How to obfuscate jar file by proguard in java 11 - proguard

Hello everyone I am trying to obfuscate a jar file through proguard software
but in the very first screen it showing error
enter image description here


Android Stodio Decompiled .class file , bytecode version:52.0(java8)

I'm having a problem when I try to run my app it shows me this annoying message
1- Decompiled .class file , bytecode version:52.0(java8)
2- Files under the "Build" folder are generated and should not be edited.

How do I step into the source code of the JUnit plugin in IntelliJ?

When I run my test in debugging mode in IntelliJ (2017.2 Community Edition), the source code is only available for some of the code.
In particular, when I step through code in the package com.intellij.junit4, the debugger shows the method name and line number in the stack view, but the code doesn't appear in the editor.
You need to add the jar containing the source code to the class path of the project. The jar is located at the path plugins/junit/lib/junit-rt.jar relative to the folder that IntelliJ is installed into.
Go to "Project Structure" > "Libraries" > "+" > "Java" and add the path of the Jar.
See also this answer.

Deploying a JavaFX Application with IntelliJ

Ive gone through tons of documentation and tutorials but nothing seems to work. Heres what i need
I want to package an deploy a desktop JavaFX application as a self contained package for Mac and Windows.
I want the application to have a custom icon (of course)
I want this application to be able to reference a text file that is in a resources folder (that can be modified by the user) to connect to a database.
Here is what i have tried:
Building artifacts in IntelliJ -This creates a jar with related 3rd party jars and a bundle folder with an exe and dmg. The icon is the default java one, and i cant reference by db.config file from the exe or dmg, i can reference it from the jar however
Generating an ANT build file - Once created this file contains errors complaining that various tags are not allowed and that properties are not defined.
Ive tried placing my .ico image which is the same name as my deployed application in every possible folder.
Im in serious need of help.
build.xml :

Distriqt ANE Crashes When Using Adobe Air Sdk 15.0

I'm using InAppBilling ANE and AIR 15 crashes. Flash Builder can't create swf file when add ane extension.
There is the error below,
Process terminated unexpectedly.
The content cannot be loaded because there was a problem loading an extension: Error: Requested extension com.distriqt.InAppBilling could not be found.
Launch command details: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\sdks\4.6.0 with Air 15.0\bin\adl.exe" -runtime "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\sdks\4.6.0 with Air 15.0\runtimes\air\win" -profile mobileDevice -screensize 320x455:320x480 -XscreenDPI 181 -XversionPlatform AND "C:\Users\Saygın Karahan\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\Albatros\bin-debug\Root-app.xml" "C:\Users\Saygın Karahan\Adobe Flash Builder 4.6\Albatros\bin-debug"
Check whether you added your .ane in your project or not.
If you not added means, follow these steps to add .ane in your project.
At First, when we use .ane in flex project, we should add the .ane file for packaging.
Right click - in your project
Choose Properties
Select - Flex Build Path in left side menu.
Choose - Native Extension tab
The click Add ANE button to browse your .ane file in your system. - Here you added your .ane file into your project.
But this is not enough steps to use .ane. You should add your .ane file into your packaging, then only the release build will having the support from that .ane file.
Go To - Flex Build Packaging - in properties window.
Here, we have two options, One for Apple IOS, and Google Android.
Choose, for which device you are going to use.
After choosing that options, you having the tab Native Extension in right side.
Your added .ane file is showing in the below ANE Details data grid.
Select the check box to adding that ane file into the packaging.
Here, you can verify that ane file, which platform that ane going to support.
An alert will prompt you for confirmation, click yes, then click OK in properties window.
Now, you added your.ane file in your project.
Finally, Check your descriptor file with the tag. The added .ane package path is added in the <extensionID> tag.
<extensionID>ane package path</extensionID>
Note : When you using any .ane in your project, simulator is not support to run your application
Have you confirmed that the extension is included in the packaging options on the platform you are using?
Have a look at the getting started tutorial:
In particular:
Go to project settings, and to the "Build Packaging" for the platforms you are deploying and check the extension is going to be packaged (and available) with them (small checkbox on the right of the extension).

JavaFX source code not showing

I downloaded the JavaFx source code from
The name of the folder in the zip file is re-e71070b0e0c0.
I unzipped this and added the folder under Project Structure - Global Libraries in Idea, however it doesn't work. When I try to open a class it just shows field names and /* compiled code */. I couldn't find anything in the manual.
Much of the information in this answer is now outdated.
More up-to-date information on using JavaFX with Java 11+ in IntelliJ Idea, is available at: in the section titled: "JavaFX and IntelliJ".
Though, the above-linked article is more focused on using JavaFX in IntelliJ rather than viewing JavaFX library source code in IntelliJ.
These instructions are only necessary for the JavaFX 2.x branch and will be obsoleted once JDK 8 is released.
After you have downloaded the source zip and extracted it, open Idea and follow these instructions:
Modify the source structure for your 1.7 SDK:
File | Project Structure | SDKs | Sourcepath
For each sub-project in the extracted zip, type Alt+Insert and add the respective source directory. For example rt-e71070b0e0c0\javafx-ui-charts\src, rt-e71070b0e0c0\javafx-ui-common\src, etc. Not all JavaFX 2.x source code is currently open sourced, so this will only add the open sourced portions.
Set the documentation lookup path:
File | Project Structure | SDKs | Documentation Paths
Specify a url Alt+S for the documentation:
In your JavaFX application source, place your cursor over a JavaFX class usage, for instance LineChart:
Press Ctrl+B to open the source code file from your downloaded zip.
Press Shift+F1 to open documentation on the LineChart in a browser.
Press Ctrl+Q to get quick access to documentation from in the IDE.
Update Oct 16 2013
JDK 8 now includes JavaFX source files.
To tell Idea where JavaFX sources are:
Modify the source structure for your 1.8 SDK:
File | Project Structure | SDKs | Sourcepath
Press Alt+S to add the file, which is located in the root directory of the JDK 8 distribution.
Set the documentation lookup path:
File | Project Structure | SDKs | Documentation Paths
Specify a url Alt+S for the documentation:
The JDK 8 JavaFX documentation url will likely change when JDK 8 reaches General Availability release stage.
Step 3 above provides keyboard shortcuts to quickly access the JavaFX sources and documentation from your project.
(Since this is one of the Google hits for "javafx source code", I'll dump this anwer here too):
Quoting from this answer: For Java 8, the source of the public parts of JavaFX are actually laying right along in the JDK installation as a sibling of - on the root of your normal JDK Java 8 installation.
Eclipse doesn't by default link them up when you add the JRE (or it finds it itself) - obviously a bug - so you'll have to do that yourself, by hitting Preferences -> Installed JREs. Find your JDK 8, hit Edit button. On the list JRE system libraries, expand the jfxrt.jar node, and link in the file.
I've faced this problem on Ubuntu 16.04 with JavaFX 8 (open-jfx package). The fix was to install the missing source package:
sudo apt install openjfx-source
IntellJ started showing JavaFX source code the second after the command finished executing.