How to select company which have two groups - sql

I still tried select all customers which is in two group. Duplicate from customers is normal because select is from invoice but I need to know the customers who had a group in the first half year and jumped to another in the second half year.
f.eankod as kod, --(groups)
ad.kod as firma, --(markComp)
f.nazfirmy as nazev, --(nameComp)
sum(f.sumZklZakl + f.sumZklSniz + f.sumOsv) as cena_bez_dph --(Price)
ddoklfak as f
LEFT OUTER JOIN aadresar ad ON ad.idfirmy = f.idfirmy
f.datvyst >= '2017-01-01'
and f.datvyst <= '2017-12-31'
and f.modul like 'FAV'
HAVING COUNT (ad.kod) > 1
order by
GROUP markcomp nameComp price
| D002 | B5846 | Cosmopolis | price ... |
| D003 | B6987 | Tismotis | price ... |
| D009 | B8974 | Teramis | price ... |
| D006 | B8876 | Kesmethis | price ... | I need this, same company but diferent group, because this
| D008 | B8876 | Kesmethis | price ... | company jumped. I need know only jumped company. (last two rows from examples)
Thx for help.

You can use a CTE to find out which nameComp show up multiple times, and keep those ones only. For example:
x as (
-- your query
select * from x where nameComp in (
select nameComp from x group by nameComp having count(*) > 1


Sum of two tables using SQL

I'm trying to get the sum of two columns, but it seems to be adding incorrectly. I have a table Tbl_Booths and another table called Tbl_Extras.
In the Tbl_Booths:
BoothId | ExhId | BoothPrice
1 | 1 | 400
2 | 1 | 500
3 | 2 | 400
4 | 3 | 600
So totalBoothPrice for ExhId = 1 is 900
ExtraId | ExhId | Item | ItemCost
1 | 1 | PowerSupply | 400
2 | 2 | PowerSupply | 400
3 | 1 | Lights | 600
4 | 3 | PowerSupply | 400
5 | 4 | Lights | 400
So totalItemCost for ExhId = 1 is 1000
I need to find a way to get the sum of totalBoothPrice + totalItemCost
The value should of course be 900 + 1000 = 1900
I'm a total beginner to SQL so please have patience :-)
Thank you in advance for any input you can give me, since I'm going made here !
It is used in a Caspio database system.
You can use union all to combine the two tables and then aggregate:
select exhid, sum(price)
from ((select exhid, boothprice as price
from tbl_booths
) union all
(select exhid, itemcost as price
from tbl_extras
) e
group by exhid;
This returns the sum for all exhid values. If you want to filter them, then you can use a where clause in either the outer query or both subqueries.
Here is a db<>fiddle.
Booth totals:
select exhid, sum(boothprice) as total_booth_price
from tbl_booths
group by exhid;
Extra totals:
select exhid, sum(itemcost) as total_item_cost
from tbl_extras
group by exhid;
b.total_booth_price + e.total_item_cost as total
select exhid, sum(boothprice) as total_booth_price
from tbl_booths
group by exhid
) b
select exhid, sum(itemcost) as total_item_cost
from tbl_extras
group by exhid
) e using (exhid)
order by exhid;
This only shows exhids that have both booth and extras, though. If one can be missing use a left outer join. If one or the other can be missing, you'd want a full outer join, which MySQL doesn't support.

How to query to capture recency and scale in one query?

I've built a query that calculates the number of ids from a table, per url_count.
with cte as (
select id, count(distinct.url) url_count
from table
group by id
select sum(if(url_count >= 1,1,0) scale
from cte
union all
select sum(if(url_count >= 2,1,0) scale
from cte
union all
select sum(if(url_count >= 3,1,0) scale
from cte
union all
select sum(if(url_count >= 4,1,0) scale
from cte
union all
select sum(if(url_count >= 5,1,0) scale
from cte
The query above says; "Give me the list of ids and the number of urls they each go to, then accumulate the number of ids who have gone to [1-5] or more urls"
It's ofc a tedious method, but works and outputs something like;
| scale |
|867554 |
|523523 |
|342232 |
|145889 |
From this table, I also have a date field on the last 5 days which I'm working on adding into this query. Thus lies the challenge; Trying to add a second layer of information to the query; i.e. Recency. Been working on multiple approaches to building a query that outputs all the combinations of different scales, per the date.
The sort of output I've imagined is a pivot table which presents something like;
| date | url_co1 | url_co2 | url_co3 | url_co4 | url_co5|
|2020-01-05| 1213432 | 1112321 | 984332 | 632131 | 234124 |
|2020-01-04| 1012131 | 934242 | 867554 | 533242 | 134234 |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Where url_co[1-5] represents the number of ids that visited [1-5] or more urls and dates gives up the date that volume was captured. No idea how to write that because once I query:
with cte as (
select id, date, count(distinct.url) url_count
from table
group by id, date
I've aggregated to per id, per date, which therefore something goes wrong. =/
Hope that all made sense!
Please, please help! I would appreciate some guidance.
There must be a methodology for getting the combination of volumes per recency that I've missed!
I don't really follow the full question, but the first query can be simplified to:
select url_count, count(*) as this_count,
sum(url_count) over (order by url_count desc) as descending_count
from (select id, count(distinct url) as url_count
from table
group by id
) t
group by url_count
order by url_count;

How to aggregate based on various conditions

lets say I have a table which stores itemID, Date and total_shipped over a period of time:
ItemID | Date | Total_shipped
1 | 1/20/2000 | 2
2 | 1/20/2000 | 3
1 | 1/21/2000 | 5
2 | 1/21/2000 | 4
1 | 1/22/2000 | 1
2 | 1/22/2000 | 7
1 | 1/23/2000 | 5
2 | 1/23/2000 | 6
Now I want to aggregate based on several periods of time. For example, I Want to know how many of each item was shipped every two days and in total. So the desired output should look something like:
ItemID | Jan20-Jan21 | Jan22-Jan23 | Jan20-Jan23
1 | 7 | 6 | 13
2 | 7 | 13 | 20
How do I do that in the most efficient way
I know I can make three different subqueries but I think there should be a better way. My real data is large and there are several different time periods to be considered i. e. in my real problem I want the shipped items for current_week, last_week, two_weeks_ago, three_weeks_ago, last_month, two_months_ago, three_months_ago so I do not think writing 7 different subqueries would be a good idea.
Here is the general idea of what I can already run but is very expensive for the database
sq1 as (
SELECT ItemID, sum(Total_shipped) sum1
FROM table
WHERE Date BETWEEN '1/20/2000' and '1/21/2000'
sq2 as (
SELECT ItemID, sum(Total_Shipped) sum2
FROM table
WHERE Date BETWEEN '1/22/2000' and '1/23/2000'
sq3 as(
SELECT ItemID, sum(Total_Shipped) sum3
FROM Table
SELECT ItemID, sq1.sum1, sq2.sum2, sq3.sum3
FROM Table
JOIN sq1 on Table.ItemID = sq1.ItemID
JOIN sq2 on Table.ItemID = sq2.ItemID
JOIN sq3 on Table.ItemID = sq3.ItemID
I dont know why you have tagged this question with multiple database.
Anyway, you can use conditional aggregation as following in oracle:
sum(case when "date" between date'2000-01-20' and date'2000-01-21' then total_shipped end) as "Jan20-Jan21",
sum(case when "date" between date'2000-01-22' and date'2000-01-23' then total_shipped end) as "Jan22-Jan23",
sum(case when "date" between date'2000-01-20' and date'2000-01-23' then total_shipped end) as "Jan20-Jan23"
from my_table
group by item_id
sum(total_shipped) filter (where date between '2000-01-20' and '2000-01-21') as "Jan20-Jan21",
sum(total_shipped) filter (where date between '2000-01-22' and '2000-01-23') as "Jan22-Jan23",
sum(total_shipped) filter (where date between '2000-01-20' and '2000-01-23') as "Jan20-Jan23"
from my_table
group by 1
item_id | Jan20-Jan21 | Jan22-Jan23 | Jan20-Jan23
1 | 7 | 6 | 13
2 | 7 | 13 | 20
(2 rows)

Select and count in the same query on two tables

I've got these two tables:
| SUB_Id | SUB_HotelId | SUB_PlanName |
| 1 | cus_AjGG401e9a840D | Free |
| ROO_Id | ROO_HotelId |
| 1 |cus_AjGG401e9a840D |
| 2 |cus_AjGG401e9a840D |
| 3 |cus_AjGG401e9a840D |
| 4 |cus_AjGG401e9a840D |
I'd like to select the SUB_PlanName and count the rooms with the same HotelId.
So I tried:
SELECT COUNT(*) as 'ROO_Count', SUB_PlanName
FROM ___Rooms
JOIN ___Subscriptions
ON ___Subscriptions.SUB_HotelId = ___Rooms.ROO_HotelId
WHERE ROO_HotelId = 'cus_AjGG401e9a840D'
FROM ___Rooms
Where ___Rooms.ROO_HotelId = ___Subscriptions.SUB_HotelId
) as ROO_Count
FROM ___Subscriptions
WHERE SUB_HotelId = 'cus_AjGG401e9a840D'
But I get empty datas.
Could you please help ?
You need to use GROUP BY whenever you do some aggregation(here COUNT()). Below query will give you the number of ROO_ID only for the SUB_HotelId = 'cus_AjGG401e9a840D' because you have this condition in WHERE. If you want the COUNTs for all Hotel_IDs then you can simply remove the WHERE filter from this query.
SELECT s.SUB_PlanName, COUNT(*) as 'ROO_Count'
FROM ___Rooms r
JOIN ___Subscriptions s
ON s.SUB_HotelId = r.ROO_HotelId
WHERE r.ROO_HotelId = 'cus_AjGG401e9a840D'
GROUP BY s.SUB_PlanName;
To be safe, you can also use COUNT(DISTINCT r.ROO_Id) if you don't want to double count a repeating ROO_Id. But your table structures seem to have unique(non-repeating) ROO_Ids so using a COUNT(*) should work as well.

how to get daily profit from sql table

I'm stucking for a solution at the problem of finding daily profits from db (ms access) table. The difference wrt other tips I found online is that I don't have in the table a field "Price" and one "Cost", but a field "Type" which distinguish if it is a revenue "S" or a cost "C"
this is the table "Record"
| Date | Price | Quantity | Type |
|01/02 | 20 | 2 | C |
|01/02 | 10 | 1 | S |
|01/02 | 3 | 10 | S |
|01/02 | 5 | 2 | C |
|03/04 | 12 | 3 | C |
|03/03 | 200 | 1 | S |
|03/03 | 120 | 2 | C |
So far I tried different solutions like:
(SELECT SUM (RS.Price* RS.Quantity)
) as totalSales,
(SELECT SUM (RC.Price*RC.Quantity)
) as totalLosses,
ROUND(totalSales-totaleLosses,2) as NetTotal,
in my mind it could work but obviously it doesn't
SELECT RC.Data, ROUND(SUM (RC.Price*RC.QuantitY),2) as DailyLoss
INTO #DailyLosses
FROM Record RC
SELECT RS.Date, ROUND(SUM (RS.Price*RS.Quantity),2) as DailyRevenue
INTO #DailyRevenues
FROM Record RS
SELECT Date, DailyRevenue - DailyLoss as DailyProfit
FROM #DailyLosses dlos, #DailyRevenues drev
WHERE dlos.Date = drev.Date";
My problem beyond the correct syntax is the approach to this kind of problem
You can use grouping and conditional summing. Try this:
SELECT data.Date, data.Income - data.Cost as Profit
SELECT Record.Date as Date,
SUM(IIF(Record.Type = 'S', Record.Price * Record.Quantity, 0)) as Income,
SUM(IIF(Record.Type = 'C', Record.Price * Record.Quantity, 0)) as Cost,
FROM Record
GROUP BY Record.Date
) data
In this case you first create a sub-query to get separate fields for Income and Cost, and then your outer query uses subtraction to get actual profit.