Compare DATE without year - sql

I want to display the list of employees who were hired in the first quarter of each year.
In my table, I have an attribute called emp_hiredate.
Currently, I only know how to get the employees who are hired on the first quarter of 2020,2019 and the values I set every time. Is there a way I can do something that is LIKE date?
For example date the dates (ddmmyyyy) '20-Mar-2018','10-Jan-2019','26-Jan-2020' is an example of the expected output.
And '15-Apr-2017','22-Dec-2019' are examples of dates I do not want.
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_hiredate <= '31-Mar-2017'
This is so far what I know. All I need is to make it check each year. It would be something like this
SELECT * FROM employee WHERE emp_hiredate < '31-Mar'
I know this is incorrect but if it should help you understand what I mean.

You can DATEPART() to get the quarter of the year.
DATEPART(quarter, emp_hiredate ) = 1

Select * form Emp_table
where datediff(months,hi


How to list records with conditional values and non-missing records

I have a view that produces the result shown in the image below. I need help with the logic.
List of all employees who achieved no less than 100% target in ALL Quarters in past two years.
"B" received 90% in two different quarters. An employee who received less than 100% should NOT be listed.
Notice that "A" didn't work for Q2-2016. An employee who didn't work for that quarter should NOT be listed.
"C" is the only one who worked full two years, and received 100% in each quarter.
Edit: added image link showing Employee name,Quarter, Year, and the score.
The logic is pretty easy, it's math with quarters that is a bit of a pain.
There are 8 quarters in the last two years, so you simply need to select all the employee names in the last two years with a target >= 100%, group by employee name, and apply a HAVING clause to limit the output to those employees with count(*) = 8.
To get the current year and quarter, you can use these expressions:
cast(extract('year' from current_date) as integer) as yr,
(cast(extract('month' from current_date) as integer)-1) / 3 + 1 as quarter;
Subtract 2 from the current year to find the previous year and quarter. The code will be clearer if you put these expressions in a subquery because you will need them multiple times for the quarter arithmetic. To do the quarter arithmetic you must extract the integer value of the quarter from the text values you have stored.
Altogether, the solution should look something like this:
(select employee, cast(right(quarter,1) as integer) as qtr, year
from your_table
where target >= 100
) as tgt
cross join (
cast(extract('year' from current_date) as integer) as yr,
(cast(extract('month' from current_date) as integer)-1) / 3 + 1 as quarter
) as qtr
tgt.year between qtr.yr-1 and qtr.yr
or (tgt.year = qtr.yr - 2 and tgt.qtr > qtr.quarter)
group by
count(*) = 8;
This is untested.
If you happen to be using Postgres and expect to be doing a lot of quarter arithmetic you may want to define a custom data type as described in A Year and Quarter Data Type for PostgreSQL

calculating month salary for an employee

I am working on my Database in MS Access 2010
and i Need to build a query to Calculate the month salary for each Employee
it goes like this :
Input from user , which Year
Input from user again , which Month
Show Every Employee's Salary for the Input date
There are 2 Tables in the Query : Shifts , Employees
Shifts has a field for EmployeeID and a field for Day
Day field format is : Short Date
The problem is i don't know how to access the Month and the Year only !
I know that this is completely wrong , but i wanna do something like this:
FROM EmployeesTBL INNER JOIN ShiftsTBL ON EmployeesTBL.EmployeeID = ShiftsTBL.EmployeeID
Year(ShiftsTBL.Day)=[Enter Year]
Month(ShiftsTBL.Day)=[Enter Month]
What do i need to write after SELECT to get the Sum of all Shifts and divide it by number of days the emp worked
Note : in the Shifts Table , i have EntryDate and ExitDate for every shift
Access has a bunch of built in date functions. I believe Month(date) and Year(date) will give you what you need.
Something like
FROM Employees, Shifts
WHERE Employees.EmployeeID = Shifts.EmployeeID
Month(Shifts.Day) = INPUT2.VALUE
Year(Shifts.Day) = INPUT1.VALUE
should get you what you want!
EDIT: Aggregation: how this works will depend on how your database is set up. I think I understand you want to sum the hours worked and divide by the number of days?
If so, you will use Sum() and Count(). And you will Group By EmployeeID
SELECT Sum(Shifts)/Count(DaysWorked) AS SumDividedByCount
ON EmployeesTBL.EmployeeID = ShiftsTBL.EmployeeID
Year(ShiftsTBL.[Day])=[Enter Year]
Month(ShiftsTBL.[Day])=[Enter Month]
I used the WHERE clause because I think the results need to be filtered before they're grouped. If the results needed to be filtered after they were grouped, the HAVING clause would be used (and would go AFTER the GROUP BY)

View data by date after Format 'mmyy'

I'm trying to answer questions like, how many POs per month do we have? Or, how many lines are there in every PO by month, etc. The original PO dates are all formatted #1/1/2013#. So my first step was to Format each PO record date into 'mmyy' so I could group and COUNT them.
This worked well but, now I cannot view the data by date... For example, I cannot ask 'How many POs after December did we get?' I think this is because SQL does not recognize mm/yy as a comparable date.
Any ideas how I could restructure this?
There are 2 queries I wrote. This is the query to format the dates. This is also the query I was trying to add the date filter to (ex: >#3/14#)
SELECT qryALL_PO.POLN, Format([PO CREATE DATE],"mm/yy") AS [Date]
GROUP BY qryALL_PO.POLN, Format([PO CREATE DATE],"mm/yy");
My group and counting query is:
You can still count and group dates, as long as you have a way to determine the part of the date you are looking for.
In Access you can use year and month for example to get the year and month part of the date:
select year(mydate)
, month(mydate)
, count(*)
from tableX
by year(mydate)
, month(mydate)
You can format it 'YYYY-MM' , and then use '>' for 'after' clause

Display a rolling 12 weeks chart in SSRS report

I am calling the data query in ssrs like this:
SELECT * FROM [DATABASE].[dbo].[mytable]
So, the current week is the last week from the query (e.g. 3/31 - 4/4) and each number represents the week before until we have reached the 12 weeks prior to this week and display in a point chart.
How can I accomplish grouping all the visits for all locations by weeks and adding it to the chart?
I suggest updating your SQL query to Group by a descending Dense_Rank of DatePart(Week,ARRIVED_DATE). In this example, I have one column for Visits because I couldn't tell which columns you were using to get your Visit count:
-- load some test data
if object_id('tempdb..#MyTable') is not null
drop table #MyTable
create table #MyTable(ARRIVED_DATE datetime,Visits int)
while (select count(*) from #MyTable) < 1000
insert into #MyTable values
-- Sum Visits by WeekNumber relative to today's WeekNumber
dense_rank() over(order by datepart(week,ARRIVED_DATE) desc) [Week],
sum(Visits) Visits
from #MyTable
where datepart(week,ARRIVED_DATE) >= datepart(week,getdate()) - 11
group by datepart(week,ARRIVED_DATE)
order by datepart(week,ARRIVED_DATE)
Let me know if I can provide any more detail to help you out.
You are going to want to do the grouping of the visits within SQL. You should be able to add a calculated column to your table which is something like WorkWeek and it should be calculated on the days difference from a certain day such as Sunday. This column will then by your X value rather than the date field you were using.
Here is a good article that goes into first day of week: First Day of Week

SQL How to convert date DD-MM-YYYY to MM-YYYY and retrieve most recent records?

Hi I have to retrieve from my table most recent records that match a given MM-YYYY, but the date field in the table is DD-MM-YYYY, how do I get this done?
Thank you very much
Best Regards
How many of the most recent records do you need?
Could you not query for all the dates in the relevant month, order by the dates, and then only select the results you need from the top of the list.
For example:
FROM your_table
WHERE date_time_field >= '20120101'
AND date_time_field < '20120201'
ORDER BY date_time_field DESC
This would select the most recent record from January of this year.
Change the number inside the TOP() statement to change the number of results returned, or leave it off altogether and take comfort in the fact that your results are ordered.
SELECT * FROM `your`.`schemaTableNames` WHERE your_coulumn_name LIKE "%-MM-YYYY";
should give you the matching records, as you wrote that you want to retrieve.
Have you tried using DateDiff(month, date1, date2) == 0 in your where clause?
This assumes that you can convert both values to DATETIME. If you only have the year and the month, every month has day 01.
to convert a date to desire format you can use style to retrive the records date formats
The following works:
right(select convert(varchar, <date field>, 110), 7)
The full query would look someting like this:
select *
from table
where right(select convert(varchar, <date field>, 110), 7) = 'MM-YYYY'