I don't know if this is possible in MS Access, but what I want to do is detect dash (-) and use Between in SQL statement and or Comma.
Ex. I have a table called "Books" with fields: BookID, Title, Subject.
Now how can I query Books table that allows a user to input a value in a textbox like:
1 or 1-5 or 1,3,4.
If the value is 1 the sql statement should be:
If the value of 1-5 then the sql statement should be:
If the value of 1,3,4 then the sql statement should be:
SELECT * FROM Books WHERE BookID IN (1,3,4)
Cut from something I already have;
s = "SELECT * FROM Books WHERE BookID" & parseSarg("11,22,33")
Public Function parseSarg(str As String) As String
Dim re As Object: Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.Global = True
Select Case True
'//is number
Case reTest(re, "^\d+$", str): parseSarg = " = " & str
'//is number-number
Case reTest(re, "^\d+-\d+$", str): parseSarg = " BETWEEN " & Replace$(str, "-", " AND ")
'//is number,number[,number]
Case reTest(re, "^\d+(?:,\d+)*$", str): parseSarg = " IN (" & str & ")"
'//is >number
Case reTest(re, "^>\s*\d+$", str): parseSarg = " >" & Mid$(str, 2)
Case Else
parseSarg = " = 0 AND 1=0"
End Select
End Function
Function reTest(re As Object, pattern As String, value As String) As Boolean
re.pattern = pattern
reTest = re.Test(value)
End Function
SELECT Books.Title FROM Books WHERE Books.BookID > 1 AND Books.BookID < 5;
OBJECTIVE: To concatenate row values
Record in COMP table
player_id cc_number
1 123
2 152
1 254
2 154
3 256
Result to be
player_id cc_number
1 123, 254
2 152, 154
3 256
MYSQL = "Select T.player_id, "
MYSQL = MYSQL & GetList("Select cc_number From COMP As T1 Where T1.player_id = " & [T].[player_id], "", ", ") & " AS NewCCNumber"
MYSQL = MYSQL & "Group By T.player_id"
i used GetList function but it gives me error Object Required.
Need space in front of FROM and GROUP or after NewCCNumber and T. Otherwise text strings run together. Also, the GetList() function should probably be embedded in string
MYSQL = "Select T.player_id, "
MYSQL = MYSQL & "GetList('Select cc_number From COMP As T1 Where T1.player_id = " & [T].[player_id] & "', '', ', ') As NewCCNumber "
MYSQL = MYSQL & "Group By T.player_id"
I have a requirement to allow a user to search between two dates on a form and filter the data down further using multiple list boxes
Currently I allow the user to search between a from and to date... And also filter by products from a listbox.
If no products are selected in the list box, only display the results of the query between the two dates.
If the selection critera of the listbox is not empty, build the query WHERE with IN clause and then concanenate it to the SELECT statement, then execute the query to give desired results.
My question is... How would I do this for another four or five multi value list boxes? For example: Suppliers, Depots, Countries, Varieties etc etc
SearchAllReject is simply a function to query from and to date with no product filters.
Here is the code I already have:
Dim SQLAllReject As String
Dim strDateFrom As String
Dim strDateTo As String
Dim strFirstDate As Date
Dim strSecondDate As Date
Dim strINPRODUCT As String
Dim strWHERE As String
Dim strSTRING As String
Dim i As Integer
If Len(Me.txtDate.Value & vbNullString) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please input date from")
Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Me.txtDateTo.Value & vbNullString) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Please input date to")
Exit Sub
End If
strDateFrom = txtDate.Value
strDateTo = txtDateTo.Value
strFirstDate = Format(CDate(strDateFrom), "mm/dd/yyyy")
strSecondDate = Format(CDate(strDateTo), "mm/dd/yyyy")
For i = 0 To lstProduct.ListCount - 1
If lstProduct.Selected(i) Then
strINPRODUCT = strINPRODUCT & "'" & lstProduct.Column(1, i) & "',"
End If
Next i
If Len(strINPRODUCT & vbNullString) = 0 Then
strWHEREPRODUCT = "AND dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Product_Name IN " & _
"(" & Left(strINPRODUCT, Len(strINPRODUCT) - 1) & "))"
SQLAllReject = "SELECT dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Reject_Date AS [Date], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Depot_Number AS [Depot No], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Depot_Name AS [Depot], dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Product_Name AS [Product]," & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Brand_Name AS [Brand], dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Packsize AS [Packsize], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.TPNB, dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.EAN, " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Country_of_Origin AS [Country], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Variety AS [Variety], dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Producer AS [Producer], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.reject_qty AS [Quantity], dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.batch_code AS [Batch Code], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.site AS [Site], dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Comment AS [Comment], " & _
"dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Tesco_Reason AS [Reason] " & _
"FROM dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5 " & _
"WHERE (((dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5.Reject_Date) Between #" & strFirstDate & "# And #" & strSecondDate & "#) "
Debug.Print strSTRING
Me.lstDeleteReject.RowSource = strSTRING
Consider building an entity-attribute table of all possible listbox values and use a saved SQL query which avoids any messy concatenation of SQL in VBA. A parameterized query using QueryDef is used to update the selected options of table of all list box values.
Table (myListBoxValues) (built once and updated with new values/categories)
Category|Value |Selected
Product |Product A | 1
Product |Product B | 1
Product |Product C | 1
Country |USA | 1
Country |Canada | 1
Country |Japan | 1
Above can be populated with multiple append queries using SELECT DISTINCT:
INSERT INTO myListBoxValues ([Category], [Value], [Selected])
SELECT DISTINCT 'Product', Tesco_Product_Name, 1
FROM dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5 b
NOTE: It is very important to default all Selected to 1 for VBA purposes. See further below. Also, if you have a mix of number and string, consider using TextValue and NumberValue columns and adjust in SQL IN clauses. Save above query as a new object and place the named object behind target: lstDeleteReject.
SQL (built once, adjust form name)
Notice the form date values are directly incorporated into WHERE clause without any date formatting conversion or concatenation needs. Also, table alias is used to avoid long name repetition.
SELECT b.Reject_Date AS [Date],
b.Depot_Number AS [Depot No],
b.Depot_Name AS [Depot], b.Tesco_Product_Name AS [Product],
b.Tesco_Brand_Name AS [Brand], b.Tesco_Packsize AS [Packsize],
b.TPNB, b.EAN,
b.Tesco_Country_of_Origin AS [Country],
b.Tesco_Variety AS [Variety], b.Tesco_Producer AS [Producer],
b.reject_qty AS [Quantity], b.batch_code AS [Batch Code],
b.site AS [Site], b.Tesco_Comment AS [Comment],
b.Tesco_Reason AS [Reason]
FROM dbo_busobj_file_rejections_load_temp5 AS b
WHERE b.Reject_Date BETWEEN Forms!myFormName!txtDate
AND Forms!myFormName!txtDateTo
AND b.Tesco_Product_Name IN (
SELECT [Value] FROM myListBoxValues
WHERE [Category] = 'Product' AND [Selected] = 1
AND b.site IN (
SELECT [Value] FROM myListBoxValues
WHERE [Category] = 'Site' AND [Selected] = 1
AND b.Tesco_Producer IN (
SELECT [Value] FROM myListBoxValues
WHERE [Category] = 'Producer' AND [Selected] = 1
AND b.Depot_Name IN (
SELECT [Value] FROM myListBoxValues
WHERE [Category] = 'Depot' AND [Selected] = 1
AND b.Tesco_Country_of_Origin IN (
SELECT [Value] FROM myListBoxValues
WHERE [Category] = 'Country' AND [Selected] = 1
VBA (adjust list box names to actuals)
Dim qdef As QueryDef
Dim lstname As Variant
Dim sql As String
Dim i As Integer
sql = "PARAMETERS paramValue TEXT, paramCateg INTEGER; " _
& "UPDATE myListBoxes SET [Selected] = 0 " _
& "WHERE [Value] = paramValue AND [Category] = paramCateg"
Set qdef = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("", sql)
For Each lstname in Array("lstProduct", "lstSite", "lstProducer", "lstDepot", "lstCountry")
For i = 0 To Me.Controls(lstname).ListCount - 1
If Me.Controls(lstname).ItemsSelected.Count > 0
If Me.Controls(lstname).Selected(i) = False Then
qdef!paramValue = Me.Controls(lstname).Value
qdef!paramCategory = Replace(lstName, "lst", "")
End If
End If
Next i
Next lstname
Set qdef = Nothing
CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE myListBoxValues SET [Selected] = 1"
As you can see, much better readability and maintainability. Also, if users do not select any option, the date range filters are still applied and using your universal table of all list box values, all values will be selected to returns all non-NULL values.
I have a large sql db (7gbs), where the fields appear to have quotation marks in them.
For example:
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "
FROM master")
dbf2 <- fetch(res, n = 3)
NPI EntityTypeCode ReplacementNPI EmployerIdentificationNumber.EIN.
1 "1679576722" "1" "" ""
2 "1588667638" "1" "" ""
3 "1497758544" "2" "" "<UNAVAIL>"
ProviderOrganizationName.LegalBusinessName. ProviderLastName.LegalName. ProviderFirstName
1 "" "WIEBE" "DAVID"
I've been trying to get a smaller table by filtering on, say EntityTypeCode but I'm not getting any results. Here's an example of a query not getting anything, any advice? I think the issue is use of double quotes in the fields.
# Filter on State
res <- dbSendQuery(npi2, "
FROM master
WHERE (ProviderBusinessPracticeLocationAddressStateName = 'PA')
# Filter on State and type
res <- dbSendQuery(npi2, "
FROM master
WHERE (ProviderBusinessPracticeLocationAddressStateName = 'PA') AND
(EntityTypeCode = '1')
Escape the inner double quotes (ie, the ones in the cell) with a \.
res <- dbSendQuery(npi2, "
FROM master
WHERE (ProviderBusinessPracticeLocationAddressStateName = '\"PA\"') AND
(EntityTypeCode = '1')
This produces the following string:
FROM master
WHERE (ProviderBusinessPracticeLocationAddressStateName = '"PA"')
If anyone knows how to use case in query for jtable, pls take a look my code.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then 'Created' when status = 1 then 'Scanning' when status = 2 then 'Scan Saved' end as status"
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY " & jtSorting & " ) AS RowNum, batch_id, batch_name, date_created, profile_id, total_page, " & batch_status & ", First_ScanID, file_id " & _
" FROM [ip_ent_site].[dbo].[tbl_batch] WHERE STATUS IN (0,1,2) ) AS RowConstrainedResult " & _
" WHERE RowNum >= #jtStartIndex AND RowNum < #jtEndIndex ORDER BY RowNum ; "
if i use like this, it is working:
Dim batch_status As String = "status"
but with case, not.
whats problem here?
another part of code:
If dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then
students = (From item In dt.AsEnumerable() Select New Class1 With { _
.No = Convert.ToInt32(item(1)), _
.batch_id = Convert.ToInt64(item(2)), _
.batch_name = DirectCast(item(3), String), _
.date_created = item(4).ToString, _
.profile_id = Convert.ToInt32(item(5)), _
.total_page = Convert.ToInt32(item(6)), _
.status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)), _
.First_ScanID = Convert.ToInt32(item(8)), _
.file_id = CheckDBNullInteger(item(9)) _
End If
Use your declare statement like below.
Dim batch_status As String = " case when status = 0 then ''Created'' when status = 1 then ''Scanning'' when status = 2 then ''Scan Saved'' end as status"
may be the problem with #jtStartIndex AND #jtEndIndex.
Just found, change .status = Convert.ToInt32(item(7)) to .status = item(7).ToString,
displaying in Jtable is quite different
Following the advice of fellow SO-ers, I converted an MS Access database I had (a small one, for test reasons) to SQLite. It has two tables, one with 5k entries and another with 50k entries.
Now, the queries I will present below QuLimma and QLexeis took about 60ms (total time of the function below) with Access, but a whopping 830ms with SQLite.
Dim i As Integer
Dim ms As Integer
ResultPin(0) = ""
ResultPin(1) = ""
ResultPin(2) = ""
ResultPin(3) = ""
ResultPin(4) = ""
i = 0
Multichoice = 0
ms = 0
Dim rsTblEntries As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsTblEntries = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim QuLimma As String, QLexeis As String
QuLimma = "SELECT Words.limma, Words.limmabody, Words.limmapro " & _
"FROM Words " & _
"GROUP BY Words.limma, Words.limmabody, Words.limmapro " & _
"HAVING (((Words.limma)='" & StrLexeis & "'));"
QLexeis = "SELECT Limma.limmalexeis, Words.limma, Limma.limmabody, Words.limmapro, Limma.limmaexp " & _
"FROM Limma INNER JOIN Words ON Limma.limmabody = Words.limmabody " & _
"GROUP BY Limma.limmalexeis, Words.limma, Limma.limmabody, Words.limmapro, Limma.limmaexp " & _
"HAVING (((Limma.limmalexeis)='" & StrLexeis & "'));"
rsTblEntries.Open QuLimma, CnDataParSQLite ', adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
If rsTblEntries.EOF = True Then
rsTblEntries.Open QLexeis, CnDataParSQLite ', adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
If rsTblEntries.EOF = True Then
SearchQParagSQLite = False
SearchQParagSQLite = True
Do While rsTblEntries.EOF = False
ms = ms + 1
If ms > 1 Then
Do While rsTblEntries.EOF = False
ResultTemp(0, i) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limma").Value & "" 'rsWordPar!limma
ResultTemp(1, i) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmalexeis").Value & "" 'rsWordPar!limmalexeis
ResultTemp(2, i) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmabody").Value 'rsWordPar!limmabody
If IsNull(rsTblEntries.Fields("limmapro").Value) = False Then ResultTemp(3, i) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmapro").Value 'rsWordPar!limmapro
i = i + 1
Multichoice = 1
Do While rsTblEntries.EOF = False
ResultPin(0) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limma").Value & "" 'rsWordPar!limma
ResultPin(1) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmalexeis").Value & "" 'rsWordPar!limmalexeis
ResultPin(2) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmabody").Value 'rsWordPar!limmabody
If IsNull(rsTblEntries.Fields("limmapro").Value) = False Then ResultPin(3) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmapro").Value 'rsWordPar!limmapro
Multichoice = 0
End If
End If
SearchQParagSQLite = True
Do While rsTblEntries.EOF = False
ResultPin(0) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limma").Value & "" 'rsWordPar!limma
ResultPin(1) = "#"
ResultPin(2) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmabody").Value 'rsWordPar!limmabody
If IsNull(rsTblEntries.Fields("limmapro").Value) = False Then ResultPin(3) = rsTblEntries.Fields("limmapro").Value 'rsWordPar!limmapro
i = i + 1
End If
i = 0
Set rsTblEntries = Nothing
With connection string:
CnDataParSQLite.ConnectionString = "DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;" & _
"Database=" & strDataPath & "u.sl3;LongNames=0;Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0;SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;"
Now, before someone asks "wasn't 60ms fast enough?", I'd like to say that I did this because I have other Access files and queries which take 3-4 seconds and would like to lower them down, so yes, I was hoping to go down from 60ms to 30 or less in this one.
Do I have a misconfiguration or is it just that SQLite is not faster? I have checked, both return correct results, there is no weird looping issue.
Edit: most of the time is consumed by the second query.
Edit 2: (copy/paste from the db.sql)
Table Limma:
CREATE TABLE Limma ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, limmabody INTEGER DEFAULT 0, limmalexeis VARCHAR2(100), limmastat VARCHAR2(50), limmaexp VARCHAR2(250));
INSERT INTO Limma VALUES (1, 1, 'υψικάμινος', 'ΣΠ', NULL);
INSERT INTO Limma VALUES (2, 1, 'υψίκορμος', 'ΣΠ', NULL);
INSERT INTO Limma VALUES (3, 1, 'υψίπεδο', 'ΑΠ', '<αρχ. υψίπεδον, ουδ. του επιθ. υψίπεδος<ύψι "ψηλά" + πέδον');
Total: 64k entries
Table Words:
CREATE TABLE Words ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, limma VARCHAR2(100), limmabody INTEGER DEFAULT 0, limmapro VARCHAR2(200));
INSERT INTO Words VALUES (1, 'υψι (αχώριστο μόριο)', 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO Words VALUES (2, 'ομο (αχώριστο μόριο)', 2, NULL);
INSERT INTO Words VALUES (3, 'διχο (αχώριστο μόριο)', 3, NULL);
Total: 6k entries
The first field "id" is unique.
You almost never want to use HAVING where you can use WHERE criteria. You're evaluating all possible results and then culling them down after aggregation. You mainly want to use HAVING criteria where you're trying to cull down based upon the aggregated results. You can achieve the same thing by moving the HAVING logic to a WHERE criteria before the aggregation in this case. This should greatly speed up your query.
There is also no need to use GROUP BY logic since you're not returning any aggregates, just use DISTINCT.
I would write it like this:
QuLimma = "SELECT DISTINCT Words.limma, Words.limmabody, Words.limmapro " & _
"FROM Words " & _
"WHERE Words.limma ='" & StrLexeis & "';"
QLexeis = "SELECT DISTINCT Limma.limmalexeis, Words.limma, Limma.limmabody, Words.limmapro, Limma.limmaexp " & _
"FROM Limma INNER JOIN Words ON Limma.limmabody = Words.limmabody " & _
"WHERE Limma.limmalexeis ='" & StrLexeis & "';"
For these two queries with your table schema these indexes should optimize the queries:
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix_words_1 ON Words (Limma) INCLUDE (Limmabody, Limmapro)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix_words_2 ON Words (Limmabody) INCLUDE (Limma, Limmapro)
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix_limma_1 ON Limma (Limmabody, Limmalexeis) INCLUDE (Limmaexp)
Keep in mind there is a cost at the time of insert for each additional index you have. You have to weigh this cost against the benefit of the index. If your tables contain static data then there is no harm.