Where can I find vue cli 2 docs? - vue.js

I need different build modes for my vue cli 2 application and I've checked multiple resources but all of them are for vue cli 3. Then I tried to find docs for vue cli 2 but I wasn't able to find them as well.

Check this one for v2 related docs:


How to use vue 3 with nuxt?

I'm using Nuxt3 for a project and when installing it with the cli in the docs it generated a vue 2.7 project.
How can I get to use vue 3?
If you want to use Vue3, you'll need to follow CLI's instructions for Nuxt3 located here: https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/introduction
If you want to use some Vue-specific packages, here you are: https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/directory-structure/plugins/#vue-plugins

which version of vue.js is required by vuesax?

I want to use vuesax on my first project and I fell in love with vuesax components. I am actually using Vue cli 2.
Which version of Vue is required by vuesax?
vuesax 3.x and 4.x depend on Vue 2.
So vuesax projects need the latest version of Vue 2 in your project (currently 2.6.14):
npm i -S vue#2

I've Electron Project and I'd like to use vueJS into it

I've Electron Project, but I can't use vuejs inside it...so how to use vuejs inside it? or I should install vue cli and install electron?
The easiest way that I have seen currently is to create your Vue site first, with vue-cli 3, and then a vue-cli-plugin- but not electron-vue, which is stale. Use vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder. Starting with this, you can then add all the Vue you want.

Adding Routing to a Vue.js cli 3.0 app

The new Vue.js 3.0 plugin architecture is nice, but it seems to to be missing a router plugin. If I choose not to install routing when I first create the project (vue create my-project), I'd expect that I could change my mind later and add routing with something like vue add #vue/router, but that plugin doesn't appear to exist. Is there a way to add routing from the CLI after the fact?
After some experimenting with vue-cli3, i found that you can use vue add to setup components you missed.
Use vue add router That set up the routing and created some sample components Home and About.
This also work for other modules like adding vuetify with vue add vuetify. You can read more about vue add from the plugins and presets guide
Have a look at the issue page here: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/issues/1202, the conclusion is you can't use cli to add router if you didn't choose router initially.
With three reasons:
Late-adding router when you've already modified the entry file is extremely fragile.
If you haven't modified the file much, you can just re-generate the project instead.
If we only add the dependency and skip the file-modifying part, then it's easier to just npm install vue-router or yarn add vue-router.

AOT in angular 5 without using CLI

Before Angular 5 release I could configure AOT by following official doc https://angular.io/guide/aot-compiler
I understand that official documentation switched the focus to CLI. Is there any structured guide about Angular 5 AOT without using CLI?
(I've seen this link https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/19339#issuecomment-332607471)