How to link projects to portfolio website? - project

I have finished creating my web developer portfolio and hosted it on github. However I am stuck with further 2 tasks below:
How to link my other projects to my portfolio website? If I upload those project files on github as well, then how do I make them available on portfolio so that when recruiter clicks on them, it takes them to the homepage of that project? (e.g., when we click on Live Demo button and we are directed to that project website)
How to make resume available in downloadable pdf format so that recruiter can download resume from portfolio website?
Please note, I do not want to spend on hosting or purchasing of any server portion at this stage. So how do I make my resume available to download?
Thank you.

Use the GitHub API for fetching the list of repositories and display it however you want.
Check the API reference for listing user repositories.
For the live demo link, you can make your link yourself with a bit of Js, as '<username>' + '<repository_name>/', or if you have enabled a custom domain then it will differ a bit.
Upload your resume file to a folder in your repo & link to it directly as you normally would for any file.


shopify post purchase extension

Hi I'am trying to test a post purchase extension.
I tried the following steps:
registered my post purchase extension with the code provided
Served the extension using shopify extension serve
Installed the local app extension to firefox
Updated the firefox extension with the ngrok url
Tried to checkout from my development store
-No redirect occurs to the extension and nothing in logs, checkout goes directly to thank you page
if someone experienced could make a basic guide over this topic, that wold be awesome :)
I ran into a similar problem.
For dev stores, the store needs to have checkout extensions preview enabled. You can enable it during store setup in the partners panel. During set up you will be asked what extra features you need.
You need to enable checkout extensions in your main app settings in the partners panel
You need to enable preview mode in extension panel in partners panel. (if your extension is not on the list, remember to build and deploy it)
For checkout UI extension there is an extra step:
go to Online Store -> Themes -> Customize -> Find checkout page -> in customizer click link in the "Optimize your checkout with apps, fonts, colors, and more. Customize checkout" text (IMPORTANT: this will work only on new dev stores or the stores that have checkout UI feature enabled during setup; it's hard to tell exactly) -> scroll to the bottom and add your app.
I highly recommend going through Shopify documentation and tutorials slowly step by step :)
I wasted too much time on this detail.

How to copy Dropbox file link from Dropbox folder using

enter image description here
I use Dropbox folder by setup Dropbox program in my computer
When I have to get direct link to any file in Dropbox folder just I go to Dropbox folder in my computer and choose that file and right click by mouse and select copy direct link of that file
How I do that by
I want to brows for file and select it and get that direct link by
And I am sorry for my bad English
[Cross-linking for reference: ]
The kind of Dropbox link you're referring to isn't a "direct" link, but rather a "shared" link, where the link itself points to an HTML preview page, where the user can download the file if they want. You can find information on this feature here:
Dropbox does offer an API you can use for listing, uploading, downloading, and sharing files, among other operations. You can find everything you need to get started with the Dropbox API, including documentation, tutorials, and SDKs here:
Dropbox does offer a .NET SDK in particular:
To create a shared link for a file or folder using the .NET SDK, you would use the CreateSharedLinkWithSettingsAsync method:

How to access BigCommerce internalapi?

I am trying to download (backup) images that customers upload for products that take custom logos (these are typically JPG, PNG, PDF, etc.) These customer files are downloadable by clicking on a hyperlink in the BigCommerce admin page for the order in question. The link is not a link to the image path but instead, a link to a service that sends the file to the browser. In other words, you have to be authenticated into the admin site to download the file. The URL looks like this:{order id}/products/{lineItem id}/attributes/{option id}/download
These are easily constructed in the API itself for a given order. If I use the link in a browser tab while I'm logged into the admin site, the file downloads.
But what I am trying to write an app to automatically download all the files (there are thousands). When I try to use this URL in an app, I get a authentication error. I tried at first using my regular API credentials but then used the credentials to log into the admin site. Both give me an authentication error.
I could not find anything documented on this so-called "internalapi." Anyone ever try to use this "internal" API that is used by the admin site?
I believe authentication is cookie based for that internal API, but there could be problems with using our non-publicly documented internal APIs in production, i.e. we may make future updates that would be breaking changes.
Images attached to orders through a file upload option also get copied to WebDAV, in the dav/product_images/configured_products folder. Another way to do this could be to use a WebDAV client library like easywebdav to connect and download the files.

How to check which errors I have in my Google API project?

I'd like to use this plugin with my Jekyll site to show page views for each post/ page. So I installed the plugin and set up a service account for Google data API. The site is generating but I get no data from Google Analytics for my page views (it shows 0). On the projects overview page in Google Developer Console I see that I'm getting errors. But I can't figure out how to check these errors?
Is there any way to see what these errors are?
How can I check if Google API is working at all on my site?
The problem was with permissions when you add a new user to Google Analytics account. I had only Read & Analyze, and it should be all four (Manage Users, Edit, etc.).

How (and where) to upload manifest file? (Google Gmail Gadget)

I'm new on this Gmail Gadget developments and I follow the instructions here:
I follow the Hello World example, replacing the variables with my owns, generating the manifest, the specs, etc.
But when it comes to upload the manifest file, it's saying to go to
and log in there. Then there is a serie of steps depending on this one.
The problem here is, what is the address I have to put there? I did register on the Google Apps (for bussiness) and register a domain. Still that domain isn't work.
I found several people with the same problem and none gave them a solution:
How to create an account on Google Apps to use Google Apps Extensions Console?
Logging into Google Apps Extension Console
Anyone knows how to create a Gmail Contextual Gadget?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so the Gmail Contextual Gadgets doc says "Gmail contextual gadgets can be listed for sale in the Google Apps Marketplace". The Google Apps Marketplace docs say apps can be published on the Chrome Web Store but the web store seems to want some sort of .json manifest file that doesn't fit the documentation for Contextual Gadgets (read: Google's documentation is terrible).
Instead, I found a section inside the developer's console on Contextual Gadgets. It's also different from the documentation, but seems like the right spot.
Open your Google developers console
Select or create a project
Open the Google Apps Marketplace SDK page
Click "Enable API"
Click "Configuration"
Check the box marked "Gmail contextual gadget extension"
There are then options to fill out info on the Contextual Gadget.
I suggest :
Go on that link a for log in use your Google Apps for bussiness account , then create new project (gadget) and then you can upload manifet. Sorry for my English.
Hope this will help you.