Can you help me with this simple RobotC exercise? - nxt

I mean 2. Second Length found here
I think I found all mistakes but still, I can't seem to get the right answer.
On line 8 it should be wait1Msec(3000); instead of wait1Msec(4000);
Swing turn to the right should be written as 100 power for C and 0 power for B. I also tried -100 for B and even exchanged letters just in case I misunderstood which of the motors is left and which is right, but I still got the wrong answer (according to the website).
There are mistakes in the comments as well, but that shouldn't be a problem since they're just comments! Still, I corrected them just in case. Replaced 4 with 3 and replaced right with left, still not correct.
Do they expect me to right some specific text in the comments? Or am I missing something?

It seems that you should write the code for your second length after the comment
So, your code should be a code for the first length and the second length. I hope that helps.


length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent

I am new to using R and actually to most programming language, so I am a bit lost here. Hope you can help. I am using RCMap for whcih I have 4csv documents, I get the following error code:
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn :
length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent
I am sure it has something to do with my own data, because I get normal output if I use other people´s data. However, I don´t know where the problem is (not even in which of the four documents). I do have a lot of missing data, however changing the missing data to either blank spaces or NA, does not change the error code.
The documents of other people that I am able to run also contain missing data, although to a lesser extend.
Hope you can help,
best wishes, Doriene
I had a similar problem and it helped when i put a space in front of c__bacilli.
Ex: test <- subset_taxa(phylo, Class==" c__Bacilli")

Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed

I have seen a lot of questions about this but I couldn't find the correct answer for me which works.
The object which triggers the problem is like
is the database Server.
Object name contains more than the maximum prefixes allowed
I have tried to write it like this [].Database.dbo.Table just like [].[Database].[dbo].[Table]
Can you tell me what's wrong with this?
Please try this:
OP also encountered a new problem after implementing this solution above. OP said:
Thank you! This worked for me. To be more precise, the join is for a
view and if I save/close and then later get back to the design option
the quote marks are removed and there is [] left
over and the error returns. Is there a way to keep them fixed?
Otherwise if I change anything I always have to add the quote marks
again and again
Then with the help of DaleK that problem also was solved. DaleK:
Don't use the design option, script it as alter instead

Adding various number of dots in excel

I have a lot of excel files looking like that:
My goal is to make it look like that:
To do that, I used very simple excel's function:
=F7&" "&G7&""&" "&H7&" times "&I7&CHAR(10)&F8&" "&G8&""&" "&H8&" times "&I8&CHAR(10)
The thing is, the number of dots placed before "cat" is not constant. It depends where the previous sentence ends and my formula doesn't take it into account - it always adds 9 dots, which means I have to add the rest of the dots manually.
Any ideas how to make it work? :D
The REPT function can do this. Use LEN to calculate the length of what you're adding the dots to, then subtract that from the desired width of the result. That will repeat the dot enough times to fill the column. For example, if you want the text with dots to be 40 characters, right padded with .:
=F1&" "&G1&REPT(".",40-LEN(G1))&"cat."&" "&H1&" times "&I1&CHAR(10)&F2&""
=LEFT(A1 & REPT(".",22-LEN(A1))&"cat",25)
22 = fixed width - len("cat"), 25 - fixed width.
edit - i revised because my original answer was not correct but I see Comintern has posted a similar response since.

Computer Challenge Puzzle? Table with numbers and 2^x

I know this is kind of a vague question, but I'm doing a computer-style puzzle and am completely lost on this one. It gives a display of a table of these numbers:
And asks for a keyword from those numbers. Am I missing something really obvious here?
Got it. The numbers at the top are a clue, telling you the answer is in binary.
If you treat each odd number as a 0, and each even number as 1, then the binary is:
which translates to: i<3math!

Why does this search for [help/dont-ask] return irrelevant results in DSE?

Why does this ridiculously simple query on return results that don't have [help/dont-ask] in the comment text? I feel like I'm missing something mind-numbingly obvious here.
select top 10 Id, PostId, Text
from comments
where text like '%[help/dont-ask]%'
Results I currently get:
Id PostId Text
-- ------- -----------------------------------
1 35314 not sure why this is getting downvoted -- it is correct! Double check it in your compiler if you don't believe him!
2 35314 Yeah, I didn't believe it until I created a console app - but good lord! Why would they give you the rope to hang yourself! I hated that about VB.NET - the OrElse and AndAlso keywords!
4 35195 I don't see an accepted answer now, I wonder how that got unaccepted. Incidentally, I would have marked an accepted answer based on the answers available at the time. Also, accepted doesn't mean Best :)
9 47239 Jonathan: Wow! Thank you for all of that, you did an amazing amount of work!
10 45651 It will help if you give some details of which database you are using as techniques vary.
12 47428 One of the things that make a url user-friendly is 'discover-ability', meaning you can take a guess at url's simply from the address bar. could easily lead to etc
14 47481 I agree, both CodeRush and RefactorPro are visually impressive (most of which can be turned off BTW), but for navigating and refactoring Resharper is much better in my opinion of using both products.
15 47373 Just wanted to mention that this is an excellent solution if you consider the problem to be linear (i.e. treating `A1B2` as a single number). I still think the problem is multi-dimensional, but I guess we'll just have to wait for the author to clarify :)
16 47497 Indeed, the only way to do this is get the server to generate your CSS file which can be done in many ways depending on which language you are using. HttpHandlers are common in C#. You could use jQuery or the likes to add styling to every element with the class 'ourColur' and parametrise your JS
18 47513 This advice goes against the spirit of CSS, which is separation of content and presentation. You way requires changing HTML for presentation sake, and stating in content which elements have same color.
...none of which contains the magic link (or even the text dont-ask).
Because [] delimits a set of characters to find.
You need to escape them.
Or just use CHARINDEX as the search is unsargable anyway.
WHERE CHARINDEX('[help/dont-ask]', text) > 0