Reducing values in one table until reserves depleted in another - recursion? - sql

I have two tables - let's call them dbo.ValuesToReduce and dbo.Reserve
The data in the first table (dbo.ValuesToReduce) is:
ValuesToReduceId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | 53.15
2 | 2 | 601.98
3 | 1 | 91.05
4 | 2 | 44.56
5 | 3 | 19.11
The second table (dbo.Reserve) looks like this
ReserveId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | -101.55
2 | 2 | -425.19
3 | 3 | -28.17
What I need to do is: update the Values in ValuesToReduce table using the latter table of Reserves, reducing the numbers until the reserve supply is exhausted. Here's what I should get after running the script:
ValuesToReduceId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | 0.00
2 | 2 | 176.79
3 | 1 | 42.65
4 | 2 | 44.56
5 | 3 | 0.00
ReserveId | PartnerId | Value
1 | 1 | 0.00
2 | 2 | 0.00
3 | 3 | -9.06
So basically, every partner has a "reserve" which he can deplete, and values in the value table should be reduced by partner accordingly if there is still something in the reserves. Reserves should be collocated in the order provided by ValuesToReduceId.
For partner with PartnerId of 1, you can see that he had enough reserve to update his first value to 0 and still had some left to reduce the second value by that amount.
Partner with ID of 2 had a reserve of 425.19, and there were two entries in the values table for that partner, 601.98 and 44.56, in that order (by ValuesToReduceId), so we only updated the first value since the reserve is not big enough for both. The wrong way would have been to update the second value to 0.00 and the first to 221.35.
Partner with ID of 3 has more than enough reserve, so after updating his value to 0, he's left with -9.06
I tried something with recursive cte, but I can't seem to get my head around it.
Hope I described the problem clearly enough..

You cannot, as far as I know, update two tables in a single select statement.
But you could do this in SQL using a WHILE loop. Search for the first transaction, then carry it out, until there are no possible transactions left.
declare #valid int
declare #resid int
declare #val float
while 1 = 1
select top 1
#resid = r.ReserveId
, #valid = v.ValuesToReduceId
, #val = CASE WHEN -r.Value > v.Value THEN v.Value ELSE -r.Value END
from ValuesToReduce v
inner join Reserves r on r.PartnerId = v.PartnerId
where r.Value < 0 and v.Value > 0
order by r.ReserveId
if ##rowcount = 0
update ValuesToReduce
set Value = Value - #val
where ValuesToReduceId = #valid
update Reserves
set Value = Value + #val
where ReserveId = #resid
Here's code to create test tables:
create table ValuesToReduce (
ValuesToReduceId int,
PartnerId int,
Value float
insert into ValuesToReduce values (1,1,53.15)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (2,2,601.98)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (3,1,91.05)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (4,2,44.56)
insert into ValuesToReduce values (5,3,19.11)
create table Reserves (
ReserveId int,
PartnerId int,
Value float
insert into Reserves values (1,1,-101.55)
insert into Reserves values (2,2,-425.19)
insert into Reserves values (3,3,-28.17)


How to pivot column data into a row where a maximum qty total cannot be exceeded?

I have come across an unexpected challenge. I'm hoping someone can help and I am interested in the best method to go about manipulating the data in accordance to this problem.
I need to combine column data associated to two different ID columns. Each row that I have associates an item_id and the quantity for this item_id. Please see below for an example.
| 1 | A | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | A | 2 | 1 |
| 1 | A | 3 | 4 |
| 1 | A | 4 | 0 |
| 1 | A | 5 | 0 |
I need to manipulate the data shown above so that 24 rows (for 24 item_ids) is combined into a single row. In the example above I have chosen 5 items to make things easier. The selection format I wish to get, assuming 5 item_ids, can be seen below.
| cust_id | pack_id | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 1 | A | 1 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 0 |
However, here's the condition that is making this troublesome. The maximum total quantity for each row must not exceed 5. If the total quantity exceeds 5 a new row associated to the cust_id and pack_id must be created for the rest of the item_id quantities. Please see below for the desired output.
| cust_id | pack_id | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 1 | A | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
| 1 | A | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Notice how the quantities of item_ids 1, 2 and 3 summed together equal 6. This exceeds the maximum total quantity of 5 for each row. For the second row the difference is created. In this case only item_id 3 has a single quantity remaining.
Note, if a 2nd row needs to be created that total quantity displayed in that row also cannot exceed 5. There is a known item_id limit of 24. But, there is no known limit of the quantity associated for each item_id.
Here's an approach which goes from left-field a bit.
One approach would have been to do a recursive CTE, building the rows one-by-one.
Instead, I've taken an approach where I
Create a new (virtual) table with 1 row per item (so if there are 6 items, there will be 6 rows)
Group those items into groups of 5 (I've called these rn_batches)
Pivot those (based on counts per item per rn_batch)
For these, processing is relatively simple
Creating one row per item is done using INNER JOIN to a numbers table with n <= the relevant quantity.
The grouping then just assigns rn_batch = 1 for the first 5 items, rn_batch = 2 for the next 5 items, etc - until there are no more items left for that order (based on cust_id/pack_id).
Here is the code
/* Data setup */
CREATE TABLE #Order (cust_id int, pack_id varchar(1), item_id int, qty int, PRIMARY KEY (cust_id, pack_id, item_id))
INSERT INTO #Order (cust_id, pack_id, item_id, qty) VALUES
(1, 'A', 1, 1),
(1, 'A', 2, 1),
(1, 'A', 3, 4),
(1, 'A', 4, 0),
(1, 'A', 5, 0);
/* Pivot results */
WITH Nums(n) AS
(SELECT (c * 100) + (b * 10) + (a) + 1 AS n
FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) A(a)
CROSS JOIN (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) B(b)
CROSS JOIN (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) C(c)
ItemBatches AS
(SELECT cust_id, pack_id, item_id,
FLOOR((ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cust_id, pack_id ORDER BY item_id, N.n)-1) / 5) + 1 AS rn_batch
FROM #Order O
INNER JOIN Nums N ON N.n <= O.qty
FROM (SELECT cust_id, pack_id, rn_batch, 'Item_' + LTRIM(STR(item_id)) AS item_desc
FROM ItemBatches
) src
(COUNT(item_desc) FOR item_desc IN ([Item_1], [Item_2], [Item_3], [Item_4], [Item_5])) pvt
ORDER BY cust_id, pack_id, rn_batch;
And here are results
cust_id pack_id rn_batch Item_1 Item_2 Item_3 Item_4 Item_5
1 A 1 1 1 3 0 0
1 A 2 0 0 1 0 0
Here's a db<>fiddle with
additional data in the #Orders table
the answer above, and also the processing with each step separated.
This approach (with the virtual numbers table) assumes a maximum of 1,000 for a given item in an order. If you need more, you can easily extend that numbers table by adding additional CROSS JOINs.
While I am in awe of the coders who made SQL Server and how it determines execution plans in millisends, for larger datasets I give SQL Server 0 chance to accurately predict how many rows will be in each step. As such, for performance, it may work better to split the code up into parts (including temp tables) similar to the db<>fiddle example.

SQL - Set column value to the SUM of all references

I want to have the column "CurrentCapacity" to be the SUM of all references specific column.
Lets say there are three rows in SecTable which all have FirstTableID = 1. Size values are 1, 1 and 3.
The row in FirstTable which have ID = 1 should now have a value of 5 in the CurrentCapacity column.
How can I make this and how to do automatically on insert, update and delete?
| ID | MaxCapacity | CurrentCapacity |
| 1 | 5 | 0 (desired result = 5) |
| 2 | 5 | 0 |
| 3 | 5 | 0 |
| ID | FirstTableID (FK) | Size |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 | 3 |
In general, a view is a better solution than trying to keep a calculated column up-to-date. For your example, you could use this:
SELECT f.ID, f.MaxCapacity, COALESCE(SUM(s.Size), 0) AS CurrentCapacity
FROM FirstTable f
LEFT JOIN SecTable s ON s.FirstTableID = f.ID
GROUP BY f.ID, f.MaxCapacity
Then you can simply
FROM capacity
to get the results you desire. For your sample data:
ID MaxCapacity CurrentCapacity
1 5 5
2 5 0
3 5 0
Demo on SQLFiddle
Got this question to work with this trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateCurrentCapacity
ON SecTable
DECLARE #Iteration INT
SET #Iteration = 1
WHILE #Iteration <= 100
UPDATE FirstTable SET FirstTable.CurrentCapacity = (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(SecTable.Size),0) FROM SecTable WHERE FirstTableID = #Iteration) WHERE ID = #Iteration;
SET #Iteration = #Iteration + 1
Personally, I would not use a trigger either or store CurrentCapacity as a value since it breaks Normalization rules for database design. You have a relation and can already get the results by creating a view or setting CurrentCapacity to a calculated column.
Your view can look like this:
SELECT Id, MaxCapacity, ISNULL(O.SumSize,0) AS CurrentCapacity
FROM dbo.FirstTable FT
SELECT ST.FirstTableId, SUM(ST.Size) as SumSize FROM SecTable ST
WHERE ST.FirstTableId = FT.Id
GROUP BY ST.FirstTableId
) O
Sure, you could fire a proc every time a row is updated/inserted or deleted in the second table and recalculate the column, but you might as well calculate it on the fly. If it's not required to have the column accurate, you can have a job update the values every X hours. You could combine this with your view to have both a "live" and "cached" version of the capacity data.

How to get IDs of my batch update SQL Server

How can I get the IDs of affected rows on my batch update? As I'm trying to insert on table tbl.history of all the update/transactions.
Below is my sample table:
table tbl.myTable
| ID | Amount | Date |
| 1 | 100 | 01/01/2019 |
| 2 | 200 | 01/02/2019 |
| 3 | 500 | 01/01/2019 |
| 5 | 500 | 01/05/2019 |
Here's my batch update query:
Update tbl.myTable set Amount = 0 where Date = '01/01/2019'
with the query it will update/affect the two data with ID 1 and 3. How can I get those ID to insert it in another table (tbl.history)?
Use the OUTPUT clause. It provides you with a "table" named deleted which contains the values before the update, and a "table" named inserted which contains the new values.
So, you can run
Update tbl.myTable set Amount = 0
output inserted.*,deleted.*
where Date = '01/01/2019'
To understand how it works, succeeding this, you can now create a temporary table and OUTPUT the fields you want INTO it:
Update tbl.myTable set Amount = 0
output inserted.*,deleted.* into temp_table_with_updated
where Date = '01/01/2019'
You can do this by using OUTPUT
declare #outputIDs as TABLE
ID int
Update tbl.MyTable Set [Amount] = 0
WHERE [Date] = '01/01/2019'
The #outputIDs table will have the two updated IDs.
Use a caching mechanism (table variable, cte etc)
declare #temp table (id int)
insert into #temp select id from tbl.myTable where Date = '01/01/2019'
update tbl.myTable set Amount=0 where id in (select id from #temp)
-- do more stuff with the id's

SQL: Update max values with min values in same table

I have a table with a priority. Something like that:
id priority name
1 5 SomeFunnyName
2 10 SomeFunnyName1
3 20 SomeFunnyName2
4 30 SomeFunnyName3
5 40 SomeFunnyName4
Data with higher priority was proceeded faster. But now i have to change the priority logic. So data with lower priority will proceed faster.
How can i update this table that the data with the highest priority will now have the lowest priority?
When you multiply by minus one it would change the priority, this way you can revert back easily by again multiplying by minus one
You can try to use MAX and MIN get priority and some calculation to make it change the MAX and MIN priority from the table.
id int,
priority int,
name varchar(50)
insert into t values (1,5,'SomeFunnyName');
insert into t values (2,10,'SomeFunnyName1');
insert into t values (3,20,'SomeFunnyName2');
insert into t values (4,30,'SomeFunnyName3');
insert into t values (5,40,'SomeFunnyName4');
Set priority = maxVal - priority + minVal
SELECT MAX(priority) maxVal,MIN(priority) minVal
) t1
Query 1:
| id | priority | name |
| 1 | 40 | SomeFunnyName |
| 2 | 35 | SomeFunnyName1 |
| 3 | 25 | SomeFunnyName2 |
| 4 | 15 | SomeFunnyName3 |
| 5 | 5 | SomeFunnyName4 |

Reference the output of a calculated column in Hive SQL

I have a self-referencing/recursive calculation in Excel that needs to be moved to Hive SQL. Basically the column needs to SUM the two values only if the total of the concrete column plus the result from the previous calculation is greater than 0.
The data is as follows, A is the value and B is the expected output:
| A | B |
| -1 | 0 |
| 2 | 2 |
| -2 | 0 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 2 | 4 |
| -1 | 3 |
| 2 | 5 |
In Excel it would be written in column B as:
The problem in SQL is you need to have the output of the current calculation. I think I've got it sorted in SQL as the following:
INSERT INTO #Numbers VALUES (-1,1),(2,2),(-2,3),(2,4),(2,5),(-1,6),(2,7);
WITH lagged AS
FROM #Numbers
WHERE Rn = 1
CASE WHEN ((i.A + l.B) >= 0) THEN (i.A + l.B)
FROM #Numbers i INNER JOIN lagged l
ON i.Rn = l.Rn + 1
FROM lagged;
But this being Hive, it doesn't support CTEs so I need to dumb the SQL down a touch. Is that possible using LAG/LEAD? My brain is hurting having got this far!
I initially thought that it would help to first compute the Sum of all elements until each rank and then fix the values somehow using negative elements.
However, one big negative that would zero the B column will carry forward in the sum and will make all following elements negative.
It's as Gordon commented - 0 is max in the calculation =MAX(0,B1+A2) depends on the previous location where it happened and it seems to be impossible to compute them in advance analytically.