IntelliJ "Problems" view shows only few errors - intellij-idea

IntelliJ "Problems" view shows only few errors.
Any setting to show all the errors? or is there a limit to number of lines displayed in the Problems view that we can increase?
I'm using Community edition.


IntelliJ problem tab not showing live issues - problems tree does

we are using IntelliJ 2018.2 and we just migrated from Eclipse and we have some issues with the error views in IntelliJ.
We activated "Make project automatically" and now we can see new errors in the "Problems" - tree view on the left side even without saving the file (that works great). But we can not see how many errors exist within the file and there are no details about the error.
Now we tried the bottom "Problems" - tab instead of the tree because we do need the project view on the left side to navigate.
The bottom "Problems" tab does not show any errors at all until we hit "Build project". Just saving a file does not show any errors.
Why is this behaviour as it is? Is there an option to move the problems tree to the bottom area and let the project view on the left side as it is right now?

Show terminal and database sections on IntelliJ IDEA

I'm trying to show terminal and database sections on IntelliJ IDEA 17.1.3 but I'm not winning. Am I not doing it right by hovering on the bottom left corner or by going to View and Tools Windows? Any idea on how to go about this?

"Naviagate to related view" notation in editor margin

I am getting the 5 icons in the margin of an editor for a Spring Controller. The mouse-over says "Navigate to related view". How can I get rid of the multiples?
I can live with 1, but definitely don't need 5. All 5 icons take me to the same line of a JSP.
Intellij 13.0.1
This is a bug -- -- that is fixed and will be in 13.0.2.

How to see live list of syntax errors in WebStorm 7 (or IntelliJ)?

While editing a JavaScript file, the IDE shows highlights on the lines that have problems and displays the lightbulb when you're on one of those lines.
How can I see a live list of all problems found in the current file (e.g. syntax errors)?
The only way I found so far was to manually run inspection and check the inspection window. That's quite cumbersome. Even the "Problems" section of the Project window updates itself automatically as soon as I change the code (even without saving) - but it doesn't display the actual errors (only which files have errors).
Apparently the IDE knows what errors exist in the file - I just can't find a way to see all of them in a list.
In every other IDE I know, it is a built-in, enabled-by-default, feature: eclipse, visual studio, brackets, etc.
Apparently this is an open issue on the IntelliJ family of products. Please upvote that issue if you feel it is missing as well!

Missing "messages" window after compilation in IntelliJ

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12. When I run "make project", "debug" or "run" task it does some compiling, shows little bubble that there are warnings, shows grayed-out tool window "message" and after few seconds it hides the nameplate of messages window.
Why is compile log missing? What to do to fix this? I'd like to see (in IDE) what causes those warnings...
PS: I'm not sure, but it might started doing this when I started using Scala (it's now a mixed Scala-Java project).
If you've previously selected "Hide Warnings" then the Messages window is unavailable if there are no compilation errors. It is not even possible to show the empty window using View->Tool Windows-> Message or Alt-0.
introduce a compilation error
build, the Messages window should reappear to show your error (or at least be accessible via the View menu)
go to the Messages window and deselect Hide Warnings
fix the compilation error
Rebuild Project and all your warnings will be visible
(I had the same symptoms on 13.0.2 and this worked for me)
For me, it pops up on "Rebuild Project". Maybe that helps.
The window should be there any time IDEA compiles the code. (If there is a not a code change, and you rerun something there is no compiling done and the message window will not show). It is accessible (by default) via Alt+0 (Zero, not the letter 'Oh') or via View > Tools Windows > Messages
You may have a combination of some tool window settings causing this.
If all the tool window buttons are hidden, the messages tool window will be as well. You can toggle this setting via View > Tool Button or the icon in the very bottom left corner of the IDE. To temporarily show the buttons when hidden, hit the Alt twice, holding it down on the second hit.
If the messages tool window is not set to "Docked Mode" and "Pinned Mode" it will close after the compile.
If the above is not the issue, make sure you are using the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA, v12.1.6, and the latest version of the scala plug-in, v0.22.302 (Go to Settings > [IDE Settings] > Plugins and look for the scala plug-in). Those versions work as expected for me.
Looks like u do not have any errors and warnings! In this case in Idea "Messages" tool window auto disappears. I hade the same issue and passes half an hour to understand the reason!