Process.start is not working when code is hosted on IIS -

I want to open notepad file by process.start when I debug the code locally it is working fine. But when I host my API on IIS it is not working I already give all the permission to my Site on IIS.
I give all the permission to my hosted Website.
return Ok("DONE");
There is No error or exception coming.API run correctly.


ASP.Net core - where does the IdentityModelEventSource log file go when running without Publishing?

I enable the log by setting "IdentityModelEventSource.ShowPII = true" in my app hosted in IIS. It works fine if I publish the app - the log file will be created/updated in the "...\Publish\logs" folder. But what I really need is to generate log file when running without publishing the code so I can debug. The problem is when running without publishing, the app runs fine but I don't see the log file anymore. Where should I look for it? Is there anywhere I can configure the location of the log file?

How to fix an error "access to the path denied" in the hosted application in IIS

My application involves in deleting a file from TFS Source control explorer and moving the newly created file to the deleted file path. It is properly working when i am running it locally, I hosted this application in a server machine but it is throwing me an error saying "access to the path denied" when it comes to the delete functionality of the file.
I have tried the following.
1) Added IIS_IUSRS identity with FullControl access for the file security property.
2) Enabled the Directory Browsing for the website in IIS server.
3) Tried creating a user account to run the app pool.
but no luck. I am getting the same error. Please suggest me something. Thanks in advance.

IIS is not allowing to access a javascript file

i have a web application. while running in my system integration environment, i get an issue while accessing my javascript file or an image file in my particular folder.
When i tried putting the complete URL in the browser, it gave me a following exception -
HTTP Error 404.2 Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the webserver.
I googled this exception and found that i need to allow ASP.NET 4.0, 2.0, etc in the IIS's ISAPI & CGi Restrictions.. however, they were already in allow mode.
What next should i lookup?
OK,, i got the answer
the HTTP Handler in the applicatin's web.config file was trying to execute via a aspnet_isapi.dll located in Framework64 folder of .NET Framework.. the target machine however is a 32 bit and i dont have this Framework64 folder on it..
i changed the path of the executable to point to the 32 bit's folder and it wrked :)

IIS - Resource not found while Directory is browsable

I have a little strange issue on my system. I have hosted a Service, Rest Service (Be Specific) on my system. When I try to access the svc page of the same service it gives me HTTP 404 (The resource cannot be found.) error while I can browse the whole directory and in that directory it shows that the svc file lies with in the folder but when I click on svc file i get the 404 error.
I tried to host the same service on other system and it works fine. I am not sure what causing it not to display on my system.
Any clue would be great help.

404.0 error on remote web service, but not local on IIS

I have a web service I have written and am trying to publish to a production server. The strange thing is, when I pushed it on the server and set up a virtual folder for the service, it doesn't want to work when accessed from the Internet!
If I open up IIS 6 admin, look at the folder, right click on the .asmx file and select browse; it opens in Internet Explorer fine! If i change the URL to the public URL name, it works ok, but only on the server. If I try to access it from my desktop, I get a 404.0 error! I know the file is there, it works fine on localhost on the server!
I'm pulling my hair out! Any suggestions?
It was a stupid error on my part. When i deployed the web service, i put it in it's own folder on the server. I didn't check permissions on the folder though. When accessing it on localhost, my logged in user had administrative privileges and could see the file. Remotely, as anonymous, it couldn't. Once i matched permissions to what wwwroot had, it worked fine.
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