Oxyplot - LineAnnotion text display horizontally - oxyplot

I use C# and Oxyplot.
I have a LineAnnotation to which I want to add a text.
So I have set Text Property for the LineAnnotation, but the text is vertical aligned.
How could I add a text (1..3 lines) to a LineAnnotation and that texts shows horizontally, so that users can read it ?
Not good :
What I would like:
LineAnnotation Markerline = new LineAnnotation();
Markerline.Color = OxyColors.Blue;
Markerline.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
Markerline.StrokeThickness = 5;
Markerline.Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical;
Markerline.XAxisKey = "x1";
Markerline.YAxisKey = yAxisKey;
Markerline.Tag = "Marker";
Markerline.Text = "Hello World"; //how to display on top of Markerline horizontally ?

Just set the LineAnnotationType:
Markerline.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal;

You need to LineAnnotation.TextOrientation property. For example,
Markerline.TextOrientation = AnnotationTextOrientation.Horizontal;
In addition, you could also set the LineAnnotation.TextHorizontalAlingment Property to dictate on the position of Text with respect to the Line Annotation.
Markerline.TextHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;


How to position the Text Frame above the table

I am trying to position the addressTextFrame above my table and for some reason appears underneath it.
public void DefineInvoice(Document document)
Section section = document.AddSection();
// create the text frame for address
TextFrame addressFrame = section.AddTextFrame();
addressFrame.Height = "3.0cm";
addressFrame.Width = "7.0cm";
addressFrame.Left = ShapePosition.Left;
addressFrame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Margin;
addressFrame.Top = "5.0cm";
addressFrame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page;
//fill in address for text frame
Paragraph paragraph = addressFrame.AddParagraph();
paragraph.AddText("Nieto LLC");
paragraph.AddText("6110 Google Drive");
paragraph.AddText("Houston, TX 77309");
paragraph.AddText("P: 281-890-5899");
//define table
Table table = section.AddTable();
table.Borders.Width = 0.75;
Here is what it looks like:
I am learning as I go having never worked with this new technology nor C#. I thought LastSection() puts things last but I get the same result when doing it.
You set the address at the absolute vertical position of 5 cm. I assume that address and table would overlap if there were more items (rows) in the table.
If you want to have the address above the table, do not set an absolute position for the address, just let it float in the main body text.

I want to change the Text position in Oxyplot LineAnnotation

this code is in example
var lineAnnotation4 = new LineAnnotation();
lineAnnotation4.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal;
lineAnnotation4.Y = 2;
lineAnnotation4.Color = OxyColors.Gold;
lineAnnotation4.MaximumX = 4;
lineAnnotation4.Text = "Horizontal";
What I was wondering.
The Text position is always below the line.
like this..
Is there a way to position text above the line?
like this..
Try lineAnnotation4.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top
Seems rather counter intuitive, but you actually need to specify lineAnnotation4.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;

Visualization SPmenuField in SPGridView

I have created SPGridView and added one SPMenuField as the first column and some BoundFields. Then I added MenuTemplate to the first column. But there are rectangles with white color border. I want to hide them. How can I do it ?
Here is the code I use:
SPMenuField colMenu = new SPMenuField();
colMenu.HeaderText = "Title";
colMenu.TextFields = "Title";
colMenu.MenuTemplateId = "TitleListMenu";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFields = "WebId, ListId, ID";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFormat = "default.aspx?WebID={0}&ListID={1}&ListItemID={2}";
colMenu.TokenNameAndValueFields = "Param1=ID";
colMenu.SortExpression = "Title";
MenuTemplate typeListMenu = new MenuTemplate();
typeListMenu.ID = "TitleListMenu";
// ... //
Here is the answer on my question. It is nesseccery to narrow the .ms-menuimagecell css class.

How to add a text on top of a column with ZedGraph?

How can I add some text on top of a bar in a chart.
This is the code I have to add the bar:
var color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(row.Colour);
var barItem = graphPane.AddBar(row.Propensity.ToString(), null, Ys.ToArray(), color);
Thank you
Here is a quick example using TextObj to simply add labels to each bar.
GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
double[] y = { 100, 50, 75, 125 };
BarItem myBar = myPane.AddBar("Data", null, y, Color.Red);
for (int i = 0; i < myBar.Points.Count; i++)
TextObj barLabel = new TextObj(myBar.Points[i].Y.ToString(), myBar.Points[i].X, myBar.Points[i].Y + 5);
barLabel.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
myBar.Label.IsVisible = true;
Of course this just uses the value of the data as the label. If you wanted to use custom labels, you could create a string array or list and use that inside the loop.
Here are some ZedGraph references:
Introduction and examples: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/zedgraph.aspx
Source code documentation: http://zedgraph.sourceforge.net/documentation/default.html
You need to define AlignH and AlignV in your text object:
TextObj textLabel = new TextObj(value.ToString(), positionX, value, CoordType.AxisXYScale, AlignH.Center, AlignV.Top);
AlignV define the position of your value on the bar.
Providing you want the label text to match the value of each bar, then you can do it with a single line of code:
BarItem.CreateBarLabels(graphPane, false, "F0");
Note that the 3rd parameter is a double.ToString format. e.g. "F0" = 12, "F2" = 12.34
However, if you want any flexibity with it then this solution is not ideal. It also doesn't work very well if you have a stacked bar chart, because having any 0 value data will cause labels to overlap and look horrific

Insert text into flex 3 textarea

I have a textArea and a list. When a user double clicks a list item, the label of the selected item should be inserted into the textarea. When a text is selected in the textArea, it should be replaced, otherwise the text just needs to be inserted into the existing text at the caret point.
I've managed to get the text and everything, I just can't manage to insert it at the caret point. Does anyone know how to do this?
It's actually not JavaScript but Adobe Flex 3. Thanks for the help though, it did push me in the right direction. This is the way its done in Flex 3:
var caretStart:int = textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = textArea.selectionEndIndex;
textArea.text = textArea.text.substring(0,caretStart)
+ newText
+ textArea.text.substr(caretEnd);
The accepted answer works great if you do not have existing HTML formatting. In my case, I inserted a new button into the editor that the user could click to put in a key word. I kept losing all HTML formatting until I dug around in the actual class and sided with a TextRange object:
public function keyWord_Click(event:Event) : void
var caretStart:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionBeginIndex;
var caretEnd:int = txtEditor.textArea.selectionEndIndex;
var newText : String = "[[[KEYWORD]]]";
var tf:TextRange = new TextRange(txtEditor,true,caretStart,caretEnd);
tf.text = newText;
The nice thing about this approach is, you can also apply conditional formatting to that TextRange object as needed.
You can use txtarea.selectionStart and txtarea.selectionEnd to get Selected text position.
After that, You delete txt and add new selected text.
I don't known much about Javascript, so I wrote it for U.
You can search on google with keywords:
"Javascript Selected Text TextArea"
"Javascript add text at position"
Sample code:
function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) {
//IE support
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = myValue;
else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = myField.selectionStart;
var endPos = myField.selectionEnd;
myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos)
+ myValue
+ myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length);
} else {
myField.value += myValue;
caretPos = doGetCaretPosition(myField);