Custom Dataflow Template - BigQuery to CloudStorage - documentation? general solution advice? - google-bigquery

I am consuming a BigQuery table datasource. It is 'unbounded' as it is updated via a batch process. It contains session keyed reporting data from server logs where each row captures a request. I do not have access to the original log data and must consume the BigQuery table.
I would like to develop a custom Java based google Dataflow template using beam api with the goals of :
collating keyed session objects
deriving session level metrics
deriving filterable window level metrics based on session metrics, e.g., percentage of sessions with errors during previous window and percentage of errors per filtered property, e.g., error percentage per device type
writing the result as a formatted/compressed report to cloud storage.
This seems like a fairly standard use case? In my research thus far, I have not yet found a perfect example and still have not been able to determine the best practice approach for certain basic requirements. I would very much appreciate any pointers. Keywords to research? Documentation, tutorials. Is my current thinking right or do I need to consider other approaches?
Questions :
beam windowing and BigQuery I/O Connector - I see that I can specify a window type and size via beam api. My BQ table has a timestamp field per row. Am I supposed to somehow pass this via configuration or is it supposed to be automagic? Do I need to do this manually via a SQL query somehow? This is not clear to me.
fixed time windowing vs. session windowing functions - examples are basic and do not address any edge cases. My sessions can last hours. There are potentially 100ks plus session keys per window. Would session windowing support this?
BigQuery vs. BigQueryClientStorage - The difference is not clear to me. I understand that BQCS provides a performance benefit, but do I have to store BQ data in a preliminary step to use this? Or can I simply query my table directly via BQCS and it takes care of that for me?

For number 1 you can simply use a withTimestamps function before applying windowing, this assigns the timestamp to your items. Here are some python examples.
For number 2 the documentation states:
Session windowing applies on a per-key basis and is useful for data that is irregularly distributed with respect to time. [...] If data arrives after the minimum specified gap duration time, this initiates the start of a new window.
Also in the java documentation, you can only specify a minimum gap duration, but not a maximum. This means that session windowing can easily support hour-lasting sessions. After all, the only thing it does is putting a watermark on your data and keeping it alive.
For number 3, the differences between the BigQuery IO Connector and the BigQuery storage APIs is that the latter (an experimental feature as of 01/2020) access directly data stored, without the logical passage through BigQuery (BigQuery data isn't stored in BigQuery). This means that with storage APIs, the documentation states:
you can't use it to read data sources such as federated tables and logical views
Also, there are different limits and quotas between the two methods, that you can find in the documentation link above.


API which provide data from Elastic Search and not SQL

I have a system where there are large dataset(s) where I want to have quick searches, and elastic search is suitable for it. So the data resides in SQL, and is synced to ES. There is an obvious small delay in this sync.
There are consumers of this data which could work with slightly stale data. So if there's an API for UI which end users use to see the dataset. A delay of 3-4 seconds is acceptable. So API handler which deals with ES is perfect here.
Then there are consumers of this data (bots) who want to work with real time data. So for the almost same requirements, should I create another API just like that in UI consumer, which gets data from SQL?
What is the usual best practice which is followed, and I'm assuming this is a very common usecase.
You probably should stick to creating just a sinlge API and use a query string parameter to decide which of the two data sources to use. This will result in less code to maintain.

Service that does advanced queries on a data set, and automatically returns relevant updated results every time new data is added to the set?

I'm looking for a cloud service that can do advanced statistics calculations on a large amount of votes submitted by users, in "real time".
In our app, users can submit different kind of votes like picking a favorite, rating 1-5, say yes/no etc. on various topics.
We also want to show "live" statistics to the user, showing the popularity of a person etc. This will be generated by a rather complex SQL where we are calculating the average number of times a person was picked as favorite, divided by total number of votes and the number of games in which the person has been participating etc. And the score for the latest X games should count higher than the overall score for all games. This is just an example, there are several other SQL queries with similar complexity.
All our presentable data (including calculated statistics) is served from Firestore documents, and the votes will be saved as Firestore documents.
Ideally, the Firebase-backend (functions, firestore etc) should not need to know about the query logic.
What I wish for is a pay as you go cloud service that does the following:
I define some schemas and set up the queries we need for the statistics we have (15-20 different SQLs). Like setting up views in MySQL
On every vote, we push the vote data to this service, which will store it in a row.
The service should then, based on its knowledge about the defined queries, and the content of the pushed vote data, determine which statistics that are affected by the newly added row, and recalculate these. A specific vote type can affect one or more statistics.
Every time a statistic is recalculated, the result should be automatically pushed back to our Firebase backend (for instance by calling an HTTPS endpoint that hits a cloud function) - so we can update the relevant Firestore documents.
The service should be able to throttle the calculations, like only regenerating new statistics every 1 minute despite having several votes per second on the same topic.
Is there any product like this in the market? Or can it be built by combining available cloud services? And what is the official term for such a product, if I should search for it myself?
I know that I can probably build a solution like this myself, and run it on a cloud hosted database server, which can scale as our need grows - but I believe that I'm not the first developer with a need of this, so I hope that someone has solved it before me :)
You can leverage the existing cloud services available on the Google Cloud Platform.
Google BigQuery, Google Cloud Firestore, Google App Engine (CRON Jobs), Google Cloud Tasks
The services can be used to solve the problems mentioned above:
1) Google BigQuery : Here you can define schema for the data on which you're going to run the SQL queries. BigQuery supports Standard and legacy SQL queries.
2) Every vote can be pushed to the defined BigQuery tables using its streaming insert service.
3) Every vote pushed can trigger the recalculation service which calculates the statistics by executing the defined SQL queries and the query results can be stored as documents in collections in Google Cloud Firestore.
4) Google Cloud Firestore: Here you can store the live statistics of the user. This is a real time database, so you'll be able to configure listeners for the modifications to the statistics and show the modifications as soon as the statistics are recalculated.
5) In the same service which inserts every vote, create a new record with a "syncId" in an another table. The idea is to group a number of votes cast in a particular interval to a its corresponding syncId. The syncId can be suffixed with a timestamp. According to your requirement a particular time interval can be set so that the recalculation can be triggered using CRON jobs service which invokes the recalculation service within the interval. Once the recalculation related to a particular syncId is completed the record corresponding to the syncId should be marked as completed.
We are leveraging the above technologies to build a web application on Google Cloud Platform, where the inputs are recorded on Google Firestore and then stream-inserted to Google BigQuery. The data stored in BigQuery is queried after 30 sec of each update using SQL queries and the query results are stored in Google Cloud Firestore to serve dashboards which are automatically updated using listeners configured for the collection in which the dashboard information is stored.

Using Graylog to monitor resources + notifications

Since we're already using Graylog (version 2.4.6) as a general purpose logging backend for our project, we thought we might as well also use it to monitor resource use. The three major benefits would be:
No need to change our codebase to add additional libraries.
Easy to create charts and graphs for the metrics we're tracking.
Built-in notifications.
Concretely, we're trying to track how many jobs our various Beanstalk server has in each of its tubes. If a given tube accumulates for than a certain amount of jobs, we would like to be alerted.
Here's a typical message that we're using for a given tube:
"count" => $totalJobsInTube,
"tube" => $tubeName,
"env" => $env,
I can't think of a way to set up an alert condition in Graylog that allows me to specify a query + which field to look at. The only conditions we have are:
Field content alert condition
Field aggregation alert condition
Message count alert condition
Message conditional count alert condition
Can this even be done i Graylog?
Graylog is using Elasticsearch as a backend, which is not a good system for metrics (time series data), it's not efficient and doesn't scale well with time series data. This is the reason that most use another monitoring system for measuring resources and other time series data. It depends on your stack, but there are lots of open source and commercial offerings to do that.
If you wanted to do logs and metrics together I would suggest using open source software the Elasic Stack can do both, but that is only my reccomendation if you have limited numbers of metrics. Splunk and SumoLogic can also do logs and metrics, but they are not ideal for time series, especially large numbers of them.

Suitable Google Cloud data storage option for raw JSON events with auto-incrementing id

I'm looking for an appropriate google data/storage option to use as a location to stream raw, JSON events into.
The events are generated by users in response to very large email broadcasts so throughput could be very low one moment and up to ~25,000 events per-second for short periods of time. The JSON representation for these events will probably only be around 1kb each
I want to simply store these events as raw and unprocessed JSON strings, append-only, with a separate sequential numeric identifier for each record inserted. I'm planning to use this identifier as a way for consuming apps to be able to work through the stream sequentially (in a similar manner to the way Kafka consumers track their offset through the stream) - this will allow me to replay the event stream from points of my choosing.
I am taking advantage of Google Cloud Logging to aggregate the event stream from Compute Engine nodes, from here I can stream directly into a BigQuery table or Pub/Sub topic.
BigQuery seems more than capable of handling the streaming inserts, however it seems to have no concept of auto-incrementing id columns and also suggests that its query model is best-suited for aggregate queries rather than narrow-result sets. My requirement to query for the next highest row would clearly go against this.
The best idea I currently have is to push into Pub/Sub and have it write each event into a Cloud SQL database. That way Pub/Sub could buffer the events if Cloud SQL is unable to keep up.
My desire for an auto-identifier and possibly an datestamp column makes this feel like a 'tabular' use-case and therefore I'm feeling the NoSQL options might also be inappropriate
If anybody has a better suggestion I would love to get some input.
We know that many customers have had success using BigQuery for this purpose, but it requires some work to choose the appropriate identifiers if you want to supply your own. It's not clear to me from your example why you couldn't just use a timestamp as the identifier and use the ingestion-time partitioned table streaming ingestion option?
As far as Cloud Bigtable, as noted by Les in the comments:
Cloud Bigtable could definitely keep up, but isn't really designed for sequential adds with a sequential key as that creates hotspotting.
You can consult this
You could again use a timestamp as a key here although you would want to do some work to e.g. add a hash or other unique-fier in order to ensure that at your 25k writes/second peak you don't overwhelm a single node (we can generally handle about 10k row modifications per second per node, and if you just use lexicographically sequential IDs like an incrementing number all your writes wouldb be going to the same server).
At any rate it does seem like BigQuery is probably what you want to use. You could also refer to this blog post for an example of event tracking via BigQuery:

Is there a way to leverage Hadoop tools to mange parallel REST API calls to external sources?

I am writing software that creates a large graph database. The software needs to access dozens of different REST APIs with millions of total requests. The data will then be processed by the Hadoop cluster. Each of these APIs have rate limits that vary by requests/second, per window, per day and per user (typically via OAuth).
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might use either a Map function or other Hadoop-ecosystem tool to manage these queries? The goal would to be to leverage the parallel processing in Hadoop.
Because of the varied rate limits, it often makes sense to switch to a different API query while waiting for the first limit to reset. An example would be one API call that creates nodes in the graph and another that enriches the data for that node. I could have the system go out and enrich the data for the new nodes while waiting for the first API limit to reset.
I have tried using SQS queuing on EC2 to manage the various API limits and states (creating a queue for each API call), but have found it to be ridiculously slow.
Any ideas?
It looks like the best option for my scenario will be using Storm, or specifically the Trident abstraction. It gives me the greatest flexibility for both workload management but process management as well