run cronjob button is not visible in backoffice-SAP Hyrbis 1905? - sap

We did the Hybris upgrade from 6.7 to 1905. Storefront is working fine. But while trying to run the cronjobs from backoffice. Its not showing the cronjob run button.
Solr indexing button also not visible in backoffice. Please let me know if I miss anything.
Cronjob run button missing
Solr Indexing button missing
Can you please help me on this.
Thanks in advance...

Check that the user with which you log into Backoffice is a member of backoficeadmingroup (or admingroup). I assume the F4 - Reset Everything - F4 sequence was run as well.

This fixed the cron job icon issue.


Cannot create an Application with OJET-CLI

I am a beginner on Oracle JET. I tried to install a sample ojet application which is mentioned in the documentation. I have set both http and https proxy. I have node and npm installed on my system. I am able to download other packages using npm like npm-check etc. but when I try
ojet create HelloJET --web --template=navdrawer
it goes through some time and often stuck at this point
In CMD when you mark something up for selection the header of the window changes to
Select <process>
You need to press esc to exit from select mode.
Yes, the problem is that white spot in the middle of screen,
you needed to press ESC to let the rest the script to run

My run console disapear in Intellij

I work on Intellij but I don't know where my Run console is gone.
If I open intellij on another computer, I can add the Run console like this:
I dont find Run in this panel on the first computer'Intellij and in View -> Tool Windos -> Run is shaded (like below):
Thank you
View->Tool Windows->Terminal, can this help?

phpStorm 7 Code completion stopped working

I have been working with phpStorm and it had suddenly stopped showing suggestions for code completion. When i do Ctrl + space its behaving correctly by showing all the possible options in a drop down.
I have followed the below link and have did invalidate cache but still of no use.
PhpStorm code completion doesn't show core classes/extensions
My Setup is:
OS: Mac - 10.9.2 (Mavericks)
PHPStorm: 7.1.3
I just had the same problem, fixed it when I realized I mistakenly put PHPStorm in Power Save Mode. Click the little fellow on the bottom right of your PHPStorm window and switch that off
Indeed, the Power saving mode (File > Power Saving Mode) allow you to disable the code inspection functionnality.
However sometimes the PhpStorm code analysis failed and you lost your code completion. In this case you juste have to ask for a new code analysis (File > Synchronize [CTRL+ALT+Y]) or invalid the cache and force a restart (File > Invalid cache / Restart).
Hope that helps.
Invalidating the cache did not work for me, but this did:
Enable power save mode (File > Power Save Mode), then disable it.
If your are using a Linux distro (Ubuntu, Debian, Centos) etc, it is due to ibus.
Just change the Shortcut (run: ibus-setup and change to Super+Ctrl+Space for instance) and everything will be fine again.
Or (my favorite): uninstall ibus if you are not using it.
In a Debian/Ubuntu distro should be:
sudo apt-get remove ibus
Ctrl+Space autocompletion should be back.
It was power saving mode for me too. It's an option at the bottom of the File menu.
install a previous version
Worked for me after I tried everything.
I struggled with this for a few hours this morning. After invalidation of caches, a complete reinstall, etc.. nothing worked.
I closed phpstorm and removed the .idea folder in the filesystem. I then renamed the project folder and reopened it. Autocomplete was now working!
I noticed that phpstorm then created the old project directory in the background, even though I did not open it and put a .idea folder in it. Something is obviously corrupted here.
" ... stopped showing suggestions for code completion".
On mac you can invoke it by fn+ctrl+space.
Going to php-storm -> Settings -> Keymap -> Set Active Changelist you can see it is associated with ^+space.
on windows ctrl+space

Intellij: Run button disabled for tcServer

I am new to IntelliJ and trying to get my web application to launch using tcServer
I am using a local configuration, and have added a run configuration. See attached screenshots
However, when I attempt to run this, the Run button is disabled.
What am I missing here?
You have edited a default configuration, you did not add a new runnable server configuration. In order to do that click on the green + sign at the top left of the run screen.
You should remove the war from the default configuration and add it in the newly created server.
see attached, screenshot, you can see the difference between a default and a runnable configuration
It seems you have to use the little green "+" in the upper left corner. The one you edited is just the default setting for your spring server. If you add a specific run configuration like that to your project it will appear. Good luck.

"Git Bash here" isn't working when right clicking

I don't know, how that happened but before today I could right click on any folder and there would be and an option Git Bash here. But today I dont have that option. Anyone knows how to get that back?
I got this problem after moving all my programs off of my main hard drive and pasting them into my "P" drive. But kept all of the directory structures the same.
Git was moved from:
1: Open The Registry Editor:
Type "regedit" in start menu search and hit enter.
2: Find the context menu shortcut configuration for "git bash here"
In regedit: Menu "Edit" > "Find" > "Find what" and enter "git_shell"
3: Edit the Data value so that path points to the correct location.
In my case I changed:
"C:\DEV\PROG\GIT\git-bash.exe" "--cd=%v."
"P:\DEV\PROG\GIT\git-bash.exe" "--cd=%v."
Screen shot included below.
Steps if you can't use the reinstall metod.
1/ Open regedit (search it if needed)
2/ Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/Directory/Background'
3/ Create new key 'shell'
4/ Create new key 'Git bash here' (or whatever name you want to see in the menu)
5/ Create new key 'command' (must be named command)
At this point point you'll have
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Directory/Background/shell/Git bash here/command'
6/ Edit the value of the command key as follow 'pathToGit/git-bash.exe'
Update or open new windows explorer and you'll see it when right clicking.
Image to sum this up :
Reinstall Git and select:
Context menu entries: "Git Bash Here" (and the "Git GUI Here" option)
During the installation. Can't say why it disappeared, but this should bring it back.
Run this script (AddGitToExplorerContextMenu.reg).
You may need to update the location of Git. You can add it
manually through regedit also
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Git Bash"
#="\"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe\" \"--cd=%v.\""
Had the same issue , realized that previously right clicking anywhere or inside the folder the Option would show but now I had to select or highlight the folder and then right_click for the option to show.
Uninstall Git completely and delete the Git folder in program files.
Install Git.
From the Context menu, select "Git Bash" & "Git GUI here" options.
I found what I was looking for was in the left pane, not in the right folder. And still using the right-click.
Press SHIFT+F10. It will appear
After Windows 11 update, it got invisible. I first uninstalled the older version and installed the latest 2.35 version. it was still not visible.
It is still there albeit inside another folder in the context menu that comes with a right click.
By going inside any folder right-click INSIDE that folder, in German OS there is
Shift + F10 combination you have it there like before. Or without this shortcut combination go inside Further option (This last) it is there.
It worked fine when I was using Win 10 ,after upgrading my windows to 11 it stopped working.
I solved my problem by following these simple steps.
Uninstall Git completely on computer
Download it here :
Install it
It works fine now!!!
Once you right click on the folder , click on 'Show More Options'.
Now you should be able to see all the earlier options such as 'Git Bash Here'