Integrating react-native-popup-menu with react-native-navigation - react-native

As stated in react-native-popup-menu docs to use it we have to wrap our root App component with the component MenuProvider. In react-native-navigation we have no control over that container since it is managed by the native side so is there a workaround to integrate react-native-popup-menu with react-native-navigation?


Testing Appium React Native Apps Not Working For IOS While Child Routing Is Used

Testing React Native Apps Not Working For IOS While Child Routing Is Used. Foe Example If we Use a Stack Navigator inside Drawer Navigator Appium is unable to find elements for the Stack Navigator Components.
Working Scenario:
If we paste those stack.screen and place it in Drawer.Screen and rename as Drawer.Screen It is working perfect
Any Suggestion to this Issue will be more helpful, Thanks in advance.

How to use navigation on react, which will work both web and mobile?

I am not able to load the #react-navigation/web, In React-navigation 5x. It is removed, then how to implement.
I'm using React Navigation 5 on a React Native Web application, I can confirm everything works flawlessly when you follow the docs:

Navigation from native components to React Native components

I am using react-navigation for routing within the react components in the project. But I want to implement like this:
React Native -> Android Java -> React Native Component
For the first part of navigation, I am implemented an ActivityStarterModule like this example
Can someone suggest how I navigate from Java activity to specific React Component?
It has some helpers for integration between native screens and react native screens.

Wix React Native Navigation change root singleScreenApp

For Wix's React Native Navigation. If I am to create a hamburger side menu based app using singleScreenApp, how am I suppose to change screens? Do I use the resetTo screen API? It seems that that API works like a push so I'm not sure if that's correct.
TLDR: How do you change the root screen of a singleScreenApp using Wix React Native Navigation.

Boilerplate code for setting up Redux on a Expo/CNApp project?

I've used Ignite CLI to bootstrap a simple react native project, and everything from sample components to Redux were set up and ready to go. What's missing from the Ignite project is the ability to use Expo out of the box. So I though I'd look into Expo and Create React Native App, and see if those provide a similar easy out-of-the-box Redux setup.
So does anyone know of any Expo/CNApp boilerplate code for bootstrapping a react-native project, which includes stuff like Redux and sample screens and components?
Expo offers a New Project Template. While it includes fonts, navigation, icons, app loading, push notifications, and some basic screens, it does not include Redux.
There are good Redux examples from I also found this repo and the associated tutorial to be good a example of how to integrate Redux into a React Native app.