while generating insert script as dynamic query, this N is not getting prefixed even though the column is nvarchar - sql

SELECT 'INSERT INTO test ( name )
VALUES ( '''+S1.name+''' )' from SourceTable S1
while generating insert script as dynamic query, the unicode chararacter N is not getting prefixed even though the column is nvarchar.
Insert without dynamic query worked well by prefixing N.

Since a non-Latin1 character is included, you need unicode N-literal.
insert into [test] select N'― menu1;'

Add N along with column name just after the equal sign, silly solution but took my time due to over thinking lol...
SELECT 'UPDATE [test] SET name=N'''+name+'updated' + ''''
FROM [test]


Grafana - SQL 2014 - MSSQL - How to insert the result of a variable templating in a table

I want to rework a result of templating variable that looks like this:
I try to add few characters like 'test', before every string.
In fact if I could just get a way to insert all these strings in a table I would be fine but I fail at this step.. BTW It must work for n string in the result.
Ideal result would be:
select *
From tbl
returning this (I don't care if column as a title):
but just beeing able to insert it in a table would be nice I'll handle the update of the strings.
If your string is like 'string1,string2,string3' and working with the higher version of SQL Server then you can try the following way.
declare #string as varchar(120) = 'string1,string2,string3'
'test' + value
from string_split (#string, ',')
Here is the live db<>fiddle demo.

� IN SQL Server database

in my database I have this char �. I want to locate them with a query
Select *
from Sometable
where somecolumn like '%�%'
this gets me no result.
I think it is ANSI encoding
use N like below
where col like N'%�%'
why do you think ,you need N prefix:
Prefix Unicode character string constants with the letter N. Without the N prefix, the string is converted to the default code page of the database. This default code page may not recognize certain characters.
Thanks to Martin Smith,Earlier i tested only with one character earlier and it worked,but as Martin pointed out, it returns all characters..
Below query works and returns only intended
select * from #demo where id like N'%�%'
COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN
create table #demo
id nvarchar(max)
insert into #demo
( N'�')
to know more about unicode,please see below links
This is the Unicode replacement character symbol.
It could match any of 2,048 invalid code points in the UCS-2 encoding (or the single character U+FFFD for the symbol itself).
You can use a range and a binary collate clause to match them all (demo).
FROM master..spt_values v1,
master..spt_values v2
WHERE N LIKE '%[' + NCHAR(65533) + NCHAR(55296) + '-' + NCHAR(57343) + ']%' COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN
You can use ASCII to find out the ascii code for that char
Select ascii('�')
And use CHAR to retrieve the char from that code and combine it in a LIKE expression
Select * from Sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+CHAR(63)+'%'
Note the collation you use can affect the result. Also it depends on the encoding used by your application to feed your data (UTF-8, UNICODE, etc). also how you store it VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR has a last say on what you see.
There's more here in this similar question
try this simple test:
create table sometable(somecolumn nvarchar(100) not null)
insert into sometable
select * from sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+CHAR(63)+'%'
This only means that character was stored win the as a "?" in this test.
When you see a � it means the app where you are seeing isn't quite sure what to print out.
It also mean OP probably needs to find out what char is that using a query.
Also note it means a string outputted like ��� can be 3 formed by different characters.
CHAR(63) was just an example, but you are right this in the ASCII table will be a standard interrogation.
Not with time right now to deep dig in it but the below test don't worked
Select ascii('�'), CHAR(ascii('�')), UNICODE(N'�'), CHAR(UNICODE(N'�'))
create table sometable(somecolumn nvarchar(100) not null)
insert into sometable
select * from sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+CHAR(63)+'%'
select * from sometable
where somecolumn like '%'+NCHAR(UNICODE(N'�'))+'%'

Create INSERT statement using parameter

I need to create a INSERT statement using parameters. Say I have two variable name #DestinationFields, #InsertValues.
Here #DestinationFields contain the column name like: product,price and #InsertValues contains the values for those two columns, like: Book,100.
Now, How i create a insert command to insert those values where each value need to add a quotation mark .I already tried as
I already tried as
EXEC('INSERT into tbl_test('+#DestinationFields+')values('+#InsertValues+')')
But it's returning an error.
The name "book" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some
contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted.
How do I do it? Thanks in advance.
Pretending there is no problem of SQL injection here*, you can quickly fix your code by adding quotation marks around Book. The value of # InsertValues should be
'Book', 100
instead of simply
Book, 100
You need to add quotation marks around each string value; otherwise, strings are interpreted as names, which is not valid.
EDIT : (in response to a comment) If all columns are of varchar type, you can put quotes around the entire string, and replace all commas with the quote-comma-quote pattern, like this:
* You should not put code like this into production, because it can be manipulated to harm your system rather severely. Here is a good illustration of the problem (link).
DECLARE #DestinationFields VARCHAR(200);
SET #DestinationFields = 'Col1, Col2, Col3'
DECLARE #InsertValues VARCHAR(200);
SET #InsertValues = '1, 2, 3'
SET #SQLString = 'INSERT INTO tbl_test (' + #DestinationFields + ') VALUES (' + #InsertValues + ')';
EXEC (#SQLString)
However, this is very open to SQL Injection attacks. But, it will do what you require.
The Curse and Blessing of Dynamic SQL

String manipulation SQL

I have a row of strings that are in the following format:
'Order was assigned to lastname,firsname'
I need to cut this string down into just the last and first name but it is always a different name for each record.
The 'Order was assigned to' part is always the same.......
I am using SQL Server. It is multiple records with different names in each record.
In your specific case you can use something like:
However, this is not very scalable, should the format of your strings ever change.
If you are using an Oracle database, you would want to use SUBSTR instead.
For databases where the third parameter is not optional, you could use SUBSTRING(str, 23, LEN(str))
Somebody would have to test to see if this is better or worse than subtraction, as in Martin Smith's solution but gives you the same result in the end.
In addition to the SUBSTRING methods, you could also use a REPLACE function. I don't know which would have better performance over millions of rows, although I suspect that it would be the SUBSTRING - especially if you were working with CHAR instead of VARCHAR.
SELECT REPLACE(my_column, 'Order was assigned to ', '')
For SQL Server
WITH testData AS
SELECT 'Order was assigned to lastname,firsname' as Col1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Order was assigned to Bloggs, Jo' as Col1
SELECT SUBSTRING(Col1,23,LEN(Col1)-22) AS Name
from testData
Bloggs, Jo
on MS SQL Server:
declare #str varchar(100) = 'Order was assigned to lastname,firsname'
declare #strLen1 int = DATALENGTH('Order was assigned to ')
declare #strLen2 int = len(#str)
select #strlen1, #strLen2, substring(#str,#strLen1,#strLen2),
RIGHT(#str, #strlen2-#strlen1)
I would require that a colon or some other delimiter be between the message and the name.
Then you could just search for the index of that character and know that anything after it was the data you need...
Example with format changing over time:
INSERT INTO #Temp VALUES ('Order was assigned to :Smith,Mary')
INSERT INTO #Temp VALUES ('Order was assigned to :Holmes,Larry')
INSERT INTO #Temp VALUES ('New Format over time :LootAt,Me')
SELECT SUBSTRING(OrderInfo, CHARINDEX(':',OrderInfo)+1, LEN(OrderInfo))
FROM #Temp

SQL Server 2008 query to find rows containing non-alphanumeric characters in a column

I was actually asked this myself a few weeks ago, whereas I know exactly how to do this with a SP or UDF but I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of doing this without these methods. I'm assuming that there is and I just can't find it.
A point I need to make is that although we know what characters are allowed (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) we don't want to specify what is not allowed (##!$ etc...). Also, we want to pull the rows which have the illegal characters so that it can be listed to the user to fix (as we have no control over the input process we can't do anything at that point).
I have looked through SO and Google previously, but was unable to find anything that did what I wanted. I have seen many examples which can tell you if it contains alphanumeric characters, or doesn't, but something that is able to pull out an apostrophe in a sentence I have not found in query form.
Please note also that values can be null or '' (empty) in this varchar column.
Won't this do it?
use tempdb
create table mytable ( mycol varchar(40) NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('abcd')
insert into mytable VALUES ('ABCD')
insert into mytable VALUES ('1234')
insert into mytable VALUES ('efg%^&hji')
insert into mytable VALUES (NULL)
insert into mytable VALUES ('')
insert into mytable VALUES ('apostrophe '' in a sentence')
SELECT * FROM mytable
WHERE mycol LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'
drop table mytable
apostrophe ' in a sentence
Sql server has very limited Regex support. You can use PATINDEX with something like this
Have a look at PATINDEX (Transact-SQL)
and Pattern Matching in Search Conditions
I found this page with quite a neat solution. What makes it great is that you get an indication of what the character is and where it is. Then it gives a super simple way to fix it (which can be combined and built into a piece of driver code to scale up it's application).
DECLARE #tablename VARCHAR(1000) ='Schema.Table'
DECLARE #columnname VARCHAR(100)='ColumnName'
DECLARE #counter INT = 0
WHILE #counter <=255
SET #sql=
'SELECT TOP 10 '+#columnname+','+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+' as CharacterSet, CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') as LocationOfChar
FROM '+#tablename+'
WHERE CHARINDEX(CHAR('+CAST(#counter AS VARCHAR(3))+'),'+#columnname+') <> 0'
PRINT (#sql)
EXEC (#sql)
SET #counter = #counter + 1
and then...
UPDATE Schema.Table
SET ColumnName= REPLACE(Columnname,CHAR(13),'')
Credit to Ayman El-Ghazali.
SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE COL_NAME LIKE '%[^0-9a-zA-Z $#$.$-$''''$,]%'
This works best for me when I'm trying to find any special characters in a string