Reference text for pre-training with ELMo/BERT - spacy

How-to issue:
spaCy mentions that ELMo/BERT are very effective in NLP tasks if you have few data, as these two have very good transfer learning properties.
My question: transfer learning relative to what model. If you have a language model for dogs, finding a good language model for kangeroos is easier (my case is biology-related, and has a lot of terminology)?

Well, BERT and ELMo are trained on huge corpus(BERT is trained on 16GB of raw text) of data. This implies, that the embeddings produced from these models are generic, this would leverage the capabilities of a language model in most of the task.
Since your task is biology related, you can have look at alternatives such as BioBERT (


Why do some entities perform better than others?

I have trained different entities within a NER task. Among others, I used spaCY, Stanford and BERT for this purpose.
The results show that BERT models perform best on average. However, certain entities (3/9) perform better on spaCy and Stanford NER. I am now looking for general reasons why spaCy and Stanford give better results than BERT. It would be nice if a few can give their thoughts on this.

Understanding the Hugging face transformers

I am new to the Transformers concept and I am going through some tutorials and writing my own code to understand the Squad 2.0 dataset Question Answering using the transformer models. In the hugging face website, I came across 2 different links
I want to know the difference between these 2 websites. Does one link have just a pre-trained model and the other have a pre-trained and fine-tuned model?
Now if I want to use, let's say an Albert Model For Question Answering and train with my Squad 2.0 training dataset on that and evaluate the model, to which of the link should I further?
I would formulate it like this:
The second link basically describes "community-accepted models", i.e., models that serve as the basis for the implemented Huggingface classes, like BERT, RoBERTa, etc., and some related models that have a high aceptance or have been peer-reviewed.
This list has bin around much longer, whereas the list in the first link only recently got introduced directly on the Huggingface website, where the community can basically upload arbitrary checkpoints that are simply considered "compatible" with the library. Oftentimes, these are additional models trained by practitioners or other volunteers, and have a task-specific fine-tuning. Note that al models from /pretrained_models.html are also included in the /models interface as well.
If you have a very narrow usecase, you might as well check and see if there was already some model that has been fine-tuned on your specific task. In the worst case, you'll simply end up with the base model anyways.

Which model (GPT2, BERT, XLNet and etc) would you use for a text classification task? Why?

I'm trying to train a model for a sentence classification task. The input is a sentence (a vector of integers) and the output is a label (0 or 1). I've seen some articles here and there about using Bert and GPT2 for text classification tasks. However, I'm not sure which one should I pick to start with. Which of these recent models in NLP such as original Transformer model, Bert, GPT2, XLNet would you use to start with? And why? I'd rather to implement in Tensorflow, but I'm flexible to go for PyTorch too.
It highly depends on your dataset and is part of the data scientist's job to find which model is more suitable for a particular task in terms of selected performance metric, training cost, model complexity etc.
When you work on the problem you will probably test all of the above models and compare them. Which one of them to choose first? Andrew Ng in "Machine Learning Yearning" suggest starting with simple model so you can quickly iterate and test your idea, data preprocessing pipeline etc.
Don’t start off trying to design and build the perfect system.
Instead, build and train a basic system quickly—perhaps in just a few
According to this suggestion, you can start with a simpler model such as ULMFiT as a baseline, verify your ideas and then move on to more complex models and see how they can improve your results.
Note that modern NLP models contain a large number of parameters and it is difficult to train them from scratch without a large dataset. That's why you may want to use transfer learning: you can download pre-trained model and use it as a basis and fine-tune it to your task-specific dataset to achieve better performance and reduce training time.
I agree with Max's answer, but if the constraint is to use a state of the art large pretrained model, there is a really easy way to do this. The library by HuggingFace called pytorch-transformers. Whether you chose BERT, XLNet, or whatever, they're easy to swap out. Here is a detailed tutorial on using that library for text classification.
EDIT: I just came across this repo, pytorch-transformers-classification (Apache 2.0 license), which is a tool for doing exactly what you want.
Well like others mentioned, it depends on the dataset and multiple models should be tried and best one must be chosen.
However, sharing my experience, XLNet beats all other models so far by a good margin. Hence if learning is not the objective, i would simple start with XLNET and then try a few more down the line and conclude. It just saves time in exploring.
Below repo is excellent to do all this quickly. Kudos to them.
It uses hugging face transformers and makes them dead simple. 😃
I have used XLNet, BERT, and GPT2 for summarization tasks (English only). Based on my experience, GPT2 works the best among all 3 on short paragraph-size notes, while BERT performs better for longer texts (up to 2-3 pages). You can use XLNet as a benchmark.

How to know what Tensorflow actually "see"?

I'm using cnn built by keras(tensorflow) to do visual recognition.
I wonder if there is a way to know what my own tensorflow model "see".
Google had a news showing the cat face in the AI brain.
Can anybody tell me how to take out the image in my own cnn networks.
For example, what my own cnn model recognize a car?
We have to distinguish between what Tensorflow actually see:
As we go deeper into the network, the feature maps look less like the
original image and more like an abstract representation of it. As you
can see in block3_conv1 the cat is somewhat visible, but after that it
becomes unrecognizable. The reason is that deeper feature maps encode
high level concepts like “cat nose” or “dog ear” while lower level
feature maps detect simple edges and shapes. That’s why deeper feature
maps contain less information about the image and more about the class
of the image. They still encode useful features, but they are less
visually interpretable by us.
and what we can reconstruct from it as a result of some kind of reverse deconvolution (which is not a real math deconvolution in fact) process.
To answer to your real question, there is a lot of good example solution out there, one you can study it with success: Visualizing output of convolutional layer in tensorflow.
When you are building a model to perform visual recognition, you actually give it similar kinds of labelled data or pictures in this case to it to recognize so that it can modify its weights according to the training data. If you wish to build a model that can recognize a car, you have to perform training on a large train data containing labelled pictures. This type of recognition is basically a categorical recognition.
You can experiment with the MNIST dataset which provides with a dataset of pictures of digits for image recognition.

Fixing error output from seq2seq model

I want to ask you how we can effectively re-train a trained seq2seq model to remove/mitigate a specific observed error output. I'm going to give an example about Speech Synthesis, but any idea from different domains, such as Machine Translation and Speech Recognition, using seq2seq model will be appreciated.
I learned the basics of seq2seq with attention model, especially for Speech Synthesis such as Tacotron-2.
Using a distributed well-trained model showed me how naturally our computer could speak with the seq2seq (end-to-end) model (you can listen to some audio samples here). But still, the model fails to read some words properly, e.g., it fails to read "obey [əˈbā]" in multiple ways like [əˈbī] and [əˈbē].
The reason is obvious because the word "obey" appears too little, only three times out of 225,715 words, in our dataset (LJ Speech), and the model had no luck.
So, how can we re-train the model to overcome the error? Adding extra audio clips containing the "obey" pronunciation sounds impractical, but reusing the three audio clips has the danger of overfitting. And also, I suppose we use a well-trained model and "simply training more" is not an effective solution.
Now, this is one of the drawbacks of seq2seq model, which is not talked much. The model successfully simplified the pipelines of the traditional models, e.g., for Speech Synthesis, it replaced an acoustic model and a text analysis frontend etc by a single neural network. But we lost the controllability of our model at all. It's impossible to make the system read in a specific way.
Again, if you use a seq2seq model in any field and get an undesirable output, how do you fix that? Is there a data-scientific workaround to this problem, or maybe a cutting-edge Neural Network mechanism to gain more controllability in seq2seq model?
I found an answer to my own question in Section 3.2 of the paper (Deep Voice 3).
So, they trained both of phoneme-based model and character-based model, using phoneme inputs mainly except that character-based model is used if words cannot be converted to their phoneme representations.