Getting no access token could be obtained. Aborting error .in tts.agi file microsoft cognitive tts - text-to-speech

Microsoft cognitive text-to-speech not working , and authorize developer accounts by using azure AD but still getiing no access token could be obtained

you can try speech sdk here
it hides the authentication details. following the sample to try
if there are still issues, post the details for us to debug


Sending Emails Securely -

Created a google project in Google Developer Console to have the necessary API credentials.
Configured OAuth2.0 API credentials in OAuth consent screen.
To get the Refresh token and Access token from
I got Authorization Error - 403 Access Denied when I tried to Authorize API
Authorization Error
Error 403: access_denied
The developer hasn’t given you access to this app. It’s currently being tested and it hasn’t been verified by Google. If you think you should have access, contact the developer (
Learn more
Any suggestions would be great.
Follow the following steps: -
Go to console screen
Select +Add Users
Enter your email in it.
Save it and you are good to go.

Office Add-in + Auth0 - Trouble with keeping users logged in

I'm developing an Office Add-in for Outlook. I'm using Auth0 for authenticating users before the client can access my API. So far I'm only allowing users to log in using the username / password connection (no social login).
I'm having an issue with users having to log in quite often.
What I've tried
I've tried to following approaches and failed:
Refresh tokens - not allowed due to the browser context
Silent auth - seems like it's not working that well (sessions are terminated frequently)
Why does the session terminate so frequently (disabling silent auth)?
What decides if the session is terminated at all?
Would it help to use Microsoft social login?
I'm happy to read any relevant material - I'm just not sure where to look. So please reference any material that can be helpful.
If Azure active directory is your Auth provider/ gating access to your API and the user is an O365 user then you can use Single Sign on for office. The capability is currently in preview and will be released soon.
You still need to implement oAuth flow if your add-in is going to be used on outlook mobile or exchange on-prem. In that case after the user complete the oatuh flow. You need to keep a mapping of the exchange identity token and access/ refresh token on your end.
The article linked above explains that as well.

How to stop Alexa passing through a state to MS Azure AD?

I'm trying to create an Alexa skill that authenticates to Microsoft Azure Active Directory V2.
Going through the documentation for Azure AD V2 it seems that a state is passed through, and the one that Alexa is generating seems to be way too large for MS to deal with.
This state seems to result in me getting the error:
Microsoft account is unavailable
Microsoft account is unavailable from this site, so you can't sign in
or sign up. The site may be experiencing a problem.
You can sign in or sign up at other Microsoft Sites and services, or
try again later at this site.
however by fddling the url and changing the &state= to be abc123, it redirects me to the permissions page that I expect.
How can I limit the state parameter that Alexa seems to generate for me?
So this appears to be a known bug with Alexa, where whilst Amazon have made it work for their own 1st party Microsoft account linking, the state that they pass through on 3rd party account linking, can't be controlled, and thus is too large for Microsoft to handle correctly.

Migration token from AuthSub to OAuth2

Recently, AuthSub died...?
Is it possible to migration from session_token of Authsub to refresh_token of OAuth2 ?
Please tell me how to do it if possible.
Its still supported, but is failing for us as well (and others if search twitter for it). I'm wondering if Google is experience a technical issue with AuthSub or if they made a change (e.g. patch/release) earlier this week that is causing the issues?
We see it working for some Google accounts and fail for others - starting on Dec 10/11. So, its not impacting every Google account.
We are currently not capturing the outgoing requests to google. We are using the library gdata-calendar-1.0.jar to make google calendar api calls using AuthSub and the library is throwing an exception with the exception message "Unknown authorization header". This worked perfectly up until Dec 10/11th or so for all of our users.
What is strange is now the same calls do work for certain gmail accounts but not for others.
In our testing we are seeing that turning off the enhanced security in our web application results in the warning displayed to the user on the Google Authorization page but makes the connection work for the accounts that are failing.
Here are the api calls we are making:
AuthSubUtil.exchangeForSessionToken to connect to the google account
CalendarService.query to get events
CalendarService.insert to insert events in calendar
CalendarService.getFeed to get the calendars
AuthSub is still supported by Google as per Google's deprecation policy.
As for a migration path to OAuth2, currently there is none.

Google PHP API - (403) Access Not Configured

Im using the Google PHP API Client to retrieve data from the google API.
Logging in thru OAuth2 and fetch user information works like a charm, but when I'm attempting to access the goole analytics api i get this 403 code error every time. Hundreds of users with the same problem forgot to activate the Google Analytics API in the service settings, or simply provided incorrect credentials (client_id & client_secret). I've tried to enable/disable the Google Analytics multiple times, and logging in/out from my google accounts, but no result.
Anyone that has any pointers for me?
(Remember, the OAuth procedure works, since I'm getting both an access_token and refresh_token)
I'm using the simple.php example in the class examples folder...
I'm working on Drive myself and understand the issue. I've been having some troubles understanding Google and their PHP api somewhat. I've finally got it to work with some clarification of examples found around the internet.
Your problem sounds like you didn't set your scope to Google analytics but, please be clear in the steps you've taken as well as the code you've tried using.
The error could be as simple as forgetting this line in your oAuth callback file:
To something complex as understanding if you need a full paid account to access information from Google about your Analytics (not included as free like Google+ and Google drive).