I have a SQL query where I have to pass a string in my where, my string can have a simple quote in the name of the program and at the same time break the string and create an error in my request.
Yes I would just like to skip the code, but the actual logic has been done so that we are able to modify the code, so I can't just trust that.
Here is the query in my ASP.NET MVC 5 project:
IQueryable<ListeProgrammesCol> query = db.Database.SqlQuery<ListeProgrammesCol>(
"SELECT id AS offreID, nomProgramme AS nom, codeProgramme AS code, dateAjout, dateLastUpdate, gestionEnLigne " +
"FROM tbl_offreCol " +
"WHERE FK_etablissement = " + instId +" AND offreType = 3 AND archive = 0 AND codeProgramme = '" + code + "' AND nomProgramme = '" + progNom + "' " +
"ORDER BY nomProgramme").AsQueryable();
And here is the query if you want to text in SQL Server Management Studio:
id AS offreID, nomProgramme AS nom, codeProgramme AS code,
dateAjout, dateLastUpdate, gestionEnLigne
FK_etablissement = 923000
AND offreType = 3
AND archive = 0
AND codeProgramme = '351.A0'
AND nomProgramme = 'RAC en Techniques d'éducation spécialisée'
This is the problem: d'éducation
I decided to use linq to make my request, so I no longer need to use quotes. Here is the query:
var query = (from oc in db.tbl_offreCol
where oc.FK_etablissement == instId
&& oc.offreType == 3
&& oc.archive == 0
&& oc.codeProgramme == code
&& oc.nomProgramme == progNom
select new ListeProgrammesCol
offreID = oc.id,
nom = oc.nomProgramme,
code = oc.codeProgramme,
dateAjout = oc.dateAjout,
dateLastUpdate = oc.dateLastUpdate,
gestionEnLigne = oc.gestionEnLigne
}).OrderBy(x => x.nom).AsQueryable();
I am fairly new to programming and I am trying to write an SQL statement that reference two separate tables - Organisation and User. I have been searching for answers, but I am unable to find any that works.
The intention of this statement is to update the status of the user only the following 2 conditions are satisfied;
User's email, password, and activation code matches the database
If the organisation the user is tied to is activated/approved
SET u.isActivated =
SELECT o.isApproved
FROM Organisation AS o
WHERE o.organisationId = (
SELECT u.organisationID
FROM User AS u
WHERE u.email = " + email +"))
= 'true' THEN 'true'
ELSE 'false'
WHERE u.email = " + email + "
AND u.password = " + password + "
AND u.activationCode = " + activationCode + ";
Use FROM in the UPDATE statement to connect the tables:
SET u.isActivated = (o.isApproved = TRUE) -- will be TRUE or FALSE
Organisation AS o
u.organisationID = o.organisationId
AND u.email = " + email + "
AND u.password = " + password + "
AND u.activationCode = " + activationCode + ";
Offtopic, but really important: This piece of SQL smells like an opportunity for SQL injection, you're creating a string that will be executed as SQL. I really hope you got your security under control and use a secure method to put variables in your SQL
When this code runs, I get an UPDATE writing error. Does anybody know what the problem is, and how to fix it?
This is the code:
string sql2 = "UPDATE ezuser";
sql2 += " SET fname = '" + Request.Form["fname"]+ "'";
sql2 += " , lname = '" + Request.Form["lname"] + "'";
sql2 += " , fav = '" + Request.Form["fav"] + "'";
sql2 += " , pw = '" + Request.Form["pw"] + "'";
sql2 += " , order = '" + Request.Form["order"] + "'";
sql2 += " WHERE email = '" + Request.Form["email"] + "'";
MyAdoHelper.DoQuery(fileName, sql2);
Eventhough the question doesnt tell me much about the datatypes of columns, the only thing I could suspect here is the order column, which might be of integer datatype and you might be passing string to that.
Additional note: your code looks very much vulnerable to sql injections. Please take a look into that as well.
At least in SQL Server, order is a reserved keyword and needs to properly quoted if used literally as a column name. Like so:
sql2 += " , [order] = '" + Request.Form["order"] + "'";
As sabhari already mentioned, you need to learn about SQL Injection and how to properly guard against that. Research parametrized statements for the programming language you are using.
In c# Windows Forms:
I'm having trouble adding a sql query result as text to a ToolStripMenuItem.Text.
The ToolStripMenuItem title should be, the company + how many orders there are in the sql table for this company which should update every x secounds.
Every 5 seconds it adds the query result to the text. My problem is that is "adds" it.
After the first 5 seconds it looks OK "rexton 1" but 5 seconds after it shows "rexton 1 1" and so on...
Here is my code:
//Rexton ordre klar til bestilling
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(#"Data Source=" + globalvariables.hosttxt + "," + globalvariables.porttxt + "\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=ha;Persist Security Info=false; UID='" + globalvariables.user + "' ; PWD='" + globalvariables.psw + "'");
SqlCommand command = con.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) from bestillinger WHERE firma = #rexton and udlevering BETWEEN #date and #dateadd";
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#bernafon", "Bernafon");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#gn_resound", "GN Resound");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#oticon", "Oticon");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#phonak", "Phonak");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#rexton", "Rexton");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#siemens", "Siemens");
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#widex", "Widex");
string result = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
if (result != "0")
rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text = rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text + " " + result;
rextonToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF1919");
it is because you are setting rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text to rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text + " " + result which is appending to previous text
either set text to blank and set it again or just say
rextonToolStripMenuItem.Text = "rexton " + result
I was wondering if there is a way to do this purely in sql:
q1 = SELECT campaign_id, from_number, received_msg, date_received
FROM `received_txts` WHERE `campaign_id` = '8';
INSERT INTO action_2_members (campaign_id, mobile, vote, vote_date)
VALUES(q1.campaign_id, q1.from_number, q1.received_msg, q1.date_received);
Note: q1 would return about 30k rows.
Is there any way to do what I am attempting above in straight sql?
To just pull the data straight from one table (basically a raw data table) and insert into another table (basically a processed data table)?
INSERT INTO action_2_members (campaign_id, mobile, vote, vote_date)
SELECT campaign_id, from_number, received_msg, date_received
FROM `received_txts`
WHERE `campaign_id` = '8'
for whole row
insert into xyz select * from xyz2 where id="1";
for selected column
insert into xyz(t_id,v_id,f_name) select t_id,v_id,f_name from xyz2 where id="1";
Answered by zerkms is the correct method. But, if someone looking to insert more extra column in the table then you can get it from the following:
INSERT INTO action_2_members (`campaign_id`, `mobile`, `email`, `vote`, `vote_date`, `current_time`)
SELECT `campaign_id`, `from_number`, 'example#domain.xyz', `received_msg`, `date_received`, 1502309889 FROM `received_txts` WHERE `campaign_id` = '8'
In the above query, there are 2 extra columns named email & current_time.
INSERT INTO preliminary_image (style_id,pre_image_status,file_extension,reviewer_id,
SELECT '4827499',pre_image_status,file_extension,reviewer_id,
uploader_id,'0',last_updated FROM preliminary_image WHERE style_id=4827488
We can use above query if we want to copy data from one table to another table in mysql
Here source and destination table are same, we can use different tables also.
Few columns we are not copying like style_id and is_deleted so we selected them hard coded from another table
Table we used in source also contains auto increment field so we left that column and it get inserted automatically with execution of query.
Execution results
1 queries executed, 1 success, 0 errors, 0 warnings
Query: insert into preliminary_image (style_id,pre_image_status,file_extension,reviewer_id,uploader_id,is_deleted,last_updated) select ...
5 row(s) affected
Execution Time : 0.385 sec
Transfer Time : 0 sec
Total Time : 0.386 sec
This query is for add data from one table to another table
using foreign key
let qry = "INSERT INTO `tb_customer_master` (`My_Referral_Code`, `City_Id`, `Cust_Name`, `Reg_Date_Time`, `Mobile_Number`, `Email_Id`, `Gender`, `Cust_Age`, `Profile_Image`, `Token`, `App_Type`, `Refer_By_Referral_Code`, `Status`) values ('" + randomstring.generate(7) + "', '" + req.body.City_Id + "', '" + req.body.Cust_Name + "', '" + req.body.Reg_Date_Time + "','" + req.body.Mobile_Number + "','" + req.body.Email_Id + "','" + req.body.Gender + "','" + req.body.Cust_Age + "','" + req.body.Profile_Image + "','" + req.body.Token + "','" + req.body.App_Type + "','" + req.body.Refer_By_Referral_Code + "','" + req.body.Status + "')";
connection.query(qry, (err, rows) => {
if (err) { res.send(err) } else {
let insert = "INSERT INTO `tb_customer_and_transaction_master` (`Cust_Id`)values ('" + rows.insertId + "')";
connection.query(insert, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
res.json("Customer added")
$insertdata="insert into partner_products(partner_id,partner_category_id,main_category_id, inventory_id,partner_product_name, partner_product_brand, partner_product_price,partner_product_quantity,partner_product_unit) select '123',partner_category_id,main_category_id,inventory_id, item_name,brand_name,item_price,item_qty, item_unit from inventory where partner_category_id='1'";