Reference counting return value of MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice - objective-c

I am using Objective-C without ARC and want to know if I need to free the device returned by MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice when used like so:
id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
I am not sure how id<MTLDevice> works to maintain a reference count. Based on the naming conventions for memory management, I am assuming MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice does not add reference (but could be wrong), but maybe assigning to id<MTLDevice> results in a retain being called?

Yes, you need to release the object when you're done with it. For C functions (rather than Objective-C messages), the relevant naming convention is the Create Rule. Because the function has "Create" in the name, it returns a +1 reference that you are responsible for releasing. (The fact that it's returning an Objective-C type rather than a Core Foundation type isn't important.)
As to id<MTLDevice>, that's id, the generic object type of Objective-C, with a protocol designation <MTLDevice> indicating that the object pointed to by device conforms to the MTLDevice protocol. (Somewhat oddly, that's actually more restrictive than id alone, since the compiler will then warn if you try to invoke methods other than those supported by MTLDevice and its super-protocols.) Not that the object is of some concrete class behind the scenes, it's just a private implementation detail.


LLVM doesn't like Objective-C class method names starting with keyword 'new' [duplicate]

I have experience with pure ARC coding. As a compiler feature it honors Objctive-C method family putting right retain/release calls whenever neeeded.
All methods that start with alloc, mutableCopy, copy and new create a new object. They increase the retain count. As a consequence, ARC will release any pointer (and hence the object associated with it) when I no longer need it.
I think that problems could arise when I write methods that do not follow naming conventions. For example, if I write a method like newCustomer that in a first version returns an autoreleased object while in a second version does not, what could happen?
In particular, my questions are the following (they belong to the same reasoning):
What happens if the calling and called code are both compiled with ARC?
(a) What happens if the calling code is compiled with ARC while the called is compiled with non-ARC?
(b) What happens if the calling code is compiled with non-ARC while the called is compiled with ARC?
It would be appreciated an answer that shows how ARC works under the hood (objc_release, objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue, etc.).
Thank you in advance.
A method named newCustomer would fall within the new method family and is thus implicitly marked as returning an retained object. When both calling and called code is compiled with ARC, then ARC balances the extra retain with a release in the caller:
When returning from such a function or method, ARC retains the value
at the point of evaluation of the return statement, before leaving all
local scopes.
When receiving a return result from such a function or method, ARC
releases the value at the end of the full-expression it is contained
within, subject to the usual optimizations for local values.
If newCustomer is implemented with manual reference counting and violates the naming convention (i.e., does not return a retained object), then the caller can either over release or under release, depending on the circumstances.
If the caller uses ARC, then the object returned from newCustomer will be overreleased - likely causing the program to crash. This is because the calling code will participate in the second half of the above process, without having had a corresponding retain performed prior to that.
If the calling code is not compiled with ARC, but the called code is (thus correctly implementing returning a retained object), then the behavior depends on the programmer following the naming conventions. If they release the returned value, then the object's reference count will be correctly managed. However, if the programmer believes that their new... method does violate the naming convention, and fails to manually insert a release in the calling code, then the object that was returned will leak.
All in all, as Martin R. points out in the comments, the critical determination is whether the naming conventions are followed in any environment including manual reference counting.
Just like any other language, when you violate some of the basic assumptions of the language you wander into the area of undefined behavior. At some point in the future, Apple may modify the internals of how -new... does reference counting. It is up to Apple to make sure that code which conforms to the expected use works, but they won't do that for non-conforming uses.
If you need to know what the actual behavior is for a particular version of a compiler running on a particular system, then you must test for it. Don't assume that behavior will be the same for other compilers or versions of the runtime.
In the end, undefined behavior is undefined behavior. When you build code relying on it, you will eventually be affected by a subtle and difficult to diagnose defect.

Is the `id` type used often writing Objective C programs?

I'm reading the book "Programming in Objective C" and he explained not too much on the id type and didn't give much exercise on it, so I'm wondering how often do you use id and if programmers most of the time avoid it? (since he explained some issues with it)
I'm sure it's used, would be great if you can mention some cases it is the only real life programming cases from some kind of app development.
id is the universal type in Objective C. It can represent a * of any Objective-C type, such as NSString *, NSArray *, etc. The neat thing about Objective-C is that you can send messages to id, and if the object on the other end understands the message, it will get processed as usual without the sender having to know the real type.
It's commonly used when defining anything generic. For example, NSArray is an array of ids; it's up to the programmer to put a specific kind of object in the container (e.g. NSNumber, NSString, etc.). It's used in a lot of other places in Objective-C (such as when defining IBActions for the interface builder, when defining init methods, etc.).
id is the generic object type in Objective-C. It can hold any object.
one real world example: parsing json you wont know, if the root element is a array or a dictionary. But id would take them both.
I use it a lot, but often in conjunction with a protocol definition: id<NetworkPrinterProtocol>. This means that it should be an object of any kind but it does fulfill the NetworkPrinterProtocol. Often used for defining delegates.
see WP: Objective-C — Dynamic Typing
The id is kind of like a catch-all data type. It is used to hold values of any type.
Common uses are for the return type of init... methods. It's used by the collection classes since they can hold any object. See the various getter methods return values and the various methods for adding/setting objects in the mutable version of collection classes.
It's also used in combination with protocols when you need a reference to an object that can be any class but must adhere to a protocol. Examples include many of the delegate properties such as the UITableView delegate.

What method families exist in objective-c/cocoa for iOS?

I am a experienced developer that is new to iOS developement (on iPhone in particular). A project I am working on is using Automatic Reference Counting (ARC).
I was doing some research on ARC and came across this document: and in a section titled: "Retained return values" it states that an attribute can be used to indicate that the caller expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count. It also goes on to state that ARC will automatically add the attribute to methods if it detects it is in particular method families (it specifically names: alloc, copy, init, mutableCopy, and new)
From further reading it seems that method families are simply method naming conventions. My understanding is that if the method name starts with a method family then it is in that method family. So for example
+(id) init
+(id) initWithName:(NSString*)name
are both part of the init method family.
My question is: Is there a formal list of defined Method Families for iOS development and if so, what are they / where might I find it?
below is the section I mentioned above:
Section 3.2.2: Retained return values states:
A function or method which returns a retainable object pointer type
may be marked as returning a retained value, signifying that the
caller expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count. This is done by
adding the ns_returns_retained attribute to the function or method
declaration, like so:
id foo(void) __attribute((ns_returns_retained));
- (id) foo __attribute((ns_returns_retained)); This attribute is part of the type of the function or method.
When returning from such a function or method, ARC retains the value
at the point of evaluation of the return statement, before leaving all
local scopes.
When receiving a return result from such a function or method, ARC
releases the value at the end of the full-expression it is contained
within, subject to the usual optimizations for local values.
Rationale: this formalizes direct transfers of ownership from a callee
to a caller. The most common scenario this models is the retained
return from init, alloc, new, and copy methods, but there are other
cases in the frameworks. After optimization there are typically no
extra retains and releases required.
Methods in the alloc, copy, init, mutableCopy, and new families are
implicitly marked attribute((ns_returns_retained)). This may be
suppressed by explicitly marking the method
It is undefined behavior if the method to which an Objective-C message
send statically resolves has different retain semantics on its result
from the method it dynamically resolves to. It is undefined behavior
if a block or function call is made through a static type with
different retain semantics on its result from the implementation of
the called block or function.
Rationale: Mismatches with returned results will cause over-retains or
over-releases, depending on the direction. Again, the rule about
function calls is really just an application of the existing C/C++
rule about calling functions through an incompatible function type.
Section 5 of the same document is titled "Method Families". It lists all the currently defined families, which are the ones you identified above; alloc, new, copy, mutableCopy, and init. It also lists the criteria for being part of that family. Mostly, it's just based on the method name, but it also depends on the return type. For example, a member of the copy family must return an object; a copy method that has a void return type will not be considered part of the copy method family.
I don't know that I've seen a formal list of method families, but your analysis is basically correct. I believe the only method naming conventions that have compiler-enforced semantics are those mentioned in your post, namely alloc, init, copy (and mutableCopy), and new. Even before/without ARC, the clang static analyzer included in Xcode uses those naming conventions to find memory management problems, and they're also the basis of the longstanding memory management rules for Objective-C programmers prior to ARC.
Namely, if you create an object using a method that begins with init, copy, mutableCopy or new, you "own" that object and are responsible for releasing it later. Objects created or returned by methods with any other name, are not owned by you, the caller, and if you want to keep a reference to them, you must retain them. Every retain you make must be balanced by a later release, when you're done with the object reference. Finally, calling autorelease on an object puts it in the innermost autorelease pool. The pool is responsible for releasing the object later, where later is sometime after the current scope. So, release and autorelease are both valid ways of relinquishing your retain on an object.
Now, the rules I've set forth shouldn't (and can't) be followed by you, the programmer, under ARC. However, ARC is essentially a system whereby the compiler with help from the static analyzer knows these rules and inserts the necessary memory management calls for you at compile time. So, if you're looking to develop an understanding of what ARC is doing behind-the-scenes, understanding these rules is a good start.
This turned out a bit longwinded, but the point is that the methods you've named are the only ones I know of that have this enforced naming convention in Objective-C, and it stems from the memory management rules set forth above. There are other naming conventions in Objective-C, to be sure, but they're standard style conventions, not something that's enforced anywhere.
Look at official Apple Developer documentation about Memory Management Rules. Seems, your list is complete: “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy” (only 4 keywords).
I would include the convenience constructors provided by some Cocoa classes:
- +stringWith* // Various ways to make NSString objects
- +arrayWith*, +dictionaryWith*, etc. // Make collections
- +dateWith* // Make NSDate objects
- etc. // Many, many others
They all return a new, autoreleased instance of the class they are sent to - except for some special cases, see for instance #Peter Hosey's comment.
I don't know if there are any formal rules, but the pattern is that the constructor name is composed of the class name without the NS part (and without the Mutable part, too, for mutable classes) followed by With<Parameter Type>: and one or more parameters. The name begins with a lower case letter (except the usual suspects, like URLWithString:.)
For instance, the following line provides an autoreleased NSArray instance with a single element:
[NSArray arrayWithObject: #"Test"]
I don't know if there are any special rules in the compiler to recognize this type of constructor.

How are data members stored in an object?

I know that in Objective C, every object has first 4 bytes [depending upon type of processor ] as an isa pointer stored in it that tells which class it belongs to and what dispatch table to use to resolve a selector to address of a function.
What I wanted to know was , how are data members stored and accessed in these methods.
self is passed as an implicit object in each function being called.
We use setters n getters to handle data members in other member function as a good practice,
but when we directly refer to a data member in an initializer or an accesor, how are they accessed. Are they replaced by some address at compile time or something else ?
Actually afaik the memory layout is implementation specific, but should give you a pretty good idea of the inner works of object data and object messaging.
When you use a direct member access, what basically happens is that you're fetching straight from the "struct" that is your actual object. That is, the compiler is basically just adding an offset to the address of your object/struct and reading the contents of that memory address.
Maybe I should add that this is reverse engineered from XCode and not written in any specification I can find, so depending on this behavior is most likely a bad idea. Since external access to the iVars is not allowed, the decision is basically up to the compiler and could be changed at any time.
Edit: as #FrederickCheung points out, Objective C 2.0 may have changed this behavior.
It's not as simple as a compile time offset calculation, at least not in objective C 2.0 on the 64bit OS X and iOS runtimes. These support stuff like superclasses changing their instance variable layout without breaking subclasses that were compiled against the old layout by adding a layer of indirection.
The runtime api docs describe the API one can use to set instance variables and so on but doesn't elaborate on their implementation.

Use of __attribute__'s in ARC-managed Code

When ARC came to Objective-C, I did my best to read through the Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) guide posted on the Clang project website to get a better hang of what it was about. What I found there (and no where else) was mention of using __attribute__ declarations to signify to ARC whether certain code autoreleases its return value, for instance (__attribute__((ns_returns_autoreleased))), or whether it 'consumes' a parameter (__attribute((ns_consumed)), and so on.
However, it seems that the guide gives very little word on the actual level of necessity these declarations hold. Excluding them seems to make no difference, neither when running the static analyzer nor when running the project itself. Do these even make a difference? Is there any advantage to labeling a method with __attribute__((objc_method_family(new)))? No article I've found on ARC makes mention of these specifiers at all; perhaps an ARC guru can give word on what these are used for.
(Personally, I include all relevant specifiers just in case, but find that they make code obfuscated and messy.)
These attributes are expressly for abnormal cases, such as:
A function or method parameter of retainable object pointer type may be marked as consumed, signifying that the callee expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count.
A function or method which returns a retainable object pointer type may be marked as returning a retained value, signifying that the caller expects to take ownership of a +1 retain count.
You don't normally do these things, so you don't normally use these attributes. With no attributes, the normal behavior—the NARC rule, or perhaps under ARC I should say CAN—is what the compiler implements and expects.
There are two reasons to use these attributes:
In order to violate the CAN rule; that is, to have a method not so named that returns a reference, or a method so named that doesn't. The attribute documents the violation in the method's prototype, and may even be necessary to implement it, if the implementation uses ARC.
Working with Core Foundation types, including Core Graphics types. These aren't ARCed, so you need to use the bridging attributes to aid conversion to and from “retainable object pointer” types.
That's not necessary in most of the cases, since LLVM & Clang knows ObjC naming conventions. So if you follow the standard naming conventions of Cocoa, LLVM automagically assumes the corresponding family/return memory policy to follow.
Namely, if you declare a method named initWith... it will automatically consider it as the "init" family of methods, no need to specify __attribute__((objc_method_family(init))), Clang automatically detect it; same for the new family, etc.
In fact, you only need to use the __attribute__ specifiers when Clang can't guess such cases, which in practice rarely occurs (in practice I never had to use it), or only if you don't respect naming conventions:
Quoting Clang Language Extensions Documentation:
Many methods in Objective-C have conventional meanings determined by their selectors. For the purposes of static analysis, it is sometimes useful to be able to mark a method as having a particular conventional meaning despite not having the right selector, or as not having the conventional meaning that its selector would suggest. For these use cases, we provide an attribute to specifically describe the method family that a method belongs to.
So as soon as you respect the naming conventions (which you should always do) you won't have anything do to.
You should definitely stick to naming conventions wherever possible.
It's clearer to read.
Attributes can introduce build errors if there is a conflict.
ARC semantics combined with attributes are relatively fragile.