React Native FlatListProps.getItemLayout do not load more items - react-native

I am working with a large list in React native, I using FlatList to show it.
But when I use getItemLayout to improve performance, the list doesn't load more elements behind.
If I remove the getItemLayout then FlatList still works as usual.
I am using React Native 0.66.5.
This is Snack Expo Example


React Native Animated Horizontal Scrolling

I am beginner in React native and I want to implement the horizontal scrolling list like this.
Design. Can anyone let me know about the references/libraries that I can use to design this in React Native Expo.
You can use snap carousal, or FlatList with snapping enabled

Converting an image into ASCII art in React Native

I am working on a React Native app that takes an image and converts it into ASCII art (in PNG/JPEG format so that I can add color). Which packages would I use and how would I do it? So far I haven't found a way to do it in React Native. I've found a way to do it in React but I don't know how I would translate it into React Native.
EDIT: I have tried to do it with Ionic React but the performance is much worse.
You could use a module that doesn't rely on React at all to generate the ASCII, such as this one:
If that doesn't work, you could create a separate React Web app and use react-native-render-html to render the React Web app within the React Native app.

How to Optimize speed of React Native application and FalstList

I'm using React-Native-CLI where I have a screen that is using ScrollView and FlatList and multiple APIs and FlatList are inside the ScrollView that I think slowing my app. So, how can I resolve this problem..?

I am using infinite scroll in flatlist in react native but its loading more in the start of the flatlist

In react native flatlist the infinte scroll is triggering in the start of the flatlist and its keep on loading the data even after using the onEndReachedthreshhold ={0.4}.

React Native - Data Grid for android

enter image description here I'm working with React Native and am looking for an appropriate component for react native data grid. Do you have any recommendation for a data grid under React Native?
I've been using this, works very well.