How to load chinook database in SQLite - sql

I want to load chinook database in SQLite but I have no idea how can I do that.
First, I used this command but it just made a file without anything in it:
sqlite3 chinook.db
I also downloaded this archive that contains chinook database but I couldn't find chinook.db file to open it with this command:
.open chinook.db

If you have a copy of the chinook database then just use the restore database feature.
cd /home/sqlite
mv sample.db sample.db.old
sqlite3 sample.db < sample.bak
For more information go to

We should script the database before using it. Here is the link that discussed the whole procedure.


Converting CSV to SQLite (db file)

I have downloaded a CSV file and am trying to use it for a SQL project (I am using Jupyter notebooks). Do I even need the CSV file or is there a way to use it without downloading it? I'm very new to all of this!
This is the link to the data that I downloaded:
What's your goal? Are you trying to learn SQL, or do you just want to work with the data?
If all you want is to load that csv into a table in a SQLite database, it would be easiest to do using the sqlite command line shell.
I'm on Windows, so forgive me if you aren't...
Open the Command Prompt
Navigate to the folder in which you want the new sqlite db file (e.g. cd C:\Users\User\Data)
sqlite3 NewDBName.db (e.g. sqlite3 MyNewDb.db)
.mode csv
.import path/to/downloaded/csv.csv NewTableName (e.g. .import C:\Users\User\Downloads\CCRB_database_raw.csv CCRB
That should be it. You can check it worked by running .schema- you should see the structure of your new tables.
Now you can try out some sql statements:
Here are some more detailed instructions.

How to rename database using phpMyAdmin tool?

I created a fresh database in phpmyadmin which does not contain any tables yet since its fresh, however I accidentally made a typo. How can I rename the database?
If this happens to me I usually just execute the SQL command:
and create another database. But is it possible to rename it? I was already searching SO but found nothing helpful.
I found two possible solutions.
Rename it via the phpmyadmin backend UI (preferable):
Or just execute this SQL (only use it if the database is fresh and does not contain any data yet, otherwise it will be lost!)
I don't think you can do this. I think you'll need to dump that database, create the newly named one and then import the dump.
If this is a live system you'll need to take it down. If you cannot, then you will need to setup replication from this database to the new one.
If you want to see the commands try this link, Rename MySQL database
Try using an aux temporary db (as copy of the original)
$ mysqldump dbname > dbname_dump.sql //create a backup
$ mysqladmin create dbname_new //create your new db with desired name
$ mysql dbname_new < dbname_dump.sql //restore the backup to the new one
$ mysql drop database dbname; //drop old one

choosing where to save sqlite database

This is probably a simple question, but I could use some help. I am trying to build a small database for an application that will only be run on my computer so I want to create a local database.
To do this I am trying to use sqlite. I can use the command prompt to make what seems to be a database by using the sqlite3 databaseName; functionality, but I do not know where it is being stored.
I need to be able to find the database to access it through the application I am experimenting with. I already know all of the basic sql and such for creating the database tables and data, but I cannot figure out how to simply make the database connection.
is there a way to specify where the database .db file will be stored, and why can I not find the file it seems to be making?
Using sqlite3 shell? Some help using sqlite3 -help:
Usage: sqlite3 [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL]
If FILENAME is not supplied, shell uses an temporary database.
If you start shell without supplying a filename, you may save temporary database at any time using:
sqlite> .backup MAIN "folder\your_file.extension"
Or you can ATTACH an existing database an use SQL methods:
sqlite> ATTACH DATABASE "path\stored.db" AS other;
sqlite> INSERT OR REPLACE INTO other.table1 SELECT * FROM this_table1;
sqlite> DETACH other;
For doing such things , you can use Sqlite Manager , you'll get it as a Firefox addon. It's excellent in creating / Managing Sqlite database.
Thanks everyone for answering, but it turns out my issue was much simpler than I thought.
I was trying to name the database after already starting the shell.
I was supposed to create the database from command line by doing sqlite3 name.db
But I was trying to use that command within the sqlite shell so nothing was being created.

How to view tables in sql?

Hai i am a beginner of Database,
i have a .sql file which contains some tables of data, i want to know how to import them and how to view the list of tables.
presently im using the following:-
software or editor : navicat lite
server : localhost.
databse file format: .sql
Maybe you can try to execute the script in sql server, then type
select * from [database_name].information_schema.tables
to view tables and relevant information.
Remember that a sql file is not really a database, it is a script. You can run the script from any tool, but I'd use command line. This is navicat connected to mysql?
mysql -u username -p databasename < script.sql
password: **
And then the results can be seen using navicat or any other tool
If the .sql file has statements such as "CREATE TABLE..." and then later on "INSERT INTO..." then the script is possibly creating the tables and inserting the data.
To allow that to happen, the tables need to not exist in the database. You can then run the script and it will create the tables and fill in the data.
If the tables do exist, you can always either delete them, or change the CREATE to an ALTER and the script should then run.
Hope that helps.

OpenERP, data restore problem

I am trying to restore a database backup through the client interface of open ERP. A message appeared "Could not restore DB". I am using Postgresql 8.4.1
Please help!
You can restore your db direct from pgadmin by making blank db and restore your db into.
and other way is by command prompt postgres given below command.
To create --- createdb db_name
To restore ---- psql created db_name < from which db you want to restore
Which version of openerp and postgresql you are using ? even this message appears, please check in postgresql you will find your database restored.
Are you able to create backups on the same server? I've had similar problems on new installations when I haven't created a .pgpass file. The db_user and db_password configuration parameters are used during regular database access, but can't be used for PostgreSQL backup and restore operations. For backup and restore, you need to set up a .pgpass file.