How to remove from one list all the items in another? -

I'm reading a set of rows from a remote database, and a similar set from a local database, and then using RemoveAll to get rid of remote rows that are already present locally...
remote_events = (From a In remote.Events
Where ...etc...).ToList
local_events = (From a In local.Events
Where ...etc...).ToList
remote_events.RemoveAll(Function (ByVal event_row As Remote_Event)
(From a In local_events Where a.Identifier = event_row.Identifier).Count > 0)
but this doesn't seem right to me. I don't think I should be counting things when all I really need to do is check whether a match exists. I've tried various usages of IsDBNull and IsNothing but get nonsense. I can't use .Except (as suggested here) because the list elements are not the same type.
Is there a better way of doing this?

One way is this:
remote_events.RemoveAll(Function(e) local_events.Exists(Function(f) f.Identifier = e.Identifier))

I'm trying to do this without visual studio, so I'm not sure if this will work, but I'd suppose you could do something along these lines if what you're trying to do is compare the Identifier:
Remote_Events = (From r_evt In Remote_Events
Where Not ((From l_evt In Local_Events Select l_evt.Identifier).Contains(r_evt.Identifier))
Select r_evt).ToList
I hope this helps and at least moves you in the right direction.


PyPika control order of with clauses

I am using PyPika (version 0.37.6) to create queries to be used in BigQuery. I am building up a query that has two WITH clauses, and one clause is dependent on the other. Due to the dynamic nature of my application, I do not have control over the order in which those WITH clauses are added to the query.
Here is example working code:
a_alias = AliasedQuery("a")
b_alias = AliasedQuery("b")
a_subq ="1").as_("z")).select(Term.wrap_constant("2").as_("y"))
b_subq = Query.from_(a_alias).select("z")
q = Query.with_(a_subq, "a").from_(a_alias).select(a_alias.y)
q = q.with_(b_subq, "b").from_(b_alias).select(b_alias.z)
sql = q.get_sql(quote_char=None)
That generates a working query:
WITH a AS (SELECT '1' z,'2' y) ,b AS (SELECT a.z FROM a) SELECT a.y,b.z FROM a,b
However, if I add the b WITH clause first, then since a is not yet defined, the resulting query:
WITH b AS (SELECT a.z FROM a), a AS (SELECT '1' z,'2' y) SELECT a.y,b.z FROM a,b
does not work. Since BigQuery does not support WITH RECURSIVE, that is not an option for me.
Is there any way to control the order of the WITH clauses? I see the _with list in the QueryBuilder (the type of variable q), but since that's a private variable, I don't want to rely on that, especially as new versions of PyPika may not operate the same way.
One way I tried to do this is to always insert the first WITH clause at the beginning of the _with list, like this:
q._with.insert(0, q._with.pop())
Although this works, I'd like to use a PyPika supported way to do that.
In a related question, is there a supported way within PyPika to see what has already been added to the select list or other parts of the query? I noticed the q.selects member variable, but selects is not part of the public documentation. Using q.selects did not actually work for me when using our project's Python version (3.6) even though it did work in Python 3.7. The code I was trying to use is:
if any( == "date" for field in q.selects if isinstance(field, Field))
The error I got was as follows:
def __getitem__(self, item: slice) -> "BetweenCriterion":
if not isinstance(item, slice):
> raise TypeError("Field' object is not subscriptable")
Thank you in advance for your help.
I could not figure out how to control the order of the WITH clauses after calling query.with_() (except for the hack already noted). As a result, I restructured my application to get around this problem. I am now calling query.with_() before building up the rest of the query.
This also made my related question moot, because I no longer need to see what I've already added to the query.

How to list all topics created by me

How can I get a list of all topics that I created?
I think it should be something like
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1] = '%USERNAME%" type="query" web="Sandbox" }%
but that returns 0 results.
With "versions[-1]" I get all topics, and with " = '%USERNAME%'" a list of the topics where the last edit was made by me. Having a list of all topics where any edit was made by me would be fine, too, but " = '%USERNAME%'" again gives 0 results.
I’m using Foswiki-1.0.9. (I know that’s quite old.)
The right syntax would be
%SEARCH{ "versions[-1,'%USERNAME%']" type="query" web="Sandbox"}%
But that's not performing well, i.e. on your old Foswiki install.
Better is to install DBCacheContrib and DBCachePlugin and use
This plugin caches the initial author in a way it does not have to retrieve the information from the revision system for every topic under consideration during query time.

Progress - Join Tables

I'm adding some validation checks before I make records to my database and I need to fulfil the following condition:
Find fieldinfo where fieldinfo.fieldno = 5052
Find codetable where codetable.tableno = fieldinfo.tableno and codetable.code = tt-employee.costcode
tt-employee is a temp table , the rest are directly from the db
Since I am new to progress I'm a bit confused - should use a join for that and if so any idea how to do it? Thank you!
There are some things to consider here:
You can add validation either in your logic or in the database itself. How to do it is up to you and what the systems look like. If validation is already present in the database it might be necessary to keep it there.
But if it's not a requirement from your client/boss etc I would personally put all validation in the business logic and NOT in the schema.
Check the database manuals for "validation" if you want to use the database driven approach.
The other issue is that your query is wrong. Progress does indeed support joined queries but not with the FIND-statement.
Do like this instead to keep the FIND:
FIND fieldinfo NO-LOCK WHERE fieldinfo.fieldno = 5052 NO-ERROR.
FIND FIRST codetable NO-LOCK WHERE codetable.tableno = fieldinfo.tableno
AND codetable.code = tt-employee.costcode NO-ERROR.
/* Do something */
You could also change it into a FOR-statement with a join.
FOR EACH fieldinfo NO-LOCK WHERE fieldinfo.fieldno = 5052,
FIRST codetable NO-LOCK WHERE codetable.tableno = fieldinfo.tableno
AND codetable.code = tt-employee.costcode:
/* Do something */
IF expression THEN {block/statement} [ELSE {block/statement}]
IF expression THEN DO: {block} END. [ELSE DO: {block} END.]
See, if that help.

orientdb sql update edge?

I have been messing around with orientdb sql, and I was wondering if there is a way to update an edge of a vertex, together with some data on it.
assuming I have the following data:
Vertex: Person, Room
Edge: Inside (from Person to Room)
something like:
UPDATE Persons SET phone=000000, out_Inside=(
select #rid from Rooms where room_id=5) where person_id=8
obviously, the above does not work. It throws exception:
Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.record.ridbag.ORidBag
I tried to look at the sources at github searching for a syntax for bag with 1 item,
but couldn't find any (found %, but that seems to be for serialization no for SQL).
(1) Is there any way to do that then? how do I update a connection? Is there even a way, or am I forced to create a new edge, and delete the old one?
(2) When writing this, it came to my mind that perhaps edges are not the way to go in this case. Perhaps I should use a LINK instead. I have to say i'm not sure when to use which, or what are the implications involved in using any of them. I did found this though:!topic/orient-database/xXlNNXHI1UE
comment 3 from the top, of Lvc#, where he says:
"The suggested way is to always create an edge for relationships"
Also, even if I should use a link, please respond to (1). I would be happy to know the answer anyway.
In my scenario, a person can only be at one room. This will most likely not change in the future. Obviously, the edge has the advantage that in case I might want to change it (however improbable that may be), it will be very easy.
Solution (partial)
(1) The solution was simply to remove the field selection. Thanks for Lvca for pointing it out!
(2) --Still not sure--
CREATE EDGE and DELETE EDGE commands have this goal: avoid the user to fight with underlying structure.
However if you want to do it (a little "dirty"), try this one:
UPDATE Persons SET phone=000000, out_Inside=(
select from Rooms where room_id=5) where person_id=8
update EDGE Custom_Family_Of_Custom
set survey_status = '%s',
apply_source = '%s'
where #rid in (
select level1_e.#rid from (
MATCH {class: Custom, as: custom, where: (custom_uuid = '%s')}.bothE('Custom_Family_Of_Custom') {as: level1_e} .bothV('Custom') {as: level1_v, where: (custom_uuid = '%s')} return level1_e
it works well

MOSS 2007: What is the source of "Directories"?

I'm trying to generate a new SharePoint list item directly using SQL server. What's stopping me is damn tp_DirName column. I have no ideas how to create this value.
Just for instance, I have selected all tasks from AllUserData, and there are possible values for the column: 'MySite/Lists/Task', 'Lists/Task' and even 'MySite/Lists/List2'.
MySite is the FullUrl value from Webs table. I can obtain it. But what about 'Lists/Task' and '/Lists/List2'? Where they are stored?
If try to avoid SQL context, I can formulate it the following way: what is the object, that has such attribute as '/Lists/List2'? Where can I set it up in GUI?
Just a FYI. It is VERY not supported to try and write directly to SharePoint's SQL Tables. You should really try and write something that utilizes the SharePoint Object Model. Writing to the SharePoint database directly mean Microsoft will not support the environment.
I've discovered, that [AllDocs] table, in contrast to its title, contains information about "directories", that can be used to generate tp_DirName. At least, I've found "List2" and "Task" entries in [AllDocs].[tp_Leaf] column.
So the solution looks like this -- concatenate the following 2 components to get tp_DirName:
[Webs].[FullUrl] for the web, containing list, containing item.
[AllDocs].[tp_Leaf] for the list, containing item.
Concatenate the following 2 components to get tp_Leaf for an item:
(Item count in the list) + 1
Well, my previous answer was not very useful, though it had a key to the magic. Now I have a really useful one.
Whatever they said, M$ is very liberal to the MOSS DB hackers. At least they provide the following documents:
Read? Then, you know that all folders are listed in the [AllDocs] table with '1' in the 'Type' column.
Now, let's look at 'tp_RootFolder' column in AllLists. It looks like a folder id, doesn't it? So, just SELECT the single row from the [AllDocs], where Id = tp_RootFolder and Type = 1. Then, concatenate DirName + LeafName, and you will know, what the 'tp_DirName' value for a newly generated item in the list should be. That looks like a solid rock solution.
Now about tp_LeafName for the new items. Before, I wrote that the answer is (Item count in the list) + 1 + '_.000', that corresponds to the following query:
DECLARE #itemscount int;
SELECT #itemscount = COUNT(*) FROM [dbo].[AllUserData] WHERE [tp_ListId] = ' list id...';
INSERT INTO [AllUserData] (tp_LeafName, ...) VALUES(CAST(#itemscount + 1 AS NVARCHAR(255)) + '_.000', ...)
Thus, I have to say I'm not sure that it works always. For items - yes, but for docs... I'll inquire into the question. Leave a comment if you want to read a report.
Hehe, there is a stored procedure named proc_AddListItem. I was almost right. MS people do the same, but instead of (count + 1) they use just... tp_ID :)
Anyway, now I know THE SINGLE RIGHT answer: I have to call proc_AddListItem.
UPDATE: Don't forget to present the data from the [AllUserData] table as a new item in [AllDocs] (just insert id and leafname, see how SP does it itself).