How to disable lines around text and explanations in Sublime Text - line

I have these lines around text and explanations popping up annoyingly.
Is there a way to turn these off?
I tried to look in settings and to adjust them but nothing works out.
P.S. ignore the code, it's just for example

White lines surrounding code like that are generally indicative of something like a code linter or other similar tool giving you an indication that there might be something wrong with the code (such as not following a code convention of some sort). The code explanation is a popup showing you the arguments and documentation for whatever function or method you're working on.
Both of these things are something that Sublime doesn't do on its own; you have installed a package of some sort that provides this capability.
If you were looking in the regular Sublime settings (Preferences.sublime-settings) for options that control this, they won't be there. In order to configure these away you would need to determine the package that you installed that's doing this and then configure that package not to do it or, if that's not possible, remove it.
If you use Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings - User from the menu, you can inspect the installed_packages setting to see what third party packages you installed and investigate which one of them is doing this.
Possible packages that do something like this would be Jedi or one of the Anaconda packages; essentially anything that says that it provides code support and assistance for Python is a candidate here.
Once you find the package in question, you can look in it's settings directly to see if you can turn the features you don't want off; failing that only removing the package will stop it from displaying these things.

These lines are called linting. Linting is the process of running a program that will analyse code for potential errors.
In sublime text it occurs usually because of some packages that you have installed...
In your case, it is actually the anaconda package and some other packages. It can be removed easily in a few simple steps.
In the sublime text window press ctrl+shift+P to open a command pallete and then type the name of the package. I typed anaconda because it is the one giving me these lintings so there will be an option Disable linting on this file. Just click on it, as shown in this picture .


How can I force intellij to check all files?

When I'm using intellij sometimes I do very large refactors that the IDE can't help with. This often breaks a lot of files, but since I'm using either Typescript or Java it's relatively easy to find the problems.
My issue is that I can't seem to get Intellij to check those files unless I open them specifically.
The kind of checking I'm talking about isn't a specific inspection, it's just like the normal compilation problems.
So for example, I have a typescript project and I modified some stuff. When I open some of my React components intellij waits a second, and then highlights parts of it in red. I can go to those parts and see what the issue is.
I've tried forcing the inspector to run, and I've tried building the project, but neither one gives me the red squiggly love I need :^(
It feels like the project->build should force intellij to highlight all this stuff, but it seems to have no effect.

Anaconda Spyder Auto Complete DOES work, but it does not show the possible solutions

Sorry for another post like this, I found a LOT of them here asking how to enable auto-completion, but that is not my case.
If I declare a variable and then hit CTRL+Space it works - it will autocomplete it. What I am missing thought is, that is shows a list of the possible solutions while typing - how do I enable that? (They only show after hitting CTRL+Space, is there no feature like in IntelliJ where they show that during typing already?
(Spyder maintainer here) I guess what you are referring to is auto-completion on the fly, i.e. as you write on the Editor or Console.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to enable that right now (August/2018). However, it'll be available (but only for the Editor) in our next major version: Spyder 4, to be released in 2019.

Code snippet highlighting in sublime text?(or suggest a note taking app for coding)

I like to take notes as I learn new concepts and when learning something, say android which involves XML and JAVA syntax and even some SQL, when I copy paste it onto a single file I want each snippet to be highlighted in a way that makes sense for that particular language...and the rest of the text remain plain much like SO itself where I can mark only the code as code....I searched online and no application meets these requirements and finally I stumbled across a sublime Text Plugin ...thing is I don't understand how to install it even after reading the instructions please guide me or if you know any other application that meets these requirements please let me know .
link to the plugin
The plugin that you have linked to, "Notes", is a Sublime Text 3 plugin. It will not work on Sublime Text 2 (afaik).
Uninstall ST2 and install ST3 and then install Package Control and then install Notes. It should install without any issue.
I'm currently using Sublime Text 3 and am able to install the plugin without any issues.
You need to install it via Package control by pressing: cmd + shift + P. Then navigate to "install package". Once you begin typing in the package name (Notes in this example) will autocomplete then hit enter once its highlighted in the dropdown. Once installed read the Package Control Message that pops up in a new tab with instructions. These usually have key messages/directions for install or setup.
Kahlil was right when he said its not only compatible for ST2. So if it doesn't appear when you run package control thats why

How to see live list of syntax errors in WebStorm 7 (or IntelliJ)?

While editing a JavaScript file, the IDE shows highlights on the lines that have problems and displays the lightbulb when you're on one of those lines.
How can I see a live list of all problems found in the current file (e.g. syntax errors)?
The only way I found so far was to manually run inspection and check the inspection window. That's quite cumbersome. Even the "Problems" section of the Project window updates itself automatically as soon as I change the code (even without saving) - but it doesn't display the actual errors (only which files have errors).
Apparently the IDE knows what errors exist in the file - I just can't find a way to see all of them in a list.
In every other IDE I know, it is a built-in, enabled-by-default, feature: eclipse, visual studio, brackets, etc.
Apparently this is an open issue on the IntelliJ family of products. Please upvote that issue if you feel it is missing as well!

Is there a Textmate equivalent of "Format indenting of selected code" in Sublime Text 2?

In Textmate, the keyboard shortcut ⌘⌥[ properly indents all the nesting on selected code.
Is there a similar option in Sublime Text 2? It's the only thing holding me back from switching and I've checked all documentation to try and find something similar.
I'm not sure if Sublime Text 2 has a generic code formatter, but there are a lot of really good packages out there that will provide various formatting for different languages.
Take a look at Package Control (used to manage plugins for Sublime).
For formatting Ruby there's a pretty good package called BeautifyRuby.
What you are actually looking for is "reindent". It's under the Edit -> Line -> Reindent option. Strangely enough it's not bound to a keystroke. Simply installing code syntax packages will not cause them to apply the formatting to existing code.