How to update colors for object explorer menu in SSMS - ssms

I am using dark mode on SQL Server and I have tried to update the font and colors for the object explorer menu, but I seem to be unable to find the appropriate settings to update the menu colors from Options > Fonts and Colors.
Here is what my menu looks like when a right-click an object from the Object Explorer
Is there a way to update the text on the right-hand side so it's easier to read?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17.

I don't think there is a solution for chaning the sub-menu color unless you can inject the dll / exe file of SSMS.
A workaround is here:


SQL Server 2012 Management Studio change color of comments?

Odd question, but I can't seem to find a reliable answer on google. Is it possible for me to change the color of comments in SQL Server 2012 Management Studio? I am colorblind and need to better be able to identify them.
Click Options on the Tools menu. Click Environment, and then click Fonts and Colors.
In the right pane, make sure Text Editor is selected, and then from the Display Items below, select the Comment list item, and change the Item Foreground color to a color you can see, and save it.
Tools => Options => Fonts and Colors

Resharper live templates in sql files

I created live template for creation of a stored procedure and I set availability in *.sql files. But when I'm in SQL file I don't have possibility to use live template by typing live template shortcut. I know that I have to change some setting in Visual Studio or in Resharper but I didn't find anything. Do you have any idea about that? I'm using VS 2013 and Resharper 8. Thank you.
Custom live templates should be able to work in .sql files.
You don't mention how you set your live template up, but here is how I acheived this with Visual Studio 2013 and ReSharper 8.2.
The example should allow you to type sf + TAB and get a select * from $TABLE$ template inside of a .sql file.
Go to ReSharper's Template Explorer via RESHARPER -> Templates Explorer...
Make sure you are on the "Live Templates" tab (the 1st one) of the Templates Explorer.
Under "Scopes" on the left side make sure "Global" is selected.
Click the new icon to bring up the template editor.
Add your template shortcut keys sf.
Add your template SELECT * FROM $TABLE$.
On the right side of the template editor window, select the link next to "Availability".
In the "Select Scopes" window that comes up, uncheck "Everywhere" and expand "In files matching".
Use the File mask *.sql
OK out and save your template.
The sf template should now be available in .sql files.
If you've followed these steps and it's still not working, you may have keyboard shortcut conflicts with another plugin. Consider reinstalling or repairing ReSharper or resetting the keyboard shortcuts via the RESHARPER -> Options -> Keybaord & Menus screen.
ReSharper's Live Templates only work in file formats that ReSharper supports, since Live Templates rely on other ReSharper features that need to understand languages, such as auto-formatting, name shortening and auto-imports and availability in scope. Also, Live Templates are inserted by selecting the item from ReSharper's code completion windows - if there's no code completion, there can't be any Live Templates.
Since ReSharper doesn't know about .sql files, you don't get Live Templates.

Is it possible to change the color of the object explorer in SQL Management Studio 2012?

I Added the dark theme from visual studio to my SMSS 2012 but the Object explorer is still a bright white. Is there a way to change the color of this?
I think it's not optional but you can try go to following menu item:
- options
- environment
- fonts and colors
I couldn't find it but maybe you will.

SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer - How to increase Font Size?

In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer - How to increase Font Size?
From the tool --> Options --> Fonts & Colors we can change fonts for many windows. There is a drop down 'Show Settings For' where we can changes font for text in many area's but I'm not sure how to change the font for the Object Explorer. I thought it would be the tools window drop down selection but that didn't effect the Object Explorer. Any help is appreciated.
You can't change the font of the Object Explorer on it's own but you can change it.
Go to "Tools/Options/Fonts and Colors"
Under the "Show settings for:" dropdown choose "Environment font"
Set the font/fontsize to whatever you want (I use 12 pt Segoe UI)
Click "OK"
Restart SSMS
Using SSMS 2016, it will set use the font and size settings under "Environment Font" in object explorer (and in all menus etc) on restart of SSMS. Screen shot showing setting panel and result
Sometimes I like larger fonts, they help me see clearly and avoid mistakes when reading all the tons of text and data.
My alternatives for not being able to change the font in Object Explorer:
Windows 7 has a Magnifier.
Add a Filter when finding a specific table among the many tables in a database. Right click on Tables --> Filter.
In SSMS-17, Once you have navigated to Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors, Select Environment Font from the Show settings for. Then the Font will need to be set to a different Font before the Size of the text can be changed. The Automatic default Font setting prevents the Size from being changed.
Snip: SSMS-17 Before changes are made
Snip: SSMS-17 After changes are made
This is a known issue, and will not be fixed at this time.
currently there is no option but you can vote for this to be added into future versions here:
change grid result font
Go to "Tools/Options/Fonts and Colors"
Under the "Show settings for:" dropdown choose "grid results"
Set the font/fontsize to whatever you want (I use 12 pt Segoe UI)
Click "OK"
I had a similar issue where the sql connection box was really tiny. I tried using all the different font sizes for environment but nothing would fix the connection box size. What did fix it was a computer restart. All fonts went back to normal.
To increase the output of the print or select function, go to Options > Fonts and colors > Show settings for:, select Grid Results and change the field Size to a default of 7.

Customize Sql Server Object Explorer Right Click Menu Items

How can I add or customize right click menu items in object explorer in Sql Server 2012?
for example I wanna add new items to table right click menu for generate my customize table creator script?
You could write an SSMS add-in.
I'm working on a project at Red Gate to open up our SSMS extensibility code. It sounds like it's exactly what you need and it's more straight-forward than interacting with SSMS directly.
There's a developer guide here: