AOT in angular 5 without using CLI - angular5

Before Angular 5 release I could configure AOT by following official doc
I understand that official documentation switched the focus to CLI. Is there any structured guide about Angular 5 AOT without using CLI?
(I've seen this link


Nativescript-vue version 3 support?

Is there already support for vue 3 or do we have to wait for another version?
looking in the documentation I can not find information about it
According to nativescript-vue GitHub Issue #583:
Support for Vue 3 is not yet officially released
There is a public GitHub repo and NPM package (nativescript-vue#3.0.0-dev.4), but no documentation.
Video demo
They released a beta now for NativeScript Vue 3.

Ionic build production shows html errors

I am facing issue while generating production build using ionic. I am using ionic 5 with capacitor 2.2.0
Below is the screenshot of the errors. I am able to do development build(ionic build) successfully, but facing issues with ionic build --prod
Above are the html errors which are not observed when executing ionic build, but observed when we execute ionic build --prod.
As I know production build reduces the file size, but I am not able to understand what is causing the html errors as per the above screenshot.
Is it a problem with angular devkit? Also, I am using angular version 8.
It's intended
With prod it will build with types check in html
If you set the networkAvailable to public it should work

Where can I find vue cli 2 docs?

I need different build modes for my vue cli 2 application and I've checked multiple resources but all of them are for vue cli 3. Then I tried to find docs for vue cli 2 but I wasn't able to find them as well.
Check this one for v2 related docs:

Angular 6 migration PWA not working

I have recently migrated my app to Angular 6, it was working fine in angular 5, I faced a lot of issues but anyhow I resolved them, but PWA I am not able to migrate, in angular 5 PWA was working fine, but in 6 Giving below error ...
when I am running
command ng add #angular/PWA its showing error
**Error **
target is not defined for the specified project
Please help how to migrate or add PWA in Angular 6
This was already answered in the comment, but since this was the correct solution here's again what to do:
ng add #angular/pwa --project *project-name*
The above command adds the #angular/service-worker package to your project.
Source: Adding a service worker to your project

How to setup Angular CLI project to compile Typescript for Express server

I created an Angular CLI project and followed the excellent MEAN App with Angular 2 and the Angular CLI tutorial to set up an Express server. However the instructions only lay down JavaScript files for the server.
Is there a standard way to alter the Angular CLI configuration to build the server source from Typescript files?