Get the shipping and billing address of a customer in SuiteScript - suitescript2.0

I am trying to get the default shipping and billing addresses for a customer in SuiteScript.
var shipaddress = null;
var billaddress = null;
//Find the default billing and shipping addresses
var add_Count = customerRec.getLineCount('addressbook');
for (var i = 1; i <= add_Count; i++){
customerRec.selectLine('addressbook', i);
var def_Bill = customerRec.getCurrentSublistValue('addressbook', 'defaultbilling');
var def_Ship = customerRec.getCurrentSublistValue('addressbook', 'defaultshipping');
billaddress = customerRec.getCurrentSublistSubrecord('addressbook', 'addressbookaddress');
} else if(def_Ship){
shipaddress = customerRec.getCurrentSublistSubrecord('addressbook', 'addressbookaddress');
With this code I am able to get the first one, but as soon as it hits
customerRec.selectLine('addressbook', i);
for the second time it throws the error.
You have attempted an invalid sublist or line item operation. You are either trying to access a field on a non-existent line or you are trying to add or remove lines from a static sublist.

I found an answer. Please see below.
var add_Count = customerRec.getLineCount('addressbook');
for (var i = 0; i < add_Count; i++){
var def_Bill = customerRec.getSublistValue('addressbook', 'defaultbilling', i);
var def_Ship = customerRec.getSublistValue('addressbook', 'defaultshipping', i);
var anAddress = customerRec.getSublistSubrecord('addressbook', 'addressbookaddress', i);
billaddress = anAddress;
} else if(def_Ship){
shipaddress = anAddress;


combine google documents into one

I have 6 documents each with the format below
table 1
Bullet Points
table 2
I want to combine them into one doc - however when I tried this code it dose not work.Please if anyone can advise please
function mergeDocs() {
var docIDs = ['list-of','documents','ids','you should have somehow'];
var baseDoc = DocumentApp.openById(docIDs[0]);
var body = baseDoc.getActiveSection();
for( var i = 1; i < docIDs.length; ++i ) {
var otherBody = DocumentApp.openById(docIDs[i]).getActiveSection();
var totalElements = otherBody.getNumChildren();
for( var j = 0; j < totalElements; ++j ) {
var element = otherBody.getChild(j).copy();
var type = element.getType();
if( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH )
else if( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE )
else if( type == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM )
throw new Error("According to the doc this type couldn't appear in the body: "+type);

Loop over path points in Photoshop

I'm trying to iterate over a create path in Photoshop finding out the anchor points position etc
var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
// create the array of PathPointInfo objects
var lineArray = new Array();
lineArray.push(new PathPointInfo());
lineArray[0].kind = PointKind.CORNERPOINT;
lineArray[0].anchor = new Array(20, 160);
lineArray[0].leftDirection = [35, 200];
lineArray[0].rightDirection = lineArray[0].anchor;
lineArray.push(new PathPointInfo());
lineArray[1].kind = PointKind.CORNERPOINT;
lineArray[1].anchor = new Array(20, 40);
lineArray[1].leftDirection = lineArray[1].anchor;
lineArray[1].rightDirection = [220, 260];
// create a SubPathInfo object, which holds the line array in its entireSubPath property.
var lineSubPathArray = new Array();
lineSubPathArray.push(new SubPathInfo());
lineSubPathArray[0].operation = ShapeOperation.SHAPEXOR;
lineSubPathArray[0].closed = false;
lineSubPathArray[0].entireSubPath = lineArray;
//create the path item, passing subpath to add method
var myPathItem = srcDoc.pathItems.add("A Line", lineSubPathArray);
for (var i = 0; i < lineSubPathArray[0].entireSubPath.length; i++)
var b = lineSubPathArray[0].entireSubPath[i].anchor;
This works fine, but instead of creating the path and finding out it's information I want to loop over each path and get the same. This should be the same as the loop above only without explicitly calling lineSubPathArray and its parts.
for (var i = 0; i < srcDoc.pathItems[0].subPathItems.pathPoints.length; i++) // wrong I think
var b = srcDoc.pathItems[0].entireSubPath[i].anchor; // wrong
Almost: you need to iterate through subPathItems which consist of pathPoints:
var srcDoc = activeDocument;
var workPath = srcDoc.pathItems[0];
var i, k, b;
for (i = 0; i < workPath.subPathItems.length; i++) {
for (k = 0; k < workPath.subPathItems[i].pathPoints.length; k++) {
b = workPath.subPathItems[i].pathPoints[k].anchor;

Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers

ERROR: (-4014) Cannot add row without complete selection of batch/serial numbers.
The default function of DI API SaveDraftToDocument() is working fine on MS SQL Database but not SAP HANA.
I am posting the Delivery document with Serial Numbers.
SAPbobsCOM.Documents oDrafts;
oDrafts = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDrafts);
var count = oDrafts.Lines.Count;
var linenum = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
var RsRecordCount = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQryRecordCount = String.Format("Select * from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPITEMDETAILS\" where \"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}'", EditText27.Value);
if (count == RsRecordCount.RecordCount)
string ItemCode = "", WhsCode = ""; double Quantity = 0; int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < oDrafts.Lines.Count; i++)
ItemCode = oDrafts.Lines.ItemCode;
var RsSerial = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
string table = "\"#TEMPSERIALS\"";
var sQrySerial = String.Format(
"Select \"U_ItemCode\" , \"U_DistNumber\" from \"SANTEXDBADDON\".\"#TEMPSERIALS\" where " +
"\"U_DraftNo\" = '{0}' and \"U_ItemCode\" = '{1}'", EditText27.Value, ItemCode);
int serialindex = 1, lineindex = 0;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount > 0)
while (!RsSerial.EoF)
var RsSerialOSRN = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);
var sQrySerialOSRN = String.Format(
"Select * from OSRN where \"DistNumber\" = '{0}' and \"ItemCode\" = '{1}'"
, RsSerial.Fields.Item("U_DistNumber").Value.ToString(), ItemCode);
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.BaseLineNumber = oDrafts.Lines.LineNum;
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.SystemSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.ManufacturerSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber =
oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.Quantity = 1;
if (RsSerial.RecordCount != serialindex)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("INTERNAL NO " + oDrafts.Lines.SerialNumbers.InternalSerialNumber, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
var status = oDrafts.SaveDraftToDocument();
if (status == 0)
Application.SBO_Application.StatusBar.SetText("Delivery Posted Successfully !", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Success);
int code = 0; string message = "";
oCompany.GetLastError(out code, out message);
Application.SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage(message, SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Medium, true);
The error you have posted explains the problem. You are trying to deliver products but have not included all of the serial/batch numbers.
I don't think there's enough information to be sure where this problem happens, but here are some pointers:
You are reading the serial numbers from a custom table. Are the values you are reading valid? For example, could another user have added them to a different order? Could the values be for a different product?
Are you specifying the correct quantity of serial numbers? Is it possible that the item quantity on the line is more than the number of serial numbers you are adding?
Believe the error message until you can prove it's wrong. It doesn't seem like this is a HANA issue (we use HANA extensively) it's a logical problem with the data you are providing.
You may want to capture more debugging information to help you if you can't easily identify where the problem is.

Changes reflecting in payload but is not getting applied on target widget in workdetails page in casemanager 5.2.1

In Workdetails page, under ‘Documents’ tab, when I set the alignment to ‘center’ from ‘right’ for the column value, its getting updated in payload but is not actually getting applied on target widget.
I have tried thru controller/Grid as well but its not getting set. Attached snap of same. A pointer in this regard would be of immense help.
Here is the snip:
var callbackFolderContent = function (resultset)
var classText = 'Abc';
var found = 0;
for (var i=0; i < resultset.length; i++)
var items = resultset[i].resultSet.items;
for (var j=0; j < items.length; j++)
var pos = id.indexOf(classText);
if(pos !== -1)
var PC= items[j].resultSet.structure.cells[0][3];
var NEWpc=PC.styles; //Its reflecting in payload.
alert("Changed aligning to: "+NEWpc);
found ++;
} //end f if loop
} //end of inner for loop
} //end of for loop
if (found < 1)
payload.stateCode = 4;
}; //end of callback function

Magento Rest API Product List (api/rest/products) how to know last page or product

I have 32 products in my magento store.
I am fetching these products using magento rest API, like below
but if I query below url too, still it is giving product list (please not page is equal to 5)
So is there any way to know that this is the last page or last product??
ProductWork mojProduct = new ProductWork(_url, _adminUrlPart, _consumerKey,
_consumerSecret, _userName, _password);
MagentoApiResponse<IList<Product>> provera = new MagentoApiResponse<IList<Product>>();
provera.Result = new List<Product>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var filter = new Filter();
filter.PageSize = 100; // max number
filter.Page = i+1;
var primio = await mojProduct.GetAll(filter);
if (primio.Result != null & provera != null)
foreach (Product item in primio.Result)
if ( provera.Result.Count(a=>a.entity_id == item.entity_id) == 0) {
i = 101;
if (provera.Result != null)
foreach (Product item in provera.Result)
// your code here