SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect date value: '05/20/2020' - sql

I'm making an app with laravel, this features a calendar. I'm using "fullcalendar" which is very restricting on date format and AFAIK only accepts 'yyyy/mm/dd'. I'm using the jQuery datepicker and have edited the formatting to make it work. That all works fine and on the insert for a long time I would never get this error, however suddenly it's started giving me this error after days of not having it. I really don't understand. Unless there's a way to change fullcalendar formatting to match the accepted formatting for SQL, which has not affected my app since now, then I'd love to hear it.
(error: QLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect date value: '05/14/2020' for column)

fixed it, my formatter was broken


Updating date in fields in project

I have the following problem updating MS Project fields with VBA:
I try this:
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
'The following displays correctly Mo 14.05.18
Debug.Print Format(CDate("14.05.18", " ddd dd.mm.yy"))
'The following results in an error 438 (Method not supported)
t.Datum3 = Format(CDate("12.05.18","ddd dd.mm.yy"))
'this works fine but i'm not able to sort it proberly since it is a text sort for date fields, which is not wanted ...
't.Text25 = Format(CDate("12.05.15","ddd dd.mm.yy"))
Next t
It seems that not the format is a problem (I tried various formats, I even read it from the object to verify with format should be used) but generally, I'm not able to update date fields, I've got these problems with predefined date fields from MS Project as well as with user defined date fields.
Text fields don't make any problems at all.
Run-time error 438: Object doesn't support this property or method
You are getting the run-time error 438 because the Task object does not have a property called Datum3. Even though the field title in the German version is "Datum3", the actual property name is Date3. (see MS Project object model, German version)
Secondary issue
While MS Project will accept date field values formatted as text, it is not necessary and bad form as it implies the date field is text. Instead set the values like this:
t.Date3 = CDate("14.05.18")
Note: The display format for date fields is set in the Project Options (see Change the Date Format or Ă„ndern des Datumsformats).
Rachel's answer is best... but, another approach if your core need is to sort and you are stuck with text, is to use dates in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD . See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 for details. Or better yet: https://xkcd.com/1179/ .

Sharethis api top shared urls

I'm working on building a block on my site that contains the top 5 most shared urls on my domain via the sharethis api, I've been testing it and have gotten some unexpected results...
when I check the domain statistics api, I get the expected results:
I've truncated those results obviously since they go back for a week...
when I try to find out what urls are the most active from my domain:
Obviously this is not what I'm looking for, I have the clicks and on the sharethis site I can go to my metrics and view the info I'm looking for with no problem, but the api is not answering with any data. I have tried changing the date range or omitting it completely (which for some reason returns an empty data set) to no avail. Has anyone else run into a similar problem?
Ok Sharethis support finally got back to me about the problem:
According to sharethis api :
To Date End date for data. Note: date must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default is 7 days ago.
From Date Start date for data. Note: date must be in yyyy-mm-dd format. Default is 'today'.
These are backwards, that's 1 reason why my call wasn't working, "To date" should be the more recent date when defining the date range... the "defaults" don't work so you must enter both values, and when you enter todays date as the "To Date" it may return "collection failed", so best to start with yesterday

how to check current system date format?

How can i check the system date format? Tried with the code below, but when i change my system's date format to another date format to test the code, it's still showing the date format before changed!
Ok. I managed to find the solution, the 'CurrentCulture' has to be 'CurrentUICulture', instead of CurrentCulture. Which is as below:

How to change Unix Timestamp to Human Date in rails 3

I've seen a couple of posts doing the reverse for mysql, but I'm looking for a way to change a unix timestamp to a human readable date (ideally one I can change the format of) and I haven't been able to find anything so far.
I'm storing a date pulled from an XML feed, via NokoGiri (in Rails 3.1.1) as part of a hash:
'date' => i.xpath('#unix-timestamp')
which gets the number fine, but how the devil do you make this DD-MM-YYYY to be put in one of my views?
I've tried Time.at( (i.xpath('#unix-timestamp') ) to no avail; I just get the error 'can't convert Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet into an exact number' and now I've hit a wall
Much gratitude for any help!
Time.at is definitely a call that should work to convert from epoch time to a ruby Time object (see here for an example). So it seems like you need to work on converting your XML result into something more usable. I think you want to try using NodeSet#text to get a string output, then converting that to an integer:
There's a decent but basic tutorial for NokoGiri in the Engineyard blog
You can use like : DateTime.strptime("1373210218",'%s')
and also Time.at(1373210218).strftime("%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")

Using drupal profile date in vb.net

I am using drupal databas ein one of my application. Drupal profile saves date in following format:
I can read this with data reader but how to convert in a proper display like DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD
Well, you can kind of see the values for month, day and year in that zany string. Presumably there is something in VB that can help you parse and glue together the string as you need it?
You might look into how PHP's unserialize() works, that will reformat the string to a more usable array.
Most of all, dont use profile, use content_profile and cck. Problem solved. Unserializing PHP serialization can get a bit hairy.