Is it possible to sum up a column directly with update?
UPDATE table SET likes = likes + 1 WHERE id=1
SqlKata code:
q.From("table") _
.Where("id", 1) _
.AsUpdate(new With {
.likes = 1
I'm trying to execute a raw query in Django where I dynamically want to pick column names.
def func(all=True){
if all:
query_parameters = {
'col': '*'
query_parameters = {
'col': 'a,b,c'
with connections["redshift"].cursor() as cursor:
"select %(col)s from table limit 2 ;",
val = dictfetchall(cursor)
return val
Django is executing it like.
select "*" from table limit 2;
so the output is just like select "*"
and in the else case it is executed like
select "a,b,c" from table limit 2;
so the output is a,b,c
How can I run the command so that Django run it like
select a , b , c from table limit 2
so that the output is
a b c
1 2 3
4 5 6
I found a hack myself.
See Here
Prepared query step by step
Input data (Columns I need)
self.export_col = “a,b,c”
def calc_col(self):
if self.exp == 'T':
select_col = ""
self.export_col = self.export_col.split(',')
for col in self.export_col:
select_col += col + ","
select_col = select_col[:-1]
self.export_col = select_col
self.export_col += '*'
def prepare_query(self):
query += " SELECT "
query += self.export_col
query += """ from table limit 2;"""
I have a function in MS SQL Server just like this:
monthly =
SELECT SUM(-h.value_ini - h.purchase + h.sold + h.value_fin)
FROM hist_portfolio AS h
WHERE h.comp_id = r.comp_id
AND h.port_id = r.port_id
AND h.exte_id = r.cate_id
AND h.type_id = #type_rel_aux
AND h.hcar_day > #date_month_before
AND h.hcar_day <= #date_base
FROM #Month_Table r
WHERE type = 1;
and thats the result (after update):
Seq monthly
2 102471,34
1 -5129,46
3 -29841,23
4 0
But when I execute the same update in a fuction in PostgreSQL, all the rows get the same value:
UPDATE Month_Table
SET variacao_mes_rs = (
SELECT SUM(-h.value_ini - h.purchase + h.sold + h.value_fin)
FROM hist_portfolio AS h
WHERE h.comp_id = r.comp_id
AND h.port_id = r.port_id
AND h.exte_id = r.cate_id
AND h.type_id = v_type_rel_aux
AND h.hcar_day > v_date_month_before
AND h.hcar_day <= v_date_base) FROM Month_Table r WHERE type = 1;
Result (after update), all the same value of Seq 3:]
Seq monthly
1 -29841,23
2 -29841,23
3 -29841,23
4 -29841,23
I don't see the cause of the problem...
Does PostgreSQL have different rules on UPDATE?
Can anyone help me?
Remove the FROM clause from Postgres:
UPDATE Month_Table r
SET variacao_mes_rs = (
SELECT SUM(-h.value_ini - h.purchase + h.sold + h.value_fin)
FROM hist_portfolio AS h
WHERE h.comp_id = r.comp_id
AND h.port_id = r.port_id
AND h.exte_id = r.cate_id
AND h.type_id = v_type_rel_aux
AND h.hcar_day > v_date_month_before
AND h.hcar_day <= v_date_base)
WHERE type = 1;
The FROM clause in an UPDATE behaves differently in the two databases, as you have discovered.
I am trying to run this part of code
"UPDATE savedPosts SET liked = 1 WHERE liked <> 1 AND id ='" + idVar + "'"
If I take away the first where condition it works as expected. If I then add the where condition that checks if liked is not equal to 1 it still returns a success. And this always. I dont get it... If 'liked' is set to 1 how can this query be successfull on the second run? And I see it in my db that liked is set to 1 after the first query.
I want different messages shown on the screen for a success and error message. Please help because I tried everything like:
"UPDATE savedPosts SET liked = 1 WHERE (liked <> 1 AND id ='" + idVar + "')"
"UPDATE savedPosts SET liked = 1 WHERE 'liked' <> 1 AND 'id' ='" + idVar + "'"
And variations of both
EDIT"UPDATE savedPosts SET liked = 1 WHERE liked <> 1 AND id ='" + idVar + "'").then((data) => {
}, (error) => {
console.log("ERROR -> " + JSON.stringify(error.err));
I'm trying to run the following query :
Dim lst = (From t In context.MyObj1 where>6 Select New With { _
.Parent = t, _
.sash = t.child1.AsQueryable.Where(Function(t2) t3.quantity), _
.vlh = t.child1.AsQueryable.Where(Function(t3) t3.value) _
( in this query .quantity and .value have Decimal type.)
but I'm getting this error on runtime :
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll
Additional information: The cast to value type 'System.Decimal' failed because the materialized value is null.
Either the result type's genericparameter or the query must use a nullable type.
It's sure that the collection child1 has items that have .tp=2.
What's wrong ?
Thank you !
Updated :
these are the tables on database :
Id name
2 name1
7 name7
8 name8
ID ParentID TP Quantity Value
1 2 2 7 9
2 7 2 20 10
3 7 2 8 11
( ParentID is the forign key for child1 related to ID field on MyObj )
Also , I try the query like this :
Dim lst = (From t In context.MyObj1 where>6 Select New With { _
.Parent = t, _
.sash = t.child1.AsQueryable.Where(Function(t2) t3.quantity), _
.vlh = t.child1.AsQueryable.Where(Function(t3) t3.value) _
and has no problem. so I think maybe the problem is the SUM function.
Update :
This is working without errors :
Dim lst = (From t In context.MyObj1 where>6 Select New With { _
.Parent = t, _
.sash = t.child1.AsQueryable.Where(Function(t2) Ctype(t3.quantity,System.Nullable(of Decimal)), _
.vlh = t.child1.AsQueryable.Where(Function(t3) Ctype(t3.value,System.Nullable(of Decimal)) _
But I have problems because this method doesn't return any value on the Sums for those parent's items that doesn't have any child in Child1 collection , for example For the Item on Myobj1 with id=8 there's no child1's item , but in this case I want to return a 0 as a sum.
What can I do ?
Thank you !
Try this:
Dim lst = (From t In context.MyObj1
Where > 6
Where Not (t.child1 Is Nothing)
Select New With {}).ToList
Hard to tell with just the code you've posted, but it appears something before you get into the LINQ statements is already null (i.e., Nothing).
Sorry, just couldn't hack it in VB anymore ... switching to C# - hoping this is what you're looking for (because it's EF, I don't have an actual DB, and don't have time to set up an in-memory data store, it's not tested with your actual data):
(from t in context.MyObj1s
where t.Id > 6
from c in context.Child1s
where c.ParentId == t.Id
where c.Tp == 2
group new { Quantity = c.Quantity, Value = c.Value } by t into g
select new
Parent = g.Key,
Sash = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
Vlh = g.Sum(x => x.Value),
This avoids passing the child1 navigation property on MyObj1 into a context where it's trying to convert IQueryables into SQL, which child1 is not (directly).
The cast to nullable decimals is necessary because of the null values.
If you want zeros in stead of null values you have to add DefaultIfEmpty:
Dim lst = (From t In context.MyObj1 _
where>6 Select New With { _
.Parent = t, _
.sash = t.child1.Where(Function(t2) _
.Select(Function(t3) t3.quantity), _
.DefaultIfEmpty().Sum(), _
.vlh = t.child1.Where(Function(t3) _
.Select(Function(t3) t3.value) _
.DefaultIfEmpty().Sum() _
This return an IEnumerable with a 0 value when there are no results in the subqueries.
I don't know if this is possible in MS Access, but what I want to do is detect dash (-) and use Between in SQL statement and or Comma.
Ex. I have a table called "Books" with fields: BookID, Title, Subject.
Now how can I query Books table that allows a user to input a value in a textbox like:
1 or 1-5 or 1,3,4.
If the value is 1 the sql statement should be:
If the value of 1-5 then the sql statement should be:
If the value of 1,3,4 then the sql statement should be:
SELECT * FROM Books WHERE BookID IN (1,3,4)
Cut from something I already have;
s = "SELECT * FROM Books WHERE BookID" & parseSarg("11,22,33")
Public Function parseSarg(str As String) As String
Dim re As Object: Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.Global = True
Select Case True
'//is number
Case reTest(re, "^\d+$", str): parseSarg = " = " & str
'//is number-number
Case reTest(re, "^\d+-\d+$", str): parseSarg = " BETWEEN " & Replace$(str, "-", " AND ")
'//is number,number[,number]
Case reTest(re, "^\d+(?:,\d+)*$", str): parseSarg = " IN (" & str & ")"
'//is >number
Case reTest(re, "^>\s*\d+$", str): parseSarg = " >" & Mid$(str, 2)
Case Else
parseSarg = " = 0 AND 1=0"
End Select
End Function
Function reTest(re As Object, pattern As String, value As String) As Boolean
re.pattern = pattern
reTest = re.Test(value)
End Function
SELECT Books.Title FROM Books WHERE Books.BookID > 1 AND Books.BookID < 5;