Build Linux Kernel module with warning i2c_register_board_info undefined - module

I follow an example in to write an i2c driver but unfortunately when i compile i got this warning
WARNING: "i2c_register_board_info" [/home/pi/builddriver/samplei2c/pn535.ko] undefined!
Although compile with 1 warning and no error, I cannot insmod module. this is error when insmod
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module pn535.ko: Invalid module format
My question is how to solve the warning above?, I think it make .ko file to be invalid. Here is my source code on
thank for your help!

That is not possible in a kernel module simply because the function i2c_register_board_info is not exported from the kernel source tree to the kernel modules (built using obj-m targets). You can achieve this by building your driver within the kernel source tree using (obj-y targets).


OSError: cannot load library 'libxcb.dll': error 0x7e

I tried to run a python program on the PyQt5 framework but it's giving me .dll file errors.
I've installed tools to fix it but it's still giving me this error :
OSError: cannot load library 'libxcb.dll': error 0x7e
I have already installed all these tools:
GTK+ for Windows Runtime Environment Installer**
it always gives me this error "OSError: cannot load library 'libxcb.dll': error 0x7e".
Is there any other way to fix this error?

dpdk igb_uio driver not loading

I am trying to load the igb_uio driver into my kernel, and I am getting the error:
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module igb_uio.ko: Invalid module format
I have been sleuthing around and am finding generally the answer to this is usually a kernel version mismatch. I have checked my kernel version with uname -r and it matches the kernel version from modinfo igb_ui.ko
Any ideas what else might be going on?

Failed to map the library when using ISE to simulate a program connected with Modelsim

ERROR: Failed to map the library
Reason: couldn't execute "vmap": no such file or directory`
I have tried to re-compile the Xilinx library, but failed. Could anyone spare time to give me some help?

After infinispan 10.1.8 update: class file for org.infinispan.factories.scopes.Scopes not found

I just tried to update my application to Infinspan 10.1.8.Final. I am using Infinispan as a level-2 hibernate (5.4.18.Final) cache via this dependency in build.gradle:
compile group: 'org.infinispan', name: 'infinispan-hibernate-cache-v53', version: '10.1.8.Final'
The application compiles and starts, but the following is logged when I run the test suite:
warning: unknown enum constant Scopes.GLOBAL
reason: class file for org.infinispan.factories.scopes.Scopes not found
warning: unknown enum constant DataType.TRAIT
reason: class file for org.infinispan.jmx.annotations.DataType not found
Why is this happening? Do I need to include another dependency?
Try adding compileOnly 'org.infinispan:infinispan-component-annotations:10.1.8.Final' to the dependencies in your build.gradle file.
Both enums aren't required at runtime. They are using in compile time to generate metadata required by Infinispan.

How to use qt-gstreamer with qtquick2videosink on Qt5 on Raspberry Pi3

I built qt-gstreamer from source code on GitHub (version 1.2.0). Then I tried to run qmlplayer2 application (built from qt-gstreamer and use qtquick2videosink) on qt5 on Raspberry Pi3 but I got the following error at runtime:
(gst-plugin-scanner:3749): GStreamer-WARNING **: Failed to load plugin
/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ undefined symbol:
_Z33gst_qt_quick2_video_sink_get_typev Failed to create qtquick2videosink. Make sure it is installed correctly
(qmlplayer2:8517): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_bin_add: assertion
'GST_IS_ELEMENT (element)' failed
(qmlplayer2:8517): GStreamer-CRITICAL **:
gst_element_link_pads_filtered: assertion 'GST_IS_ELEMENT (dest)'
Look at source code of qt-gstreamer, i found that the function gst_qt_quick2_video_sink_get_type() is implemented in gstqtquick2videosink.cpp but this file was not compiled due to missing configuration in cmake related to OpenGL.
I config cmake as below :
then rebuild and deploy new file to /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ on target device. After that qmlplayer2 application work fine.