SQL Server 2012 Management Studio change color of comments? - sql

Odd question, but I can't seem to find a reliable answer on google. Is it possible for me to change the color of comments in SQL Server 2012 Management Studio? I am colorblind and need to better be able to identify them.

Click Options on the Tools menu. Click Environment, and then click Fonts and Colors.
In the right pane, make sure Text Editor is selected, and then from the Display Items below, select the Comment list item, and change the Item Foreground color to a color you can see, and save it.

Tools => Options => Fonts and Colors


How to update colors for object explorer menu in SSMS

I am using dark mode on SQL Server and I have tried to update the font and colors for the object explorer menu, but I seem to be unable to find the appropriate settings to update the menu colors from Options > Fonts and Colors.
Here is what my menu looks like when a right-click an object from the Object Explorer
Is there a way to update the text on the right-hand side so it's easier to read?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 17.
I don't think there is a solution for chaning the sub-menu color unless you can inject the dll / exe file of SSMS.
A workaround is here:

SQL Server Dark Theme -- Drop down menu too dark, how do I change it?

I have enabled the 'Dark Theme' on SQL Server 2017. It is all great, but when I right click in my Object Explorer on a task or something, it is too dark to read. Does anyone know how to change this? See screenshot for what I mean.
I've gone through tools -> environment -> fonts and colors and tried to find where these settings would be, but I'm sure what this element is called.
SSMS Dark Theme is still technically under development and not complete, to enable it you have to do a workaround in the first place modifying text files and uncommenting out some value (I forget the exact file). This is the best you get, unfortunately.

Visual Studio 2015 XAML Editor Text color

I am using the Dark theme of Visual studio and there is one particular color which in my opinion is too weak.
I have tried to change it but couldn't really succeed.
When you click on an object in the designer, the XAML editor will try to mark the code by changing the objects background:
Now if you pay attention, then the background of <ComboBox... > is changed, but the difference is not that much. And I want to change that.
In the next sample the same code is shown with another theme:
In the sample above it is much more clear. And I want to make the same for the Dark theme.
Does anybody know how to do that ?
I have tried Tools >> Options >> Environment >> Fonts and Colors:
There are so many possibilities, and I have clicked on all of them, but couldn't really find the particular color I wanted.
In Tools >> Options >> Environment >> Fonts and Colors you need to select TextEditor in the Show settings for: combo, and the option under Display items: responsible for that color is called Inactive Selected Text (it's the 3rd option from the top in my VS). You can then use the Item background: color picker to select preferred color. Note though that this will change the background color of inactive selected text in all text editors, not just in the XAML editor. Here's a screenshot:

Eclipse SQL Editor normal text color

I was able to change all the other SQL syntax coloring in Eclipse Preferences, but the normal (non-Sql-syntactic) text is still black and I couldn't find where to find the setting for that. Black text is kind of hard to read against an almost black background. Thank you!
If you are looking for the place to change the Text Editor color settings, go to Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors, select "Foreground color" in "Appearance color options", uncheck "System Default", click on the color and choose the color you want.
If you want to change the SQL Editor color settings, go to Preferences->Data Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring.
Edit: You need to change the "Others" item in SQL Editor's syntax coloring. It's working on my Mac, anyway. First uncheck "Default foreground color" and then choose the color you want.
Edit: For those not seeing the change, after selecting "Apply and Close", you must Restart your workspace to see the changes.
File -> Restart
Alexis Dufrenoy is absolutely right:
If you want to change the SQL Editor color settings, go to Preferences->Sata Management->SQL Development->SQL Editor->Syntax Coloring.
Edit: You need to change the "Others" item in SQL Editor's syntax coloring. It's working on my Mac, anyway. First uncheck "Default foreground color" and then choose the color you want.
Just in Luna release I have to restart Eclipse every time after changing SQL syntax coloring (other editors work without restart).
Its strange, but with Windows 7 its the only way.
I was having trouble with the existing answers on Version: 2019-03 (4.11.0)
Change the color of the "Others" option here to change the black text
You may also find it useful to similarly change the other options like "Single Quoted String" (blue default) , "Type" (purple default)
Since 2019-03-14 there is standalone and very simple SQL editor plugin available at eclipse marketplace: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/sql-editor - it's just for editing SQL files, syntax highlighting and contains an experimental SQL formatter. It has full customizable colour preferences and also good looking defaults for dark theme - see https://github.com/de-jcup/eclipse-sql-editor/wiki
It is open source, works out of the box, is small and has no dependencies.
So it could be a good alternative.
PS: I am the author of the mentioned plugin.

Visual Studio 2013 - Change background color of Peek Definition Window

I use Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate, Resharper 8 and own color scheme from http://studiostyl.es/.
I would like change background color in peek definition window because now is yellow :(.
Maybe this cause own color scheme. I am not sure. It is possible change background color of peek window in Visual Studio?
Now look like this :(
The way I resolved this was through the following steps:
Navigate to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors
Make sure Text Editor is selected within the "Show settings for:" drop down
Within the "Display items:" list box find all Peek settings and adjust to your preferred styling.
Hope this helps.