How to use qt-gstreamer with qtquick2videosink on Qt5 on Raspberry Pi3 - qt5

I built qt-gstreamer from source code on GitHub (version 1.2.0). Then I tried to run qmlplayer2 application (built from qt-gstreamer and use qtquick2videosink) on qt5 on Raspberry Pi3 but I got the following error at runtime:
(gst-plugin-scanner:3749): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin
/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ undefined symbol:
_Z33gst_qt_quick2_video_sink_get_typev Failed to create qtquick2videosink. Make sure it is installed correctly
(qmlplayer2:8517): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_bin_add: assertion
'GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed
(qmlplayer2:8517): GStreamer-CRITICAL **:
gst_element_link_pads_filtered: assertion 'GST_IS_ELEMENT (dest)'

Look at source code of qt-gstreamer, i found that the function gst_qt_quick2_video_sink_get_type() is implemented in gstqtquick2videosink.cpp but this file was not compiled due to missing configuration in cmake related to OpenGL.
I config cmake as below :
then rebuild and deploy new file to /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ on target device. After that qmlplayer2 application work fine.


Graalvm native-image windows support

I am trying to convert my jar file using graalvm native image. However, it gives an error like,
native-image -jar NativeTest2.jar
Error: Platform specified as windows-amd64 isn't supported.
Error: Image build request failed with exit status 1

Failed to map the library when using ISE to simulate a program connected with Modelsim

ERROR: Failed to map the library
Reason: couldn't execute "vmap": no such file or directory`
I have tried to re-compile the Xilinx library, but failed. Could anyone spare time to give me some help?

Adding sub module to project causing gradle build failures in Android studio 3.0 with gradle version 4.1

I added sub module library vertical-stepper-form version 0.9.8, while I set dependency of this library on my app module. I was able to do it successfully.
I am using Android Studio 3.0 with gradle version 4.1, few of the classes in project are in kotlin and others in java
When I started gradle sync it gave me this error. The gradle is not building and showing below issues :
Information:Gradle tasks [:vertical-stepper-form:generateDebugSources,
:app:generateInstallDebugAndroidTestSources, :app:mockableAndroidJar]
D:\Devavrata\project/package/src/main/res/abc.xml Error:error:
attribute 'com.spireon.install:src' not found.
Error:attribute 'com.spireon.install:src' not found. Error:failed
linking file resources. Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: AAPT2 error: check logs for
details Error:java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: AAPT2 error: check logs for
details AAPT2 error:
check logs for details Error:Execution failed for task
Failed to execute aapt Information:BUILD FAILED in 24s Information:7 errors Information:0 warnings Information:See complete output in
What I have already tried :
I tried with changing import lines in xml also changing the android:src and srcCompat properties. Along with build/project cleaning and invalidating the cache.
Changing this line in
Let me know if anyone has faced this issue

Build Linux Kernel module with warning i2c_register_board_info undefined

I follow an example in to write an i2c driver but unfortunately when i compile i got this warning
WARNING: "i2c_register_board_info" [/home/pi/builddriver/samplei2c/pn535.ko] undefined!
Although compile with 1 warning and no error, I cannot insmod module. this is error when insmod
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module pn535.ko: Invalid module format
My question is how to solve the warning above?, I think it make .ko file to be invalid. Here is my source code on
thank for your help!
That is not possible in a kernel module simply because the function i2c_register_board_info is not exported from the kernel source tree to the kernel modules (built using obj-m targets). You can achieve this by building your driver within the kernel source tree using (obj-y targets).

dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for .... with errno=1

I have created a C++ dynamic library using Xcode. When I try to load this dynamic library in my app, I am getting the following error:
dyld: F_ADDFILESIGS failed for with
What do i need to do in order to resolve this issue?