what is the best practise for mixins in Vuejs? [closed] - vue.js

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm learning Vuejs and I wonder what's the best practise for mixins in Vuejs. And how can mixin object contain other component options.

Mixins are simply a way in to avoid repetition of code and share the same code in various components. For eg. you might have a method that prints something to the console in a number of components Now, rather than writing it in all the components every time you just create a mixin and import it in all the components where it is needed.
Let me know if this clarifies.
You can read more about it here (https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/mixins.html)


Does scoped CSS affect on build performance? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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We use massive bunch of components in our products with Vue 2 (migrating on 3rd version) and Nuxt SSR. Could we improve our project performance with removing scoped block of styles (how much)?
Scoped CSS can have some performance impact: https://vue-loader.vuejs.org/guide/scoped-css.html#deep-selectors
So you could improve it if you can achieve the styling without the CSS scoping (even tho, depending of the solution replacing it, that may be more heavy overall).
How much is hard to answer here because it depends of your app and if you have some performance benchmarks already.
Migrating to Vue3 will bring quite some performance tho. But as everything, it all depends on the current bottlenecks. If you have a Google UTM tag importing à whole 3rd party chat library, removing the scoped styles will only have a minor impact.
So yeah, to broad of a question with too much variables to give a concrete answer.

Is necessary to learn options API in Vue? [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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Is necessary to learn options API to understand how Vue works ? or can I just skip it and go directly to composition API in Vue 3 ?
It would be better to always have knowledge of options API as Vue2 totally depends on it, And also most Vue project ( Vue 2 or Vue 3 ) is written with options API.
Also, I think if you have a good knowledge of it, I know it has totally different syntax but they have some common concepts.

How to write or import Bootstrap in React-Native [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to know how to import bootstrap in React-Native if not what are the alternatives for using Bootstrap's Grid System in React-Native.
You can't because app is not the same ad webdev.
If you are looking for a UI kit I can suggest you https://akveo.github.io/react-native-ui-kitten/
You can use the flex system which is built-in.
Take a look at docs!

How to achieve progressive rendering in VueJS? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How to achieve progressive rendering in VueJS, only in client side?
If you build a project, progressive web applications is recommended as vuejs-templates/pwa or Normally, the lazy loading code will use these. Lazy Loading in Vue using Webpack's Code Splitting
If it is preload, it will use preload-webpack-plugin
This example a good project : vue-hackernews-2.0

applications of mutation testing [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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what are different applications of mutation testing?
Mutation testing is used to "test your test cases". The idea is to make small mutations to your application and then run your tests to make sure they catch the bugs added by these mutations.
There is a good explanation with examples posted here.