Getting store id from ebay api - ebay-api

I can get orders of any users using oauth2 via ebay api. When users authorize our app to connect and get his orders , I add a new record including access key and refresh token to my db . But when this user re-authorize our app , a new record which is identical with the previous one is added. How can I get identifier like storeId in ebay api. Store name can be retrieved via GetStore but it can be changed by shop owner, so I think it can not be identifier

Use empty GetUser call.
As mention in Docs:
UserID - Specify the user whose data you want returned by the call. If not specified, eBay returns data pertaining to the requesting user (as specified with the eBayAuthToken value).


Firebase / Google Analytics

I am using firebase sdk with Expo. In order to link users accross sessions and different devices we use the following setUserId(user._id).
This occurs after a user logs in and authenticates.
On logout I call setUserId(null).
My questions is: does setting the user id to null erase the previous user tracking data from GA. Should I be setting to null at logout? I can't find any concrete documentation on how setting to null impacts the data collection.
The goal is to track unique users across months, years etc. Is the above configured correctly or is there some issue with setting to null on logout.
You can remove the User ID by setting it to null or replace it with a new user ID. userID is just a user property that goes with all events after it is set so you need to set it to null when user logs out and set a new user ID when a different user logs in.
From documentation:
The value of the user property. Values can be up to 36 characters long. Setting the value to null removes the user property.

How to pull Instagram posts for a public account for certain account?

How to pull Instagram posts for a public account for certain account however the account is not mine, but I need to pull its feed and its recent media.
I saw there's a way using the user_id, but how could I get the user_id from a username? OR doing it directly with the username?
Sending a GET request to returns a JSON packed with account information including user id, recent media, feed, etc.
user_id =
You can replace katyperry with any public username.

Does surveymonkey api return the unique ID associated with their unique id specifications?

Can anyone tell me if they are know for certain whether or not survey monkey's api has the ability to return the unique ID associated with their designated unique id specifications:
It states the following regarding viewing this in the aforementioned link:
When these results come back on the survey, that custom ID of "00001"
appears in the Custom Value field in the Analyze > Browse Responses
However I cannot find any mention of this data being returned from their API in the API documentation:
It can be retrieved by sending 'custom_id' as a requested field to 'get_respondent_list':
It will then be in the 'custom_id' field in the respondent's dictionary.

Get transaction by item account id

Hi I am using rest api to access yodlee aggregation services. i am not able to search transaction by item account id. My rest query is as follows
parameters = {
The response is always all the transactions for the user instead of transactions for a particular item account id.
Any help is appreciated
You are passing ItemId but the parameter passed should be ItemAccoutnId.
Difference between ItemId and ItemAccountId -
when you link a site say "Citibank" then an itemId is created and then say you have a saving and a checking account under Citibank then both these accounts will have an unique identifier called itemAccountId.
Hence the transaction search takes itemAccountId as the parameter and will return transaction only for that account.
Please use below API to get ItemAccountId and pass it to the transaction Search.

LinkedIn connection search by first name and last name

Is there way to search first name and last name for linkedin connection filter using LinkedIn API?
Suppose I am authenticated by linkedIn and show connection in popup.LinkedIn connection response only 500 connection one time request. So I do paging 500 connection. But I want to send invitations to two persons, so I want to give search widget by first name and last name from my LinkedIn connections.
You could use the People Search API to search on first and last name, restricting the search to just your connections:,F
In terms of 'filtering' the returned values to remove the current user making the call from the result set, you should check for the returned user's relationship to the viewer:,first-name,last-name,relation-to-viewer:(distance)))?first-name=Clair&last-name=Smith&facet=network,F
Then check the results, and remove the users that have a relation-to-user of 0.