My cpanel -FTP UPLOAD_OPRATION quota exceeded - cpanel

I Don't know what has happened to my cpanel FTP. I am unable to save and update anything. I have used many ftp clients.
Error:-FTP UPLOAD_OPRATION quota exceeded
See This Image


How to ignore Cloudflare for my uploader?

On my site I upload media files. My uploader chunks these uploads into smaller sized files and once the upload is completed, the original will be created by merging the chunks.
The issue I run into is that when Cloudflare is enabled, the chunking request takes an awful long amount of time. An example is displayed here:
Every uploaded 5mb it chunks the file. This process saves the downloaded file on the server, then sends an AJAX request to the client and another 5mb upload request starts. The waiting (TTFB) in this particular case ranges anywhere from 2-10 seconds. Now, when the chunk size is 50mb for example, the waiting can be up to two minutes.
How can I speed up this process with Cloudflare? How can I ignore that specific /upload URL to not talk to Cloudflare?
Ps: the reason I'm not asking at Cloudflare is because I did a week ago and again a few days ago and haven't gotten a response yet. Thanks!
One option is to use a subdomain to submit the data to. At cloudflare, greycloud that dns entry. Then data is sent directly to your server bypassing cloudflare.

Can Plupload bypass Cloudflare's 100 mb upload limit?

I am trying to upload files that are larger than 100 MB through Cloudflare's network.
I want everything to run through Cloudflare's network because I don't want my website's IP to be known to the world.
Plupload can be used to chunk files before uploading them to the server.
This is what it says on Plupload's home page.
Upload in Chunks
Files that have to be uploaded can be small or huge - about several
gigabytes in size. In such cases standard upload may fail, since
browsers still cannot handle it properly. We slice the files in chunks
and send them out one by one. You can then safely collect them on the
server and combine into original file.
As a bonus this way you can overcome a server's constraints on
uploaded file sizes, if any.
The last part is what catches my eyes.
So can I use Plupload to bypass the 100 MB limit set by Cloudflare?
I've tested this out and you can pass CloudFlare's limit by using plupload's chunking. CloudFlare limits a single file upload that is over 100MB so if we chunk it to say 90MB we would be sending 90MB file through CloudFlare's and that's not an issue.
Yes, chunking your uploads can work, I used ResumableJS to get around the upload limit.

Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume

I have an sql file which I want to upload in my database in live server using Cpanel. The size of it is 8.36 mb. But the server showing me this error.
NB: I found several answers which shows me to configure php.ini file located in localhost. But in this case, I'm working with live server, and in the Cpanel I've no access in root files.
Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase max execution time and upload limit, You can not increase it with your cPanel access.

Cannot upload files larger than 30MB to Amazon

Our site is hosted in Amazon EC2 server and files are stored in Amazon S3 server.
My problem is when I upload files larger than 30MB, uploading failed. Does not display any error, but connection reset. the page display like this
The connection was reset
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure
that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
But if I upload smaller than 30 MB there is no issue or error. Please help me in this issue.
In my config file we are using
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="120000" maxRequestLength="1048576"
so that, it should allow around 1GB file.
We are using single part uploading, in Amazon document says that single part uploading also allow 1byte to 5 Gb, then what is the issue?
Please help me soon

How to make cpanel send an e-mail when disk usage goes over quota?

I am hosting a few websites on a hosting account with 6 GB of space. The websites occupy only about 700 MB. But I have some plugins with various troubles generating error_log files that can get pretty big.
The last error_log had 4 GB and my quota jumped over a few days ago.
So is there a way to make cpanel send me an e-mail when quota goes over a set value?
Should I made a cron job for that?
I hope this is what you are looking for...
In cPanel on Contact Information & Preferences you can setup an email and then check "Send notifications to your contact email address when you are reaching your disk quota."