Is it Possible / best practice to scale API Gateway by generating multiple replicas of API Gateway to handle the load? - load-balancing

Is it possible/best practice to scale API Gateway by generating multiple replicas of API Gateway to handle the load ?
By setting a load balancer before the API Gateway, the LB will route the requests to the most available API gateway replica .

Is it possible? Yes
Is it advised? Absolutely not
Amazon API Gateway's is a multi-tenant service with shared architecture. Each API is not serviced by a single resource, but a set of shared resources that scale with overall usage. Implementing load balancing in front of a set of API Gateway APIs within the same region would be redundant and just add an additional network hop to your customers traffic.
Customers are assigned default limits to prevent abuse and for capacity planning, but these limits can be raised if you have a valid business need for them to be.


Rate limiting API call for specific users on cloud endpoints

I have an API that deployed on Google Cloud Run. Then for security, I use Google Cloud Endpoints as the Gateway. As long as I know, Cloud Endpoints has a rate limiting feature by setting it in the OpenAPI config but it can be specified which user I want to assign the limit to. Is there any other solutions? Thank you.

Should API gateway be coupled/uncoupled with the business logic

We are trying to build an API gateway in front of our application (we may split the application to micro services ASAP), and we meet some problems.
1 - different API types.
There are two kinds APIs in our application, most of them will be used by ourselves(user login/logout, news add/remove), we call them Self-used API here. And some of APIs will be allowed to used by third party, we call them Open API here.
Should all of them get through the gateway?
2 - different authentication
Self-used API may require the user login-ed or have related permissions, the Open API will require the third-party app take a key which we will use to identify and limit the request rate.
Should all kinds of authentication completed in the gateway? If yes, the Self-used api authentication is business related, does it mean that this api gateway can not be shared by other application?
Furthermore, the third-party developer will create their application and get a key back, they can also update/remove the apps(Something like Google API Console).
I am not sure if this should be put in the gateway or another micro-service. IMO, I prefer to put these features in a new service, but the validation and rate limit is done in gateway, that means for each request, gateway will have to query the user, rate limit and other information by the key from the service, this will make the gateway coupled with the business again.
There are quite a few ways of implementing an API Gateway. You can use different endpoints with a single API gateway. Here are a few links that are relevant
Serverless blog "How to deploy multiple micro-services under one API domain with Serverless"
Nginx "Do You Really Need Different Kinds of API Gateways? (Hint: No!)" "Amazon API Gateway types, use cases and performance"
AWS API Gateway FAQs
Think about the types of features you are trying to accomplish with your approach, and how API Gateway will help you address them.

how do i handle security within my microservice architecture?

In my webapp architecture i have an api gateway which proxies requests to my microservices, also there is a a common microservice which other microservices can query via rest api. All of these run on node servers.
i want the microservices to only be approachable from the api gateway, besides the common server which can also be approachable from the other microservices. what is the best network architecture to make this happen and do i need to handle authentication between the servers in some way?
Security needs to be handled at multiple layers and as such its a really broad topic. I will however share some pointers which you can explore further.
First thing first any security comes at a cost. And it's a trade off that you need to do.
If you can ensure that services are available only to the other services and API gateway, then you can delegate application layer security to API gateway and strip the security headers at API gateway itself and continue to have free communication between services. It is like creating restricted zone with ip restrictions (or other means on from where can service be accessed), and api gateway or reverse proxy handling all the external traffic. This will allow you to concentrate on few services as far as security is concerned. Point that you should note here is that you will be losing on authorization part as well but you can retain it if you want to.
If you are using AWS you need to look into security groups and VPN etc to set up a secure layer.
A part of security is also to ensure the service is accessible all the time and is not susceptible to DDOS. API gateways do have a means of safeguarding against such threats.
For the ‘API gateway’ front-end authentication you could use OATH2 and for the back-end part you can use OpenID connect which will allow you to use a key value that is relevant to the user, like for example a uuid and use this to set access control at the Microservice level, behind the API Gateway.
You can find in the next link further information about OpenID connect authentication.

Consul vs API Gateway

I would like to ask about the functionalities of Consul and API Gateway. Is Consul can replace API Gateway as a service referrer ?
Or how to use both of them in term of microservices architecture ?
Thank You
Consul is multi datacenter service discovery (+health checking) and distributed K/V store.
API Gateway is a service that handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management.
so they're quite different..
depends on what you're trying to achieve and your current API Gateway use case, you may be able to use Consul + Consul aware load balancers, such as and
At a high-level, an API gateway would become the single point of entry to your micro services. It would allow you to give a consistent user experience to your clients - irrespective of the backend services.
They act as an abstraction - when you hit a /product/{productId} endpoint, you shouldn't need to know about the internal microservices e.g. /reviews, /recommendations etc - the gateway can do this for you and return a single response.
API gateways will be configured to receive a request on a listen path e.g.
curl -H 'Authorization: secret_auth_token'
Internally, the gateway will receive the request and will see that myservice points to a specific api definition.
And based on that auth-token, will be able to establish whether the user is allowed access, what rate limit / quotas and also what upstream targets & paths they are allowed access. A few typical features:
Authentication & Authorisation
Rate Limits
Body Transforms (Filters / Map Reduce / Json -> XML, XML -> Json)
Header Injection
Json Schema Validation
Method Transforms
Mock Responses
API Versioning Strategy
Send requests to multiple targets
the list goes on.
So the gateway will then proxy the request to for example and return the response to the client.
Now let's assume you want your upstream to be highly available - e.g. you may have and
The gateway can be configured to load balance requests between these services. And you could use features of the gateway for testing the health of the upstreams, but there are also dedicated tools for this. One such tool is Consul.
API gateways should be able to integrate with service discovery tools. So let's assume goes down for maintenance, the gateway will know never to send traffic there and to only send to till service1 comes back up.
Screenshot below is example of api gateway integration support for Consul.

Security considerations for API Gateway clustering?

Clients that communicate against a single point of entry via an API Gateway over HTTPS against a RESTful API
API Gateway: API Keys for tracking and analytics, oAuth for API platform authentication
User Micro service provides user authentication and authorization, generates JWT that is signed and encrypted (JWS,JWE)
Other micro services determine permissions based on claims inside JWT
Micro services communicate internally via PUB/SUB using JWT in the message and other info. Each micro service could be scaled out with multiple instances (cluster with a load balancer).
Question: Can I cluster the the API Gateway and have the load balancer in front of it. What do I need to consider with respect to managing authentication? ie: sharing of API Keys across the API Gateway cluster?
Extra notes, I'm planning on terminating SSL at the gateway and the use of bcrypt for passwords in the db.
Any feedback would be great, thank you.
Can I cluster the the API Gateway and have the load balancer in front
of it.
Yes, you can. Most of the good Api Gateway solutions will provide the ability to do clustering. e.g. or you can use cloud based Api Gateway: Azure API Management or AWS API Gateway
What do I need to consider with respect to managing authentication?
These specifics depends on your selection of API Gateway solution.