How to pass session id to cookie data using JMeter? - jmeter-4.0

I'm new to JMeter and want to know how to pass session-id to all httpRequests.
I have tried with cookieManager and then HttpRequest is having session-id but response shows "session expired".

Cookie manager and Post Processor will solve the problem.
For example-
below opensrm is transaction controller
Add HTTP Cookie Manager and add Post Processor in the request to extract the result as below.
Below is a Boundary extractor I used to extract the value of the session ID from the response.
Refer this for Boundary Extractor
Now we will use this variable to initialize cookie in Cookie Manager
sessionID is a variable used to store extracted session id from the response in Boundary extractor.
For how to use HTTP Cookie manager
FYI: Cookie manager should be used where ever the session id is used in requests.


Same response data for all iterations even though cookie is cleared

My Test structure in Jmeter
Thread group (2 users)
Http request
For each iteration same form_key values are getting in response which should not be.
How to get unique form_key in response for each iteration
Jmeter Test result screenshot
I cannot reproduce your issue using one of the online Magento demo instances, in particular this one:
As you can see, each time form_key is different for each user for each iteration.
If you're using HTTP Cookie Manager - make sure to tick "Clear cookies each iteration" box
Also make sure to properly setup the HTTP Request sampler, to wit put http or https into "Protocol", server name or IP to the relevant field, path, etc.

Add custom session data to jsoup POST request in clojure

I am testing my first clojure ring application with midje and jsoup.
The app uses ring-session to add session for logged-only pages.
Session is not a cookie, neither part of the header of the request and I dont know how to add it to perform a post request correctly on logged pages...
A POST request in jsoup is something like:
(-> (Jsoup/connect "http://localhost:3001/sendto")
(.userAgent "...")
(.header "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
(.data "amount" amount)
(.data "to" email)
(.data "sendto-submit" "Send")
Altough this will not work when trying to perform a request against a logged-only url.
I'd have to add the session object, that in my case is something like:
{:session {:auth {:email ""}}}
to the request, but so far neither (.cookie) nor (.data) worked...
Any help is suuuuper welcome :)
Without knowing the server side config, it's hard to give exact advice, but you have to remember the cookie you get on login and send it with the requests.
What you see on the server as {:session {:auth ,,,}} is the result of the session wrapper loading server side stored data into the request.
So basically:
you send a request, that starts a session (e.g. your login)
the server sends you a cookie back and stores informations about the login in it's session storage
you send a request, that includes that cookie
the server looks the cookie up in the session storage and injects the data associated with it in the request.
See the source/doc

How to run a thread after every 25min in jmeter

I am hitting a rest API using HTTP GET request that contains authentication token in header. So in a thread group i am hitting authentication server to get authentication token. In the subsequent thread groups i am going for HTTP GET request
TEST plan (property auth)
http GET to get authentication token
extracting response and putting in auth
Thread group(GET)
http GET
Thread group(GET)
http GET
and soo on
Here the authentication token will expire for every 25 min so i need a mechanism to generate authentication token for every 25 min with out interrupting the work of on going HTTP GET calls
You can go through the below screenshots for more details. Let me know in case you still need more help on this.
Use Beanshell Assertion to store variable into Property variable
Use the property variable in this way to fetch the value
Just add Test Action sampler (since JMeter 5.0 the element is known as Flow Action Control) after your http GET to get authentication token request and configure it to Pause for 1500000 milliseconds (25 minutes * 60 seconds in minute * 1000 milliseconds in second)
You can configure it in the below manner.
http GET to get authentication token
Extract the authentication token and save in a jmeter property variable
The benefit of saving token in a property variable is that you can access property variable in other thread groups as well. Once configured in the above manner, you can execute the ThreadGroup(authentication) after every 23 minutes so that it can update the Jmeter property variable (authentication token) before expiring.
To set a property variable: ${__setProperty(variable, ${variable})}
To access a property variable: ${__property(variable)}
You can try this at your end and let me know how it goes.

jMeter issue when using Cookie manager and Regular expression extractor

So basically I need to extract an auth token from header response of 1st http request and then use the extracted data in 2nd (and all the following) http requests cookies.
The issue here is, that I have cookie manager set for the whole controller and instead of getting actual data I get the name of variable in my cookie ".authToken=${auth}".
I am guessing the reason is that the variable is not declared when the test reaches Cookie manager, but I would expect jmeter to be smart enough to declare the variable when it gets to the regular expression extractor.
Cache Manager
Cookie Manager (Cookie Policy:compatibility; Implementation:HC3)
Http Request
Regular expression extractor
Http request (I need to use value extracted above in Request Cookie here)
Http request (I need to use the same value in Request Cookie here)
Http request (I need to use the same value in Request Cookie here)
All the http requests are recorded with implementation HttpClient3.1
Pretty sure I have everything configured correctly as in variable names, regular expression since it works in a very specific case:
The only time it seemed to work correctly was when I had Cookie manager inside the http request and disabled the 'main' Cookie manager (the one for the whole controller). Then it got extracted correctly, but that would be really silly workaround for such a basic requirement and also I have many http requests (over 100) where I need to use the extracted value.
Jmeter doesn't need to use the variable before it's declared by the regular expression extractor, I made sure that the domain is correct and it gets used for the first time after it should have been extracted.
Another workaround I thought of would be having separate threads, have them linked and send the variable in between them, launching the next one once the data gets extracted, but that seems a little bit too drastic.
What I tried:
Splitting http requests into 2 different controllers and using 2 different Cookie managers - got "${auth}" instead of some value
Defining user variable above controller and then using "Apply to: Jmeter Variable" option - again got just string "${auth}" instead of some value.
Moving the Cookie manager to a position after the http request which is used for the extraction - again "${auth}" instead of some value
Setting different cookie's policy (not all of them, but few)
Setting "" in (and still have on true)
Any help/ideas are appreciated. I have been trying to figure this out for about an hour and I think I must be missing something very simple.
Alright, finally got this resolved after roughly 2 hours.
Thanks to this article, I was able to do what I needed
In nutshell: You need to use beanshell pre-processor and add the cookie manually
Here is the beanshell script in case the site dies:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("CookieName", vars.get("YourExtractedVariable"), "Domain", "Path", false, 0);

The required anti-forgery cookie "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present in JMeter

JMeter is not able to process request. Its showing error
The required anti-forgery cookie "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present
in JMeter, while same provided in HTTP Cookie Manager element. Ihave added
It looks like that your application is protected by a form of CSRF attack prevention.
Bypassing CSRF protection with JMeter isn't a rocket science, it is classic correlation example. I would recommend to follow the next steps:
Add View Results Tree Listener to your test plan
Execute test plan
Open very first request in View Results Tree listener and look for something like __RequestVerificationToken
Once found fetch its value via on of the following post processors:
Regular Expression Extractor
XPath Extractor
CSS/JQuery Extractor
Once you have token extracted and stored into a JMeter Variable add a HTTP Cookie Manager as a child of the next request and configure it as follows:
Name: __RequestVerificationToken
Value: Reference Name of the variable used in the extractor from step 4. I.e. if Reference Name was token put ${token} into Value input.