Problems with Odoo v12 installation - odoo

I need to install Odoo V12 in my laptop and I having some problems with it.
When I run the ./odoo-bin command for running the server this is the log.
It seems okey but when I run http://localhost:8069/ is not working.
; This is the password that allows database operations:
; admin_passwd = admin
db_host = localhost
db_port = 5432
db_user = odoo
db_password = False
logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log
addons_path = /opt/odoo/core/addons,/opt/odoo/core/odoo/addons
xmlrpc_port = 8269
Postgres user list:
Anyone knows what's happening?
Thanks for reading!

Check if db is working and permission on config file.
sudo chown odoo: /etc/odoo-server.conf
sudo chmod 640 /etc/odoo-server.conf

actually problem is with process's pid.
You have to kill process which is running on localhost:8069 port.
fire this commands:-
ps aux|grep odoo
Their find your command like (ODOO_FOLDER_PATH/odoo-bin )
Kill this process with
sudo kill -9 pid(pid is the process id , find where you located the line : second column)


error in installing my_sql on AWS EMR cluster

I'm trying to start up MYSQL on my EMR cluster but it's showing as ERROR 1045 (2800): Access denied as shown in picture posted . Wat should i do ?ERROR
After executing these commands :
tar -xvf mysql-connector-java-8.0.25.tar.gz
cd mysql-connector-java-8.0.25/
sudo cp mysql-connector-java-8.0.25.jar /usr/lib/sqoop/lib/
I tried setting password of database but it wasn't connecting to it .
it took my 3 days for getting how to install mysql on EMR
Install MySQL using the following command:
sudo yum install mysql-server -y
Start the MySQL service using the following command:
sudo service mysqld start
Set a root password for MySQL using the following command:
sudo mysqladmin -u root password yourpassword
Optionally, you can secure your MySQL installation by running the secure installation script using the following command:
sudo mysql_secure_installation
This script will prompt you to set the root password, remove anonymous users, disallow root login remotely, remove the test database, and reload the privilege tables.

customizing the redis cache data directory

I have installed the redis in centos stream 8,
my requirement was to change default directory to custom directory default directory is "/var/lib/redis" i have changed it to "/root/data" and changed the directory owner/group to redis and permission to 755
changed the custom data directory path in "/etc/redis.conf" file and restarted the redis service..
it is getting failed and checked in the "/var/log/redis/redis.log" file the error is Can't chdir to '/root/data': Permission denied
Can anyone help me out on this issue.. Thanks in advance..
This permission denied issue has nothing to do with file/dir perms as one should think, but rather with a safety measure that Redis implements at service level.
Steps to change the DB on Ubuntu 22
We will be changing the Db from the standard /var/lib/redis path to new /dirA/dirB path
mkdir -p /dirA/dirB
sudo systemctl stop redis.service
sudo nano /etc/redis/redis.conf and edit the line reading: dir /var/lib/redis to read dir /dirA/dirB. Save file and exit
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/redis.service. Add a new line reading ReadWritePaths=-/dirA/dirB. Save file and exit
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start redis.service
Ready to go with a new DB!
This, on my test machine, caused the stopjobs to stuck so reboots took a lot of time. To solve it you can set TimeoutStopSec to a number different from 0 on /etc/systemd/system/redis.service
5s or 10s are rather used values.

Docker entrypoint initdb PERMISSION DENIED

I am getting the following error when I run docker-compose up:
Thanks a lot for your help
I resolved this problem by adding this to the Dockerfile after it copies the scripts to docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
RUN chown -R mysql:mysql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
Example Dockerfile:
FROM mysql:latest
COPY ./sql-scripts/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
RUN chown -R mysql:mysql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
CMD ["mysqld", "--character-set-server=utf8mb4", "--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci"]
The next step is to build the image:
docker build -t image-db:latest .
The next step is to create the container
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name container-db image-db:latest
You should not override the postgres image entrypoint. It is designed to look for .sql files in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ directory (See line in script).
You should just mount your .sql files into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ and it should be processed on startup (only if database does not already exist)
I had the same issue, however, my problem occurred due to Linux user. I am using root as a runner so the problem happened because the mounting volume in the local machine did not have permissions. in this regard, I used chmod -R 777 scripts and it worked fine. Technically, you need to set permissions for both local machine and your container.

Odoo custom addon_path not found

I setup a clean Debian 10 vps, launch this setup script
and all seems is correctly installed
I can't get the /odoo/custom/addons folder to work
Odoo Enterprise
This is the /etc/odoo-server.conf
; This is the password that allows database operations:
admin_passwd = xxxxxxxxxx
xmlrpc_port = 8069
logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log
addons_path = /odoo/enterprise/addons,/odoo/odoo-server/addons,/odoo/custom/addons
proxy_mode = True
service odoo-server restart
checking on the log the directory is found
2020-11-18 09:32:46,144 4683 INFO ? odoo: addons paths: ['/odoo/odoo-server/odoo/addons',
'/odoo/.local/share/Odoo/addons/14.0', '/odoo/enterprise/addons', '/odoo/odoo-server/addons',
All modules inside /odoo/custom/addons have correct permissions "odoo:odoo" and 755
Activated developer mode with assets
In apps menu clicked on update module list
New addon doesn't show in App list... :(
Same addon here /odoo/odoo-server/addons works
Before all things, change permissions using:
sudo chmod -R odoo:odoo /added_path_of_addons/
Stop server using:
sudo /etc/init.d/odoo-server stop
Then restart it again:
sudo /etc/init.d/odoo-server start
enter image description here
pic1 stop and start servise odoo after check pic2
odoo---server---odoo.conf---addons_path:Give the address your module want
enter image description here

How to get permission to edit the file apache2.conf? [Ubuntu]

I'm a beginner Ruby on Rails Programmer and I'm trying to install Apache2 + Passenger(That's for Rails Deployment).. and at the end of the installation process, Passenger gave me a few lines to add to the file apache2.conf at /etc/apache2/ but I can't override this file.. I have no permission =( I've also uploaded an image showing me the error.
P.S => I'm logged into Ubuntu with my username and password.
Please help! and thanks,
The simplest way is to open the file with the sudoedit program, as in
sudoedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
which will prompt for your password and then open your editor.
After the installation has completed, add phpmyadmin to the apache configuration.
sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
Add the phpmyadmin config to the file. Include
Restart apache:
sudo service apache2 restart
If you are a beginner in GNU/Linux, I want to notice, for run command with root privileges run it with sudo:
sudo <your_command>
If you want to get root privileges for current terminal session (no need to type sudo each command) run:
sudo -i
I hope this will help someone considering the number of years since the last post. I tried this, and it worked for me.
sudo bash
Then the command to edit. Then save the file. Below is the site I got the procedure from.
Enter the command:
sudo nano /etc/apache2.conf
Or you can use the following chmod 777 usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf
this will enable you to read/write the config file but be warned if you are planning on putting apache2 online you must revert it back to the old permissions chmod 640 usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf