Here is an example of part of the dataset.
So for example for row 1 I want to subtract the mean of BANK_AND_DEP for Consumer Markets away from the value of 7204.400207. I need to do this for each column.
I assume this is some kind of combination of a transform and a lambda - but cannot hit the syntax.
Although it might seem counter-intuitive for this to involve a loop at all, looping through the columns themselves allows you to do this as a vectorized operation, which will be quicker than .apply(). For what to subtract by, you'll combine .groupby() and .transform() to get the value you need to subtract from a column. Then, just subtract it.
for column in df.columns:
df['new_'+column] = df[column]-df.groupby('Cluster')['column'].transform('mean')

Pandas.dropna method can't delete Nan value rows(or columns)

I now have some data, it's may contain null values
I want to delete it's null value (a whole row or a whole column)
How can I deal with the comparison?
Here is my data
it will have some null values ​​in the time series data
following is my code
but it's didn't work
anyone can help me?
Okay, first of all, your data isn't saved as a csv. It's saved as a tab-separated file.
So you need to open it using pd.read_table
>>> c=pd.read_table('./data.txt',error_bad_lines=False,sep='\t')
Second, your data is full of nans -- if you use dropna on either rows or columns, you end up with just one row or column (dates) left. But using the correct opener on your file, the dropna and to_csv functions work.
If you don't assing the variable then it will only create a view which is not stored in memory.
c = c.dropna(axis=0,how='any',inplace=True)
c = c.dropna(axis=1,how='any',inplace=True)
c = c.to_csv('./out/historical_01A190.txt',index=False)
Try this.

Delete duplicate number in text cell (Teradata database) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Delete duplicates GPS coordinates in column in each row
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have columns in which coordinates are presented in the text format. Each set of coordinates in one cell. All coordinates all coordinates are in one table cell, like text. And i have more than 1000 cells and each contains more than 100 coordinates.
For example:
23.453411011874813 41.74245395132344, 23.453972640029299 41.74214208390741, 23.453977029220994 41.741827739090233, 23.454523642352295 41.741515869012523, 23.441100249526403 41.741203996333724, 23.441661846243466 41.740892121053918,
23.456223434003668 41.74058024317317, 23.441661846243466 41.740892121053918
In the case of repeating coordinates, I need to delete the last of them (bold in the example) and delete the coordinate located between them (italic in the example).
Please tell me how this can be done?
Thanks a lot!
OLAP functions will be your friend.
- ROW_NUMBER() will identify the 2nd, 3rd,... occurences
- with COUNT() OLAP you can identify the double ones
- with CASE and some MAX-ROWS PRECEEDING you can tag the rows between 1st and 2nd
Two crucial questions for the concrete solution, you have to ask:
- by which criteria are your rows ordered (I guess a not shown column with TimeStamps...)
- what happens if a coordinate occurs 3 -times (or even more)? - Delete all between 1st and last or just between 1st and 2nd or always between uneven&even?

recoding multiple variables in the same way

I am looking for the shortest way to recode many variables in the same way.
For example I have data frame where columns a,b,c are names of items of survey and rows are observations.
d <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,3), b=c(1,3,2), c=c(1,2,1))
I want to change values of all observations for selected columns. For instance value 1 of column "a" and "c" should be replaced to string "low" and values 2,3 of these columns should be replaced to "high".
I do it often with many columns so I am looking for function which can do it in very simple way, like this:
recode2(data=d, columns=a,d, "1=low, 2,3=high").
Almost ok is function recode from package cars, but if I have 10 columns to recode I have to rewrite it 10 times and it is not as effective as I want.