IntelliJ IDEA: move caret to end of word - intellij-idea

(running MacOS)
I'm used to option+left/right arrow moving the caret to the end of the word. In IntelliJ it instead moves to the next word, see below example.
If I'd press option+right arrow, the caret would move to below position:
Can I somehow configure IntelliJ so that it moves to below position instead?

IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2 introduces the following new options for the Caret Movement (File | Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General):
Set the "When moving by words" option to "Always jump to word end".


IntelliJ IDEA Keymap

How can I make the Home key move the caret to the beginning of the current line? I am aware of the Keymap setting "Move Caret to Line Start". I have re-mapped this to Home.
But this actually seems to move the caret to the start of the text on the line, not the start of the line (i.e. column 1). Pressing Home again will move it to the start of the line.
I have also tried using the IdeaVim plugin. In my case, the full VIM key mappings are not desired, but I did notice that it is capable of making Home move the caret to the start of the line, which to me implies that it's possible.
In NetBeans, there are different commands for "start of line" and "start of text on line". I haven't yet been able to find that with IDEA.
Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Smart Keys | Home moves caret to first non-whitespace character -> disable.

Intellij IDEA highlight all occurrences of selected text

Currently, intellij highlights all occurrences of the word under the caret. How can I change it so that it doesn't do that, and instead will highlight all occurrences only when I select the word (eg: similar to sublime text) ?
From the plugin description:
Allows to easily browse next/previous word at caret and highlight
other appearances of selected word.
I'm using it and it works perfectly.
The following worked for me in IntelliJ 2018.2.3:
Disable automatic highlighting of usages by unchecking:
Preferences | Editor | General | Highlight usages of element at caret
Add mouse shortcut for Highlight Usages in File:
Preferences | Keymap | Main menu | Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File
My mouse shortcut was: Shift + Control + Double Click
I am using Webstorm 2021.2 at the moment and this feature is working. Just for your information. Hope you also already updated to the latest.
Settings -> Editor -> Code Editing -> Highlight on Caret Movement -> Usages of element at caret

how to disable word highlighting in Intellij idea?

some words are automatically highlighted in intellij how can I disable them,words which have been highlighted are in use,and it only gets highlighted when they are in use by some other piece of code.How can i disable this?
in the pic there are some words which are highlighted
Activating automatic highlighting of usages
Open the Settings dialog box (File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS), and click General under the Editor node.
On the General page that opens, select the Highlight usages of element at caret check box in the Highlight on Caret Movement area.
Or you can select highlighted text and press Ctrl+Shift+F7(Windows or Linux).

IntelliJ align multiple lines of code vertically

I am wondering how to align (the keyboard shortcut) a line or a block of code with the previous line, so that they have the same indention or starting from the same column in IntelliJ and PyCharm.
I think that "Emacs Tab" could help you. You can use setting search to find it or you can go Preferences -> Appearance & Behaviour -> Keymap. It is editor action and in some Keymap settings it doesn't have assigned key shortcut. I personally prefer remap Tab key to this action.

Idea: how can I hide the VCS changes markers in the right margin

I'm trying to hide the marker stripes in the right margin of intellij idea.
I tried whith:
settings -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> General
but it is not possible to check/uncheck "Error stripe Mark" in "Added lines" or "Modified lines".
I also tried to put white colors in "stripe mark color" in
settings -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> Diff
but the stripe is still present.
Do you know if it's possible to manage that without removing VCS support for the project?
There is now a setting as of IntelliJ IDEA 15 142.3728 (released as EAP in August 2015).
In preferences, go to Editor -> General and untick Highlight modified lines in gutter.
PhpStorm 2022
Uncheck the tick here.
I use version 12.1.4
Easiest way I've found is by right-clicking on the marker at the top of the margin.
Click "Customize Highlighting level" and bring the slider down "syntax".
This may also help:
IntelliJ 14.
In dark theme, the change marker at right margin is very eye-distracting. The real problem is we can not close it.
Go to Editor -> Colors and Fonts -> General and
deleted line in gutter
added line in gutter
modified line in gutter
Change to color you like.
Here is the official doc about changes marker.
I have found a solution. Set Editor > General > Error highlighting > Error stripe mark min height (pixels) to 0.