I want to change the Text position in Oxyplot LineAnnotation - oxyplot

this code is in example
var lineAnnotation4 = new LineAnnotation();
lineAnnotation4.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal;
lineAnnotation4.Y = 2;
lineAnnotation4.Color = OxyColors.Gold;
lineAnnotation4.MaximumX = 4;
lineAnnotation4.Text = "Horizontal";
What I was wondering.
The Text position is always below the line.
like this..
Is there a way to position text above the line?
like this..

Try lineAnnotation4.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top
Seems rather counter intuitive, but you actually need to specify lineAnnotation4.TextVerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;


Oxyplot - LineAnnotion text display horizontally

I use C# and Oxyplot.
I have a LineAnnotation to which I want to add a text.
So I have set Text Property for the LineAnnotation, but the text is vertical aligned.
How could I add a text (1..3 lines) to a LineAnnotation and that texts shows horizontally, so that users can read it ?
Not good :
What I would like:
LineAnnotation Markerline = new LineAnnotation();
Markerline.Color = OxyColors.Blue;
Markerline.LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid;
Markerline.StrokeThickness = 5;
Markerline.Type = LineAnnotationType.Vertical;
Markerline.XAxisKey = "x1";
Markerline.YAxisKey = yAxisKey;
Markerline.Tag = "Marker";
Markerline.Text = "Hello World"; //how to display on top of Markerline horizontally ?
Just set the LineAnnotationType:
Markerline.Type = LineAnnotationType.Horizontal;
You need to LineAnnotation.TextOrientation property. For example,
Markerline.TextOrientation = AnnotationTextOrientation.Horizontal;
In addition, you could also set the LineAnnotation.TextHorizontalAlingment Property to dictate on the position of Text with respect to the Line Annotation.
Markerline.TextHorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

List view with tile view style, sub item does not appear?

I'm working on ListView with pure win32 api. But when I set ListView with tile view. then the sub item does not appear beside item.
My code below:
//Set tile view info
SIZE size = { 150, 75 };
LVTILEVIEWINFO tileViewInfo = {0};
tileViewInfo.cbSize = sizeof(tileViewInfo);
tileViewInfo.dwFlags = LVTVIF_FIXEDSIZE;
tileViewInfo.cLines = 3;
tileViewInfo.sizeTile = size;
//Set tile info
LVTILEINFO lvti = {0};
int order[2];
lvti.cbSize = sizeof(LVTILEINFO);
lvti.iItem = 0;
lvti.cColumns = 2;
lvti.piColFmt = LVCFMT_LEFT;
lvti.puColumns = PUINT(order);
ListView_SetTileInfo(m_hwndListview, &lvti);
ListView_SetTileViewInfo(m_hwndListview, &tileViewInfo);
Does anyone have idea to solve this problem?
Thanks so much!
lvti.piColFmt should be a pointer to an array of column format values, not a single value. In your case it could be something like this:
int colfmt[2];
colfmt[0] = LVCFMT_LEFT;
colfmt[1] = LVCFMT_LEFT;
lvti.piColFmt = colfmt;
Hope that helps!

Visualization SPmenuField in SPGridView

I have created SPGridView and added one SPMenuField as the first column and some BoundFields. Then I added MenuTemplate to the first column. But there are rectangles with white color border. I want to hide them. How can I do it ?
Here is the code I use:
SPMenuField colMenu = new SPMenuField();
colMenu.HeaderText = "Title";
colMenu.TextFields = "Title";
colMenu.MenuTemplateId = "TitleListMenu";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFields = "WebId, ListId, ID";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFormat = "default.aspx?WebID={0}&ListID={1}&ListItemID={2}";
colMenu.TokenNameAndValueFields = "Param1=ID";
colMenu.SortExpression = "Title";
MenuTemplate typeListMenu = new MenuTemplate();
typeListMenu.ID = "TitleListMenu";
// ... //
Here is the answer on my question. It is nesseccery to narrow the .ms-menuimagecell css class.

How to add a text on top of a column with ZedGraph?

How can I add some text on top of a bar in a chart.
This is the code I have to add the bar:
var color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(row.Colour);
var barItem = graphPane.AddBar(row.Propensity.ToString(), null, Ys.ToArray(), color);
Thank you
Here is a quick example using TextObj to simply add labels to each bar.
GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
double[] y = { 100, 50, 75, 125 };
BarItem myBar = myPane.AddBar("Data", null, y, Color.Red);
for (int i = 0; i < myBar.Points.Count; i++)
TextObj barLabel = new TextObj(myBar.Points[i].Y.ToString(), myBar.Points[i].X, myBar.Points[i].Y + 5);
barLabel.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
myBar.Label.IsVisible = true;
Of course this just uses the value of the data as the label. If you wanted to use custom labels, you could create a string array or list and use that inside the loop.
Here are some ZedGraph references:
Introduction and examples: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/zedgraph.aspx
Source code documentation: http://zedgraph.sourceforge.net/documentation/default.html
You need to define AlignH and AlignV in your text object:
TextObj textLabel = new TextObj(value.ToString(), positionX, value, CoordType.AxisXYScale, AlignH.Center, AlignV.Top);
AlignV define the position of your value on the bar.
Providing you want the label text to match the value of each bar, then you can do it with a single line of code:
BarItem.CreateBarLabels(graphPane, false, "F0");
Note that the 3rd parameter is a double.ToString format. e.g. "F0" = 12, "F2" = 12.34
However, if you want any flexibity with it then this solution is not ideal. It also doesn't work very well if you have a stacked bar chart, because having any 0 value data will cause labels to overlap and look horrific

Increasing value of Javascript Variables?

im processing link click events with mootools.
in my html i have a links with the id of this pattern: toggle_NUMBER e.g. toggle_1
now i get the id with this peace of code
var id = $(this.get('id').replace(togglePrefix,emptyPrefix));
my problem starts now:
i remove the prefix this way
var togglePrefix = 'toggle_', boxPrefix = 'page_', emptyPrefix = '';
so what should remain is a simple number like 1, 2 or 3.
now i tried to increase this number by one
var id_new = parseInt(id)+1;
but this didnt work and i have no clue how to change it!
Variable "id" is an object, because return value of $ function in mootools (and jQuery) is an object.
Try this:
var id_new = $(this).get('id').replace(togglePrefix, emptyPrefix) + 1;
Did you try $(this).next() before you went hacking into the ID?