Teradata Current year and year-1 - sql

How to get the dynamic years in the Query for where condition, i need to fetch data for 2017,2018,2019, currently i am hard coding them ( where FSC_YR in (2017,2018,2019) instead i need in a dynamic way. How to do it in teradata.
I tried extract(year from current_date)-2,extract(year from current_date)-1,extract(year from current_date)-3). I am getting error too many expression.

Since you're looking for a range of year numbers, why not just use a BETWEEN?
FROM data
WHERE fsc_yr BETWEEN EXTRACT(year FROM current_date - interval '2' year) AND EXTRACT(year FROM current_date)
But as #dnoeth pointed out in the comments.
To avoid an error when running it on Feb. 29, using INTERVAL might not be the safest method.
But just subtracting from the year number isn't so bad really.
FROM data
WHERE fsc_yr BETWEEN EXTRACT(year FROM current_date)-2 AND EXTRACT(year FROM current_date)
Also note that such error can come from selecting more than 1 column in the query for an IN
For example this would fail:
WHERE Col1 IN (SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM Tabel2)
So if you would use the query for data with a * then it would still result in that error.


How to Group by Current day and Count Rows?

Hello I have table "os_txn.pay_link" and inside there are many columns.
What I want to do is that I want to count the row numbers by looking at "merchant_id" column for the current day.
So for example what I am looking for an output is that today one of "merchant_id" has
"8" rows. So I want to know the number of rows of the "merchant_id" column for current day.
I think I should use count(*) in view with select statement but couldnt succeed about syntax. So I am open your suggestions thank you.
If I understood you correctly, a simple option would be
select merchant_id, count(*)
from os_txn.pay_link
where date_column = trunc(sysdate)
group by merchant_id;
presuming that date_column contains date only (i.e. for today, 8th of October 2022, that's its value - no hours, minutes or seconds).
If date column contains time component, again - a simple option - would be
select merchant_id, count(*)
from os_txn.pay_link
where trunc(date_column) = trunc(sysdate)
group by merchant_id;
If there's an index on date_column, then such a code wouldn't use it (unless it is a function-based index) so you'd rather modify it to
where date_column >= trunc(sysdate)
and date_column < trunc(sysdate + 1)
If that's not it, do post sample data and desired result.

SQL Query to Retrieve Monthly Data

I'm working with the following SQL Query in Redash, the query retrieves monthly data from table.
FROM Table
"Date" between '2021-04-01T00:00:00.669976+00:00' and '2021-04-30T23:59:59.669976+00:00'
I'd like to know if there's a workaround to updating the WHERE clause in an efficient manner rather than manually typing it out at the end of each month.
This worked well for me:
In your case, I suggest you avoid any solution that involves doing a convert or other type of conversion with the GRP_Date field. By doing that, you do not allow SQL Server to be able to use an index if there is one for the GRP_Date field and this can affect your performance in a very obvious way.
And of course between is not ideal in this specific case for the reasons already mentioned in your question.
I suggest the following condition for the best performance (good use of the indexes) and to avoid problems with the hours
where GRP.GRP_date >= #since
and GRP.GRP_date < dateadd(day, 1, #until) -- #until + 1 day
In the case where:
#since = 2016-11-01
#until = 2016-11-14
where GRP.GRP_Fecha >= '2016-11-01'
and GRP.GRP_Fecha < '2016-11-15'
When ordering dates before 2016-11-15, this includes all dates from 2016-11-14 regardless of time.

Date automatically where clause - SQL

I have on my DB the dates that I can filter like this:
select *
a.y=2021 and a.m=2 and a.d=7
However if I run this query tomorrow I'll have to go there and change manually.
Is there a way to do this automatically as in if I run the query tomorrow I'll get d=8 and the day after d=9 and so on?
I tried to use get date but I get the following error:
SQL Error [6]: Query failed (#20210207_153809_06316_2g4as): line 2:7: Function 'getdate' not registered
I also don't know if that is the right solution. Does anybody know how to fix that?
you can use NOW to get the current date, and use YEAR , MONTH , DAY to get parts of the date
WHERE a.y=YEAR(NOW()) and a.m=MONTH(NOW()) and a.d=DAY(NOW())
The best solution is to have a date column in your data. Then you can just use:
where datecol = current_date
Or whatever your particular database uses for the current date.
Absent that, you have to split the current date into parts. In Standard SQL, this looks like:
where y = extract(year from current_date) and
m = extract(month from current_date) and
d = extract(day from current_date)
That said, date functions notoriously vary among databases, so the exact syntax depends on your database.
For instance, a common way to write this in SQL Server would be:
where y = year(getdate()) and
m = month(getdate()) and
d = day(getdate())

Extract year complex query - PostgreSQL

I want to filter out my activities based on the multicombobox values with the last 4 Years. I am able to make a query to the database if I provide just one year.
SELECT * FROM public.events WHERE (EXTRACT(YEAR from start_date)) = 2019
However, I am not quite sure how can I give the query if I want to filter based on multiple years
SELECT * FROM public.events WHERE (EXTRACT(YEAR from start_date)) IN [2019, 2020]
is not working. How can I change my query?
The expression you meant to write:
WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR from start_date) IN (2019, 2020)
That is, IN expects a list within parentheses, not square brackets.
But I would actually suggest using explicit range comparison instead:
where start_date >= '2019-01-01'::date and start_date < '2021-01-01'::date
The advantage of this approach is that it is SARGeable, meaning it can take advantage of an index on column start_date (while the original expression needs to extract() the year from each and every row before being able to actually filter).

Oracle query displays data by month and year

I want to display the amount of data by month and year. This is an example of displaying data by date:
select count(*) from db.trx where trxdate = to_date('2018-04-23','yyyy-mm-dd')
When I try to display the amount of data by month and year, no query results appear. Is there something wrong with the query?
The query:
select count(*) from db.trx where trxdate = to_date('2018-04','yyyy-mm')
You need to apply the function to trxdate. Using your logic:
SELECT Count(*)
FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE To_char(trxdate, 'YYYY-MM') = '2018-04';
However, I strongly recommend that you use direct date comparisons:
WHERE trxdate >= date '2018-04-01'
trxdate < date '2018-05-01'
This will allow the database to use an index on trxdate.
There are a couple of ways of accomplishing what you're trying to do. Which one works for you will depend on your database design (for example, the indexes you've created). One way might be this:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE TRUNC(trxdate, 'MONTH') = DATE'2018-04-01';
This will round the date down to the first of the month (and, of course, remove any time portion). Then you simply compare it to the first of the month for which you want the data. However, unless you have an index on TRUNC(trxdate, 'MONTH'), this may not be the best course of action; if trxdate is indexed, you'll want to use:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE trxdate >= DATE'2018-04-01'
AND trxdate < DATE'2018-05-01';
There are a number of functions at your disposal in Oracle (e.g. ADD_MONTHS()) in the event that the date you use in your query is supposed to be dynamic rather than static.
Just FYI, there is no reason not to use ANSI date literals when trying to retrieve data by day as well. I'm not sure your original query is a good example of getting data for a particular day, since the Oracle DATE datatype does at least potentially include a time:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE trxdate >= DATE'2018-04-23'
AND trxdate < DATE'2018-04-24';
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE TRUNC(trxdate) = DATE'2018-04-23';
In case the month and year are dynamic, I would build a date from them (e.g., TO_DATE('<year>-<month>-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')) and then use the following query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM olap.trxh2hpdam
WHERE trxdate >= TO_DATE('<year>-<month>-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
AND trxdate < ADD_MONTHS( TO_DATE('<year>-<month>-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 1 );
Hope this helps.