Updating date in fields in project - vba

I have the following problem updating MS Project fields with VBA:
I try this:
For Each t In ActiveProject.Tasks
'The following displays correctly Mo 14.05.18
Debug.Print Format(CDate("14.05.18", " ddd dd.mm.yy"))
'The following results in an error 438 (Method not supported)
t.Datum3 = Format(CDate("12.05.18","ddd dd.mm.yy"))
'this works fine but i'm not able to sort it proberly since it is a text sort for date fields, which is not wanted ...
't.Text25 = Format(CDate("12.05.15","ddd dd.mm.yy"))
Next t
It seems that not the format is a problem (I tried various formats, I even read it from the object to verify with format should be used) but generally, I'm not able to update date fields, I've got these problems with predefined date fields from MS Project as well as with user defined date fields.
Text fields don't make any problems at all.

Run-time error 438: Object doesn't support this property or method
You are getting the run-time error 438 because the Task object does not have a property called Datum3. Even though the field title in the German version is "Datum3", the actual property name is Date3. (see MS Project object model, German version)
Secondary issue
While MS Project will accept date field values formatted as text, it is not necessary and bad form as it implies the date field is text. Instead set the values like this:
t.Date3 = CDate("14.05.18")
Note: The display format for date fields is set in the Project Options (see Change the Date Format or Ă„ndern des Datumsformats).

Rachel's answer is best... but, another approach if your core need is to sort and you are stuck with text, is to use dates in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD . See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 for details. Or better yet: https://xkcd.com/1179/ .


How to get date in a Custom Object from a date field in Archer?

I have tried getting the value with JavaScript functions but getting Invalid date.
var dat = new Date(String(Archertech.UI.GenericContent.GetInstance().getFieldValue(ScheduledDate,false)));
gives the date from one field only, but there are two date fields.
I wonder where can I get the list of functions like
There is a Client Manager frontend API that is available which has many functions that will give you the values from fields in the Application.
To get all the function list :
Add a new Custom Object named "debugger" with the code debugger;
Save that object > Open Application > Add a new / Open a record
Open Browser's Console i.e F12 > Developer Tools > Console
Set Target to frame : Record.aspx
type "$CM." will get you a list of supported functions
Now, to get a date field value, use $CM.getFieldValue(fieldId);
Sourabh, you'd have to call the CM.getFieldValue() function for each date field you want to get the value of. There is no such function to retrieve all date fields at once.
RSA Archer doesn't provide any documentation for client-side functions.

SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect date value: '05/20/2020'

I'm making an app with laravel, this features a calendar. I'm using "fullcalendar" which is very restricting on date format and AFAIK only accepts 'yyyy/mm/dd'. I'm using the jQuery datepicker and have edited the formatting to make it work. That all works fine and on the insert for a long time I would never get this error, however suddenly it's started giving me this error after days of not having it. I really don't understand. Unless there's a way to change fullcalendar formatting to match the accepted formatting for SQL, which has not affected my app since now, then I'd love to hear it.
(error: QLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect date value: '05/14/2020' for column)
fixed it, my formatter was broken

Using datepicker in DotNetNuke-7 module

I'm a DNN beginner. I am currently building a module in which I can display statistics. My DotNetNuke Version is 7.0. The statistic is from Chartjs. For this statistic I would like to implement filters. These filters should be datepickers. As UI element I have now included a textbox with TextMode='Date'. But currently I have problems to set the default value of this field. The default value should be 01.01. of the current year.
I have already tried to set the value via C# server side. Unfortunately without success. I also tried to set the value on the client side via JavaScript. Unfortunately also without success.
These are some lines I tried in JavaScript:
document.getElementById(<%= this.DatumVon.AccessKey %>).value = "01.01.2019";
document.getElementById(<%= this.DatumVon.AccessKey %>).innerText = "01.01.2019";
document.getElementById("DatumVon").value = "01.01.2019";
These are some lines I tried in C# in the method "Page_Load" (server side):
this.DatumVon.Text = "01.01.2019";
I expected the value of the TextBox to be 01.01.2019. However, it currently only contains dd.mmm.yyyy. How can I change this?
Thank you.
There is something wrong with your localization. Please refer to the jQuery UI datepicker documentation (the "Localization" section), this should give you the answer.
wow... I solved it. I made it. Sometimes the solution is right in front of you and you don't see it. Michael Tobisch was absolutely right. When setting the value, the format is very important. I have always used the German format. A DNN TextBox with TextMode="Date" can't handle that. DNN converts this TextBox into an HTML input field. But this input field can only be clear with the format "yyyy-mm-dd". Depending on the geographical position of the client (at least that's what I think) the text displayed in the input field will be formatted. But the value of the input field always has the same format ("yyyy-mm-dd"). So very important here: the displayed text and the actual value have different formats.
Many thanks again to Michael Tobisch for the mental inspiration and the patience with me.
What is also important is that the access to the actual ID of a DNN element works as follows: this.Element.ClientID and not as I assumed before this.Element.AccessKey. This was also buggy.

Netsuite Advanced PDF BOM

I am creating a print out for BOM using advanced pdf. I am trying to get get the value of the Start Date from the work order but in the print out, it is empty. I set this using ${record.startdate}. Is this correct? Is there another internal id for start date and end date in the work order?
If the object passed to the pdf generator name is "record" offcourse you can reference is as it is. It depends on the passed parameter name. If you are modifying existing html check the rest of the script and you will see if its 'record' or not.
You can reference with ${record.startDate} and ${record.endDate}
All the available fields for the object can be found here.

Start index error while doing Code First Migration

I am trying to add fields from VB.Net class file to SQL database, while doing "Add Migration" It is showing "startIndex cannot be larger than length of string."
enter image description here
I had the same error message when i tried to make a migration. The cause in my case was an empty value for MigrationId for a particular migration in the _MigrationHistory table.
This field must have a value in the same format as the string parameter of the attribute [Migration("YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_SeedData")], which is described in the other answer.
Most of all you have some class in your data project with attribute Migration (maybe for seeding data or something similar) which name is not in expected format like this:
Adjust the migration name to be in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_Description format to fix the error startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.