How to get IDs of my batch update SQL Server - sql

How can I get the IDs of affected rows on my batch update? As I'm trying to insert on table tbl.history of all the update/transactions.
Below is my sample table:
table tbl.myTable
| ID | Amount | Date |
| 1 | 100 | 01/01/2019 |
| 2 | 200 | 01/02/2019 |
| 3 | 500 | 01/01/2019 |
| 5 | 500 | 01/05/2019 |
Here's my batch update query:
Update tbl.myTable set Amount = 0 where Date = '01/01/2019'
with the query it will update/affect the two data with ID 1 and 3. How can I get those ID to insert it in another table (tbl.history)?

Use the OUTPUT clause. It provides you with a "table" named deleted which contains the values before the update, and a "table" named inserted which contains the new values.
So, you can run
Update tbl.myTable set Amount = 0
output inserted.*,deleted.*
where Date = '01/01/2019'
To understand how it works, succeeding this, you can now create a temporary table and OUTPUT the fields you want INTO it:
Update tbl.myTable set Amount = 0
output inserted.*,deleted.* into temp_table_with_updated
where Date = '01/01/2019'

You can do this by using OUTPUT
declare #outputIDs as TABLE
ID int
Update tbl.MyTable Set [Amount] = 0
WHERE [Date] = '01/01/2019'
The #outputIDs table will have the two updated IDs.

Use a caching mechanism (table variable, cte etc)
declare #temp table (id int)
insert into #temp select id from tbl.myTable where Date = '01/01/2019'
update tbl.myTable set Amount=0 where id in (select id from #temp)
-- do more stuff with the id's


PostgreSQL add new not null column and fill with ids from insert statement

I´ve got 2 tables.
CREATE TABLE content (
id bigserial NOT NULL,
name text
id bigserial NOT NULL,
The tables are already filled with a lot of data.
Now I want to add a new column content_id (NOT NULL) to the data table.
It should be a foreign key to the content table.
Is it possible to automatically create an entry in the content table to set a content_id in the data table.
For example
| id | name |
| 1 | abc |
| 2 | cde |
| id |... |
| 1 |... |
| 2 |... |
| 3 |... |
Now I need an update statement that creates 3 (in this example) content entries and add the ids to the data table to get this result:
| id | name |
| 1 | abc |
| 2 | cde |
| 3 | ... |
| 4 | ... |
| 5 | ... |
| id |... | content_id |
| 1 |... | 3 |
| 2 |... | 4 |
| 3 |... | 5 |
According to the answers presented here: How can I add a column that doesn't allow nulls in a Postgresql database?, there are several ways of adding a new NOT NULL column and fill this directly.
Basicly there are 3 steps. Choose the best fitting (with or without transaction, setting a default value first and remove after, leave the NOT NULL contraint first and add afterwards, ...)
Step 1: Adding new column (without NOT NULL constraint, because the values of the new column values are not available at this point)
ALTER TABLE data ADD COLUMN content_id integer;
Step 2: Inserting the data into both tables in a row:
WITH inserted AS ( -- 1
(SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM content),
(SELECT MAX(id) FROM content) + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data)
'dummy text'
), matched AS ( -- 2
SELECT AS data_id, AS content_id
row_number() OVER ()
FROM data
) d
row_number() OVER ()
FROM inserted
) i ON i.row_number = d.row_number
) -- 3
UPDATE data d
SET content_id = s.content_id
SELECT * FROM matched
) s
WHERE = s.data_id;
Executing several statements one after another by using the results of the previous one can be achieved using WITH clauses (CTEs):
Insert data into content table: This generates an integer series starting at the MAX() + 1 value of the current content's id values and has as many records as the data table. Afterwards the new ids are returned
Now we need to match the current records of the data table with the new ids. So for both sides, we use row_number() window function to generate a consecutive row count for each records. Because both, the insert result and the actual data table have the same number of records, this can be used as join criterion. So we can match the id column of the data table with the new content's id values
This matched data can used in the final update of the new content_id column
Step 3: Add the NOT NULL constraint

SQL - Set column value to the SUM of all references

I want to have the column "CurrentCapacity" to be the SUM of all references specific column.
Lets say there are three rows in SecTable which all have FirstTableID = 1. Size values are 1, 1 and 3.
The row in FirstTable which have ID = 1 should now have a value of 5 in the CurrentCapacity column.
How can I make this and how to do automatically on insert, update and delete?
| ID | MaxCapacity | CurrentCapacity |
| 1 | 5 | 0 (desired result = 5) |
| 2 | 5 | 0 |
| 3 | 5 | 0 |
| ID | FirstTableID (FK) | Size |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 3 |
In general, a view is a better solution than trying to keep a calculated column up-to-date. For your example, you could use this:
SELECT f.ID, f.MaxCapacity, COALESCE(SUM(s.Size), 0) AS CurrentCapacity
FROM FirstTable f
LEFT JOIN SecTable s ON s.FirstTableID = f.ID
GROUP BY f.ID, f.MaxCapacity
Then you can simply
FROM capacity
to get the results you desire. For your sample data:
ID MaxCapacity CurrentCapacity
1 5 5
2 5 0
3 5 0
Demo on SQLFiddle
Got this question to work with this trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateCurrentCapacity
ON SecTable
DECLARE #Iteration INT
SET #Iteration = 1
WHILE #Iteration <= 100
UPDATE FirstTable SET FirstTable.CurrentCapacity = (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(SecTable.Size),0) FROM SecTable WHERE FirstTableID = #Iteration) WHERE ID = #Iteration;
SET #Iteration = #Iteration + 1
Personally, I would not use a trigger either or store CurrentCapacity as a value since it breaks Normalization rules for database design. You have a relation and can already get the results by creating a view or setting CurrentCapacity to a calculated column.
Your view can look like this:
SELECT Id, MaxCapacity, ISNULL(O.SumSize,0) AS CurrentCapacity
FROM dbo.FirstTable FT
SELECT ST.FirstTableId, SUM(ST.Size) as SumSize FROM SecTable ST
WHERE ST.FirstTableId = FT.Id
GROUP BY ST.FirstTableId
) O
Sure, you could fire a proc every time a row is updated/inserted or deleted in the second table and recalculate the column, but you might as well calculate it on the fly. If it's not required to have the column accurate, you can have a job update the values every X hours. You could combine this with your view to have both a "live" and "cached" version of the capacity data.

Update column in one table for a user based on count of required records in another table for same user without cursor

I have 2 tables A and B. I need to update a column in table A for all userid's based on the count of records that userid has in another table based on defined rules. If count of records in another table is 3 and is required for that userID, then mark IsCorrect as 1 else 0, if count is 2 and required is 5 then IsCorrect as 0 For e.g. Below is what I am trying to achieve
Table A
UserID | Required | IsCorrect
1 | SO;GO;PE | 1
2 | SO;GO;PE;PR | 0
3 | SO;GO;PE | 1
Table B
UserID | PPName
1 | SO
1 | GO
1 | PE
2 | SO
2 | GO
3 | SO
3 | GO
3 | PE
I tried using Update in table joining another table, but cannot up with one. Also, do not want to use cursors, because of its overhead. I know I will have to create a stored Procedure for it for the rules, but how to pass the userID's to it without cursor is what am i am looking for.
This is an update for my earlier question. Thanks for the help.
Here's a solution for PostgreSQL:
update TableA
set IsCorrect =
case when
string_to_array(Required, ';') <#
(select array_agg(PPName)
from TableB
where TableA.UserID = TableB.UserID)
then 1
else 0
You can also see it live on SQL Fiddle.
use sub-query and aggregate function and then case when for conditional update
update TableA A
set A.IsCorrect= case when T.cnt>=3 then 1 else 0 end
inner join
select B.UserID ,count(*) as cnt from TableB as B
group by UserID
) as T
on A.userid=T.UserID

update a table from another table and add new values

How would I go about updating a table by using another table so it puts in the new data and if it doesnt match on an id it adds the new id and the data with it. My original table i much bigger than the new table that will update it. and the new table has a few ids that aren't in the old table but need to be added.
for example I have:
Table being updated-
| Original Table |
| ID | Initials |
| 1 | ABC |
| 2 | DEF |
| 3 | GHI |
the table I'm pulling data from to update the other table-
| New Table |
| ID | Initials |
| 1 | XZY |
| 2 | QRS |
| 3 | GHI |
| 4 | ABC |
then I want my Original table to get its values that match up to be updated by the new table if they have changed, and add any new ID rows if they aren't in the original table so in this example it would look like the New Table.
| Original Table |
| ID | Initials |
| 1 | XZY |
| 2 | QRS |
| 3 | GHI |
| 4 | ABC |
You can use MERGE statement to put this UPSERT operation in one statement but there are issues with merge statement I would split it into two Statements, UPDATE and INSERT
SET O.Initials = N.Initials
FROM Original_Table O INNER JOIN New_Table N
INSERT INTO Original_Table (ID , Initials)
SELECT ID , Initials
FROM New_Table
FROM Original_Table
WHERE ID = Original_Table.ID)
Important Note
Reason why I suggested to avoid using merge statement read this article Use Caution with SQL Server's MERGE Statement by Aaron Bertrand
You need to use the MERGE statement for this:
MERGE original_table AS Target
USING updated_table as Source
ON =
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET Target.Initials = Source.Initials
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT(id, Initials) VALUES(, Source.Initials);
You have not specified, what happens in case the valuesin original table are not found in the updated one. But, just in case, you can add this to remove them from original table:
if you can use loop in PHP and go through all tables and copy one by one to another table.
another option
WHILE (true)
IF #COUT = 0
SET #id = (SELECT id FROM New_Table);
SET #ini = (SELECT Initials FROM New_Table);
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Original_Table WHERE id=#id ) > 0
UPDATE SET ID = #id,Initials = #ini FROM Original_Table WHERE id = #id;
insert into Original_Table values(#id,#ini);

Reducing values in one table until reserves depleted in another - recursion?

I have two tables - let's call them dbo.ValuesToReduce and dbo.Reserve
The data in the first table (dbo.ValuesToReduce) is:
ValuesToReduceId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | 53.15
2 | 2 | 601.98
3 | 1 | 91.05
4 | 2 | 44.56
5 | 3 | 19.11
The second table (dbo.Reserve) looks like this
ReserveId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | -101.55
2 | 2 | -425.19
3 | 3 | -28.17
What I need to do is: update the Values in ValuesToReduce table using the latter table of Reserves, reducing the numbers until the reserve supply is exhausted. Here's what I should get after running the script:
ValuesToReduceId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | 0.00
2 | 2 | 176.79
3 | 1 | 42.65
4 | 2 | 44.56
5 | 3 | 0.00
ReserveId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | 0.00
2 | 2 | 0.00
3 | 3 | -9.06
So basically, every partner has a "reserve" which he can deplete, and values in the value table should be reduced by partner accordingly if there is still something in the reserves. Reserves should be collocated in the order provided by ValuesToReduceId.
For partner with PartnerId of 1, you can see that he had enough reserve to update his first value to 0 and still had some left to reduce the second value by that amount.
Partner with ID of 2 had a reserve of 425.19, and there were two entries in the values table for that partner, 601.98 and 44.56, in that order (by ValuesToReduceId), so we only updated the first value since the reserve is not big enough for both. The wrong way would have been to update the second value to 0.00 and the first to 221.35.
Partner with ID of 3 has more than enough reserve, so after updating his value to 0, he's left with -9.06
I tried something with recursive cte, but I can't seem to get my head around it.
Hope I described the problem clearly enough..
You cannot, as far as I know, update two tables in a single select statement.
But you could do this in SQL using a WHILE loop. Search for the first transaction, then carry it out, until there are no possible transactions left.
declare #valid int
declare #resid int
declare #val float
while 1 = 1
select top 1
#resid = r.ReserveId
, #valid = v.ValuesToReduceId
, #val = CASE WHEN -r.Value > v.Value THEN v.Value ELSE -r.Value END
from ValuesToReduce v
inner join Reserves r on r.PartnerId = v.PartnerId
where r.Value < 0 and v.Value > 0
order by r.ReserveId
if ##rowcount = 0
update ValuesToReduce
set Value = Value - #val
where ValuesToReduceId = #valid
update Reserves
set Value = Value + #val
where ReserveId = #resid
Here's code to create test tables:
create table ValuesToReduce (
ValuesToReduceId int,
PartnerId int,
Value float
insert into ValuesToReduce values (1,1,53.15)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (2,2,601.98)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (3,1,91.05)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (4,2,44.56)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (5,3,19.11)
create table Reserves (
ReserveId int,
PartnerId int,
Value float
insert into Reserves values (1,1,-101.55)
insert into Reserves values (2,2,-425.19)
insert into Reserves values (3,3,-28.17)