Cmake executable can not link with the new interface library depending on another library - cmake

I have the following dependencies:
add_library(ilib INTERFACE)
add_dependencies(ilib lib)
target_link_libraries(ilib INTERFACE
"-Wl,--whole-archive $<TARGET_FILE:lib> Wl,--no-whole-archive")
add_executable(exe ilib)
When I changed some source codes of lib, the lib as expected was compiled and built again. However, exe did not link the new lib. If I use add_executable(exe lib), then exe will always link the new lib. (The reason why I use the ilib is that I need to process lib before using it.)

You expect lib to be propagated when one links with ilib.
But command add_dependencies doesn't add properties for propagation. You need
# Linking with `ilib` will transitively link with a `lib`
target_link_libraries(ilib INTERFACE lib)
When need to use --whole-archive option for linker, it could be done in the following way:
target_link_libraries(ilib INTERFACE "-Wl,--whole-archive" lib "Wl,--no-whole-archive")
When parse arguments for given function, CMake will finds argument lib to be a target name, and will add proper file-level dependency. With that dependency the executable will be relinked whenever the library file has been changed.


Cmake - add_definitions in library - gobally available

I have a cmake project with many libraries (standalone additional packages) which are build within my project and then my project is linked against them.
If i have the following ...
CMakeLists.txt (1)
library/CMakeLists.txt (2)
... add have "add_definitions(-DMYDEF=15)" inside the library cmakelists (2). Can i somehow make this available to main.cpp and main.hpp, so they "see" the macro definition which is made inside the lib at preprocessing?
So not only sources/headers within the lib shall work with my definition but also any other dependency, like the main project with main.cpp/main.hpp
Yes, there is a way; use target_compile_definitions(mylib PUBLIC MYDEF=15) for your library, instead of add_definifions(-DMYDEF=15). That way all other targets that are linked against mylib will inherit compile definitions from mylib
Please note that target_compile_definitions should be added after the target is created, otherwise, you will receive the error.
Correct usage would be as follows:
#add library first
#compile definitions for the target mylib
More about the subject might be found in cmake documentation for target_compile_definitions

How to build an external library downloaded with CMake FetchContent?

I have a program that depends on an external library (SDL for example). I want CMake to take care of that dependency for me, so I was looking into FetchContent. As far as I understand, this module simply downloads the source code so that information on the external library is available at configure time. For example:
# sdl_POPULATED, sdl_SOURCE_DIR and sdl_BINARY_DIR are ready now
At some point, however, I want to build that source code and link it to my main executable. How to do it the "modern CMake way"?
The recommended way to build external libraries from source as part of your build depends on what the external lib provides build-wise.
External lib builds with cmake
If the external lib builds with cmake then you could add the lib to your build via a add_subdirectory(${libname_SOURCE_DIR}) call. That way cmake will build the external lib as a subfolder ("subproject"). The CMakeLists.txt file of the external lib will have some add_library(ext_lib_name ...) statements in it. In order to then use the external lib in your targets (an application or library that depends on the external lib) you can simply call target_link_libraries(your_application <PRIVATE|PUBLIC|INTERFACE> ext_lib_name)
I had a quick look at this github repo - (let me know if you are referring to another library) and it actually looks like it is building with cmake and that it allows clients to statically or dynamically link against it:
So, ideally your applicaiton should be able to do
add_executable(myapp ...)
target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE SDL2-static) // Statically link againt SDL2
Due to their CMakeLists.txt file the SDL2-static comes with properties (include directories, linker flags/commands) that will automatically propergate to myapp.
External lib does not build with cmake
If a external lib doesn't build with cmake then one can try to use add_custom_target to build the library. Something along the lines of:
add_custom_target(myExternalTarget COMMAND <invoke the repo's build system>)
You'd then need to set the target properties that are important for clients yourself via the the proper cmake functions set_target_properties, target_include_directories ... A great writeup how to get started with these kinds of things:

How to rewrite a find_package based library into one which can be embedded into the parent project directly?

The library libwebrtc from was built to be used with make; make install and the project which wants to use the library must later use the find_package from CMake.
I, however, want to change libwebrtc so it can be added as a git submodule into my current project as a custom library, as, for instance, which is compiled when I type: cmake ..; make into a static/dynamic library and then linked in my main application. (The Qt library example I references earlier was confusing since this is build outside of my main project and only linked to afterwards - which is not what I want). Sorry for that confusion.
To be able to do that, I think that the ExternalProject_Add at must be changed into a add_library call.
The problem here is that the include_directories is used by the main project before the library has been completely built.
How to rewrite libwebrtc to be used as a simple static library with proper build dependencies so that my main project is only compiled/linked after the libwebrtc build was finished and custom header files were generated in the CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR of libwebrtc.
Or in other words, how to rewrite libwebrtc to be used without having to call make install for the library and then use find_package to use that library.
The hack (which is working already)
With this hack I am already able to:
Build the library from my parent project
Depend on the generated header files which exist only after the libwebrtc has been built completely (thus, delay main project building until dependencies are meet)
Depend on the generated webrtc.a static library for the linker step
I imaging that make install will work since libwebrtc is statically linked.
add_dependencies(${PROJECT_NAME} libwebrtcx)
add_library(libwebrtc STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET libwebrtc PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/sources/third-party/libwebrtcx/webrtc/src/out/Release/obj/libwebrtc.a")
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} libwebrtc)
Note: It requires to rename the libwebrtc project to libwebrtcx and also the ExternalProject_Add at must be renamed to libwebrtcx.
Note: It also requires to rename all CMAKE_BINARY_DIR into CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR and CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR. Details can be found here: CMake: Using add_subproject with a library using Include ends up in wrong relative path

How to group multiple library targets into one in CMake

I am trying to group multiple targets into a single one so the downstream user only need to link to that single one. The downstream user won't need to look up all the targets and all functionality from the upstream library will be available by linking to that single one. Please see below CMakeLists of my failed attempt.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
# 10 libraries with actually functionality
# failed attempt to create a single library that links to the above 10
target_link_libraries(myliball mylib1 mylib2 ... mylib10)
install(TARGETS myliball
export(TARGETS myliball
When I run cmake it shows this error
No SOURCES given to target: myliball
I can probably create an empty class for myliball to workaround this problem but that seems to be very messy. Is there a better way to do this?
CMake has a special type of library target which is intended for grouping - INTERFACE:
add_library(myliball INTERFACE)
target_link_libraries(myliball INTERFACE mylib1 mylib2 ... mylib10)
Such library target is not compiled, it just serves for propagate its INTERFACE properties when linked.

SET(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL ...) with ExternalProject Installing Additional Components

I use the ExtrenalProject cmake module to add 3rd party or internal dependencies to my build. I then use the CPack module with components to install only components from the current code base in the following manner.
An example of one of these components declared in CMake is:
install(TARGETS common
COMPONENT common-lib
However, other projects added using add_subdirectory such as google test or other internal libraries also declare install targets. When I run
make package
and then list the contents of the .deb or .tar generated, I see the contents of other components not set in the CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL variable.
What is the proper way to get CMake and CPack to only install the components requested?
You can just add the argument EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL to the end of the add_subdirectory() call. This will essentially disable all of the include() calls made in the added subdirectories.