I am using infinite scroll in flatlist in react native but its loading more in the start of the flatlist - react-native

In react native flatlist the infinte scroll is triggering in the start of the flatlist and its keep on loading the data even after using the onEndReachedthreshhold ={0.4}.


React Native FlatListProps.getItemLayout do not load more items

I am working with a large list in React native, I using FlatList to show it.
But when I use getItemLayout to improve performance, the list doesn't load more elements behind.
If I remove the getItemLayout then FlatList still works as usual.
I am using React Native 0.66.5.
This is Snack Expo Example

My scrollview is not working in react native app

im making scroll component visible when someone pressed on input
this is my itemfinder.js link https://drive.google.com/file/d/182ZQf7Ocx7hiJVfaJJjv_pvP32bL3kaN/view?usp=share_link
this is my file which i called itemfinder component https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dAQPk3Hw9vJ7CM3zbzGpCgDDw_LeGB54/view?usp=share_link
i want to make it scroll
im new to react native
anad im using expo for this
Thank you

Disabling React Native ScrollView scrollbar during scrollToEnd

I'm using a ScrollView in my React Native App, and calling scrollToEnd({animated: true}) within a useEffect.
When its scrolling, the scroll bar temporarily appears. Is there some way to change that behavior, so that it doesn't appear, but is still there if I manually scroll?

How to Optimize speed of React Native application and FalstList

I'm using React-Native-CLI where I have a screen that is using ScrollView and FlatList and multiple APIs and FlatList are inside the ScrollView that I think slowing my app. So, how can I resolve this problem..?

How to swipe a FlatList inside a Touchable in react-native

I wanted to ask how can one swipe a horizontal FlatList nested as a first child of a TouchableOpacity? Every time i try to swipe i just activates the TouchableOpacity's onPress.
Happens in both android and ios.
version 0.61.5 of RN