Pytorch: turning a [1,x] sized tensor into an [x] sized tensor - numpy

While trying to load in Pytorch 0.4.0 a model that has probably been produced by Pytorch 0.3.1, I keep getting such errors:
While copying the parameter named "conv1_7x7_s2_bn.bias", whose dimensions in the
model are torch.Size([64]) and whose dimensions in the checkpoint are torch.Size([1, 64]).
I thought that if I had applied transpose on each tensor, then it would work, but it is still failing, as the dimension turns into [64, 1], rather than [64], which I need.
I can I remove the redundant dimension and thus turn the 1-row matrix into a vector?
Note: When calling torch.flatten, I get:
AttributeError: module 'torch' has no attribute 'flatten'

Removing empty dimensions is called "squeezing". NumPy does it, Tensorflow does it and PyTorch does it.
So the correct command is:


Create a TF Dataset of SparseTensors with from_generator

I have a generator that yields tf.sparse.SparseTensors. I want to turn this into a Tensorflow Dataset, but am running into some issues. I am using TF2. First, unlike regular Tensors, you cannot simply pass them in (and providing the correct data types for output_types). For a sparse tensor of [1,0,0,0,5,0], the error looks like
tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: TypeError: `generator` yielded an element that could not be converted to the expected type. The expected type was int64, but the yielded element was SparseTensor(indices=tf.Tensor(
E [[0]
E [4]], shape=(2, 1), dtype=int64), values=tf.Tensor([1 5], shape=(2,), dtype=int64), dense_shape=tf.Tensor([6], shape=(1,), dtype=int64)).
After doing some looking around on the internet, I found this open issue and tried to do something similar - read the indices, values, and shape as separate tensors into a TF Dataset, and then mapping over the dataset to create the sparse tensor. This is not working as shown in some of the examples in the github issue - tf.sparse.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape) does not seem to accept indices and shape in the form of a tf.Tensor - it will happily take in a list or numpy array, but not a Tensor. Since map is not eager, I also cannot call .numpy() on the Tensor either. What is best way to get this to work? I see there is tf.py_function/tf.numpy_function which could help, but constructing the output type can be tricky (though not impossible) for my use case - the incoming data is not fixed and can have a mix of sparse and dense tensors.

Adapting an existing keras model with multiple inputs to tensorflow federated

I'm trying to apply federated learning to an existing keras model that takes two inputs. When I call tff.learning.from_compiled_keras_model and include a dummy batch, I get this error: ValueError: Layer model_1 expects 2 inputs, but it received 1 input tensors. Inputs received: [<tf.Tensor 'packed:0' shape=(2, 20) dtype=int64>].
The model accepts two numpy arrays as inputs, so I defined my dummy_batch as:
x = tf.constant(np.random.randint(1,100, size=[20]))
collections.OrderedDict([('x', [x, x]), ('y', x)])
I dug around a little bit and saw that eventually, tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor gets called on the input list (in the __init__ for _KerasModel), and that returns a single tensor of shape (2,20), instead of two separate arrays or tensors. Is there some other way I can represent the list of inputs to avoid this issue?
The TFF team just pushed a commit that should contain this bugfix; this commit should be what you want. See in particular the change in tensorflow_federated/python/learning/ added test case should have been a repro of your issue, and it now passes.
You were right to call out our call to tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor; now we use tf.nest.map_structure to map this function call to the leaves of the passed-in data structure. Note that Keras does some extra input normalization as well; we decided not to duplicate that logic here.
This change won't be in the pip package until the next release, but if you build from source, it will be available now.
Thanks for this catch, and pointing to the right place!

Why is "step" argument necessary when predicting using data tensors? what does this error mean?

I am trying to predict() the output for a single data point d, using my trained Keras model loaded from a file. But I get a ValueError If predicting from data tensors, you should specify the 'step' argument. What does that mean?
I tried setting step=1, but then I get a different error ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor u'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 600)'.
Here is my code:
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]], hidden[x[i]])).resize((1,600))
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=)
The model is expecting (?,600) as input. I have concatenated two numpy arrays of shape (300,) each to get (600,), which is resized to (1,600). This (1,600) is my input to predict().
In my case, the input to predict was None (because I had a bug in another part of the code).
In official doc, steps refer to the total number of steps before stopping. So steps=1 means make predictions on one batch instead of making prediction on one record (single data point).
-> Define value of steps argument,
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]],
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=1)
If you are using a test data generator, it is good practice to define the steps, as mentioned in the documentation.
If you are predicting a single instance, no need to define the steps. Just make sure the argument (i.e. instance 'd') is not None, otherwise that error will show up. Some reshaping may also be necessary.
in my case i got the same error, i just reshaped the data to predict with numpy function reshape() to the shape of the data originally used to train the model.

Why does Keras to_categorical method not return 3-D tensor when inputting 2-D tensor?

I was trying to build a LSTM neural net with Keras to predict tags for words in a set of sentences.
The implementation is all pretty straight forward, but the surprising thing was that
given the exactly same and otherwise correctly implemented code and
using Tensorflow 1.4.0 with Keras running on Tensorflow Backend,
on some people's computers, it returned tensors with wrong dimensions, while for others it worked perfectly.
The problem occured in the following context:
First, we turned the list of training sentences (sentences as a list of word indeces) into a 2-D matrix using the pad_sequences method from Keras (
def do_padding(sequences, length, padding_value):
return pad_sequences(sequences, maxlen=length, padding='post',
truncating='post', value=padding_value)
train_sents_padded = do_padding(train_sents, MAX_LENGTH,
Next, we used our do_padding method on the corresponding training labels to turn them into a padded matrix. At the same time, we used the Keras to_categorical method ( to add a one-hot encoded vector to the created label matrix (one one-hot vector for each cell in the matrix, that means for word in each training sentence):
train_labels_padded = to_categorical(do_padding(train_labels, MAX_LENGTH,
label_to_id["O"]), NUM_LABELS)
We expected the resulting shape to be 3-D: (len(train_labels), MAX_LENGTH, NUM_LABELS). Yet, we found that the resulting shape was 2-D and basically looked like this: ((len(train_labels) x MAX_LENGTH), NUM_LABELS), meaning the numbers on the two expected dimensions len(train_labels) and MAX_LENGTH were multiplied and flattened into one dimension.
Interestingly, this problem as said before only occured for about 50% of the people, using Tensorflow 1.4.0 and Keras running on Tensorflow Backend.
We managed to solve the problem by reshaping the label matrix manually:
train_labels_padded = np.reshape(train_labels_padded, (len(train_labels),
I was just wondering if any of you have experienced a similar problem and have figured out the reason why this happens.

Tensorflow SVM estimator issue with undefined tensor shape

I am trying to train a model using Tensorflow's SVM canned estimator. My input data is a queue sourced from Big Query using Tensorflow's BigQueryReader which then feeds a shuffle_batch queue. My features are Rank 2 and my example keys are Rank 1. The actual shape of the key and feature tensors aren't fully defined since the number of training/eval examples can vary. I am getting the following error during training:
File "/root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-
line 313, in minimize example_state_data =self._hashtable.lookup(example_ids_hashed)
File "/root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/linear_optimizer/python/ops/",
line 108, in lookup self._check_keys(keys)
File "/root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tensorflow/contrib/linear_optimizer/python/ops/",
line 99, in _check_keys keys.get_shape())
ValueError: Key shape must be fully defined, got (?, 2)
The issue seems to be tied specifically to the processing of the example key tensor. Has anyone else run into this issue? I have tried very similar code with the other canned estimators and haven't gotten a complaint about the shape not being fully defined. However, this is the first estimator that required keys. When the data is parsed by parse_example after being read from BigQuery, the output are Rank-2 tensors with shape (?,1). In order to create a rank-1 tensor for the keys I am using the reshape function which results in shape (?,). I'm not sure if this could be contributing to my problem:
features = tf.parse_example(examples_serialized, features=FEATURES)
features[key_column] = tf.reshape(features[key_column],[-1])