Eliminate database rows based on mod dates - sql

I have an issue grabbing data from two tables base on a single field in one of the tables The field does not exist in both tables.
Table 1 (call it invoices):
invoice email customer_name original_bill invoice_status
1 a#g.com bob 5.00 P
2 a#g.com harry 23.00 P
3 a#g.com sally 4.00 P
4 b#g.com loretta 14.00 P
5 b#g.com hamish 74.00 P
Table 2 (customer invoice edits):
invoice email date_last_modified_timestamp mod_status mod_amount
1 a#g.com 2019-05-01 A 3.00
1 a#g.com 2019-04-01 D
3 b#g.com 2019-10-25 A
What I want
a list of all invioces and their mods but I only wish each invoice to appear once in the list. based on the latest date in Table two.
invoice email customer_name original_bill invoice_status date_last_modified_timestamp mod_status mod_amount
1 a#g.com bob 5.00 P 2019-05-01 A 3.00
2 a#g.com harry 23.00 P
3 a#g.com sally 4.00 P 2019-10-25 A
4 b#g.com loretta 14.00 P
5 b#g.com hamish 74.00 P
How im pulling it now:
select invoice, email, customer_name, original bill, invoice status, max(date_last_modified_timestamp), mod status, mod_amount
from table one
left join on table1.invoice = table 2.invoice
group by
invoice, email, customer_name, original bill, invoice status, max(date_last_modified_timestamp), mod status, mod_amount
I've tried a gazzillion variation to no avail.
What i get
i do get accurate results, but those results inclues a duplicate row containing each invoice that has been modified. I only want one invoice per row. I want the one that's been modified last. Is this even possible? What am I doing wrong?

You can join and use a correlated subquery for filtering:
select i.*, e.*
from invoices i
inner join customer_invoice_edits e
on e.invoice = i.invoice
and e.date_last_modified_timestamp = (
select max(date_last_modified_timestamp)
from customer_invoice_edits e1
where e1.invoice = e.invoice
This will give you one record per row in the invoices table that has a match in customer_invoice_edits, along with the latest corresponding record in customer_invoice_edits.
If some invoices have no corresponding record in the dependant table, they will not appear in the resultset. If you do want to see them, then you can use a left join instead.

Is this what you want?
from (
row_number() over (
partition by invoice, email
order by date_last_modified_timestamp desc
) rn
from table2
where rn=1

I'm pretty sure you want this field-by-field. Here is an example:
select i.invoice,
nz( (select top (1)
from invoice_edits as ie
where ie.invoice = i.invoice and ie.email is not null
), i.email
) as email,
nz( (select top (1)
from invoice_edits as ie
where ie.invoice = i.invoice and ie.mod_amount is not null
), i.original_bill
) as original_bill,
. . .
from invoices as i;


Firebird Query- Return first row each group

In a firebird database with a table "Sales", I need to select the first sale of all customers. See below a sample that show the table and desired result of query.
1 25 01/04/16 09:32
2 30 02/04/16 11:22
3 25 05/04/16 08:10
4 31 07/03/16 10:22
5 22 01/02/16 12:30
6 22 10/01/16 08:45
Result: only first sale, based on sale date.
1 25 01/04/16 09:32
2 30 02/04/16 11:22
4 31 07/03/16 10:22
6 22 10/01/16 08:45
I've already tested following code "Select first row in each GROUP BY group?", but it did not work.
In Firebird 2.5 you can do this with the following query; this is a minor modification of the second part of the accepted answer of the question you linked to tailored to your schema and requirements:
select x.id,
from sales x
join (select customerid,
min(dthrsale) as first_sale
from sales
group by customerid) p on p.customerid = x.customerid
and p.first_sale = x.dthrsale
order by x.id
The order by is not necessary, I just added it to make it give the order as shown in your question.
With Firebird 3 you can use the window function ROW_NUMBER which is also described in the linked answer. The linked answer incorrectly said the first solution would work on Firebird 2.1 and higher. I have now edited it.
Search for the sales with no earlier sales:
Define an index over (customerid, dthrsale) to make it fast.
in Firebird 3 , get first row foreach customer by min sales_date :
SELECT id, customer_id, total, sales_date
SELECT id, customer_id, total, sales_date
, row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY sales_date ASC ) AS rn
) sub
WHERE rn = 1;
İf you want to get other related columns, This is where your self-answer fails.
select customer_id , min(sales_date)
, id, total --what about other colums
from SALES
group by customer_id
So simple as:

Concatenating data from one row into the results from another

I have a SQL Server database of orders I'm struggling with. For a normal order a single table provides the following results:
ID Customer Shipdate Order ID
1 Tom 2015-01-01 100
2 Bob 2014-03-20 200
At some point they needed orders that were placed by more than one customer. So they created a row for each customer and split the record over multiple rows.
ID Customer Shipdate Order ID
1 Tom 2015-01-01 100
2 Bob 2014-03-20 200
3 John
4 Dan
5 2014-05-10 300
So there is another table I can join on to make sense of this which relates the three rows which are actually one order.
ID Related ID
5 3
5 4
I'm a little new to SQL and while I can join on the other table and filter to only get the data relating to Order ID 300, but what I'd really like is to concatenate the customers, but after searching for a while I can't see how to do this. What'd I'd really like to achieve is this as an output:
ID Customer Shipdate Order ID
1 Tom 2015-01-01 100
2 Bob 2014-03-20 200
5 John, Dan 2014-05-10 300
You should consider changing the schema first. The below query might help you get a feel of how it can be done with your current design.
Select * From Orders Where IsNull(Customer, '') <> ''
Union All
Select ID,
Customer = (Select Customer + ',' From Orders OI Where OI.ID (Select RelatedID from JointOrders JO Where JO.ID = O.ID)
,ShipDate, OrderID
From Orders O Where IsNull(O.Customer, '') = ''

Specific Ordering in SQL

I have a SQL Server 2008 database. In this database, I have a result set that looks like the following:
ID Name Department LastOrderDate
-- ---- ---------- -------------
1 Golf Balls Sports 01/01/2015
2 Compact Disc Electronics 02/01/2015
3 Tires Automotive 01/15/2015
4 T-Shirt Clothing 01/10/2015
5 DVD Electronics 01/07/2015
6 Tennis Balls Sports 01/09/2015
7 Sweatshirt Clothing 01/04/2015
For some reason, my users want to get the results ordered by department, then last order date. However, not by department name. Instead, the departments will be in a specific order. For example, they want to see the results ordered by Electronics, Automotive, Sports, then Clothing. To throw another kink in works, I cannot update the table schema.
Is there a way to do this with a SQL Query? If so, how? Currently, I'm stuck at
vOrders o
Thank you!
You can use case expression ;
order by case when department = 'Electronics' then 1
when department = 'Automotive' then 2
when department = 'Sports' then 3
when department = 'Clothing' then 4
else 5 end
create a table for the departments that has the name (or better id) of the department and the display order. then join to that table and order by the display order column.
alternatively you can do a order by case:
ORDER BY CASE WHEN Department = 'Electronics' THEN 1
WHEN Department = 'Automotive' THEN 2
(that is not recommended for larger tables)
Here solution with CTE
with c (iOrder, dept)
as (
Select 1, 'Electronics'
Select 2, 'Automotive'
Select 3, 'Sports'
Select 4, 'Clothing'
Select * from c
vOrders o join c
on c.dept = o.Department

How to Retrieve Maximum Value of Each Group? - SQL

There is a table tbl_products that contains data as shown below:
Id Name
1 P1
2 P2
3 P3
4 P4
5 P5
6 P6
And another table tbl_inputs that contains data as shown below:
Id Product_Id Price Register_Date
1 1 10 2010-01-01
2 1 20 2010-10-11
3 1 30 2011-01-01
4 2 100 2010-01-01
5 2 200 2009-01-01
6 3 500 2011-01-01
7 3 270 2010-10-15
8 4 80 2010-01-01
9 4 50 2010-02-02
10 4 92 2011-01-01
I want to select all products(id, name, price, register_date) with maximum date in each group.
For Example:
Id Name Price Register_Date
3 P1 30 2011-01-01
4 P2 100 2010-01-01
6 P3 500 2011-01-01
10 P4 92 2011-01-01
from tbl_products tp
cross apply (
select top 1 price
from tbl_inputs ti
where ti.product_id = tp.id
order by register_date desc
) tii
Although is not the optimum way you can do it like:
;with gb as (
,max(register_date) As max_register_date
from tbl_inputs
group by product_id
from tbl_inputs ti
join gb
on ti.product_id=gb.product_id
and ti.register_date = gb.max_register_date
But as I said earlier .. this is not the way to go in this case.
;with cte as
select t1.id, t1.name, t1.code, t2.price, t2.register_date,
row_number() over (partition by product_id order by register_date desc) rn
from tbl_products t1
join tbl_inputs t2
on t1.id = t2.product_id
select id, name, code, price, register_date
from cte
where rn = 1
Something like this..
select id, product_id, price, max(register_date)
from tbl_inputs
group by id, product_id, price
you can use the max function and the group by clause. if you only need results from the table tbl_inputs you even don't need a join
select product_id, max(register_date), price
from tbl_inputs
group by product_id, price
if you need field from the tbl_prducts you have to use a join.
select p.name, p. code, i.id, i.price, max(i.register_date)
from tbl_products p join tbl_inputs i on p.id=i.product_id
grooup by p.name, p. code, i.id, i.price
Try this:
SELECT id, product_id, price, register_date
FROM tbl_inputs T1 INNER JOIN
SELECT product_id, MAX(register_date) As Max_register_date
FROM tbl_inputs
GROUP BY product_id
) T2 ON(T1.product_id= T2.product_id AND T1.register_date= T2.Max_register_date)
This is, of course, assuming your dates are unique. if they are not, you need to add the DISTINCT Keyword to the outer SELECT statement.
Sorry, I didn't explain it very well. Your dates can be duplicated, it's not a problem as long as they are unique per product id. if you can have duplicated dates per product id, then you will have more then one row per product in the outcome of the select statement I suggested, and you will have to find a way to reduce it to one row per product.
If you have records like that (when the last date for a product appears more then once in your table with different prices)
id | product_Id | price | register_date
1 | 1 | 10.00 | 01/01/2000
2 | 1 | 20.00 | 01/01/2000
it will result in having both of these records as outcome.
However, if the register_date is unique per product id, then you will get only one result for each product id.

show result from one table

good day, i have these 3 tables...i.e.;
customer table
cust_id cust_name sales_employee
1 abc 1
2 cde 1
3 efg 2
transaction table
order_num cust_id sales_employee
1001 1 1
1002 2 2
sales_employee table
sales_employee employee name
1 john doe
2 jane doe
how can i show the employee name on both customer table and transaction table?
notice how the sales_employee can change per transaction, it does not necessarily have to be the same per customer.
please help.
To select customers with sales person name
C.*, E.employee_name
Customers as C
inner join Sales_Employees as E on E.sales_employee = C.sales_employee
To select transactions with customer name and salesperson name (at the point in time of the transaction)
E.employee_name as Trans_employee,
EC.employee_name as Cust_employee
Transactions as T
inner join Sales_Employees as E on E.sales_employee = T.sales_employee
inner join Customers as C on C.cust_id= T.cust_id
inner join Sales_Employees as EC on EC.sales_employee = C.sales_employee
This code is meant to guide you, you will need to adjust it to match your table and field names.