Facebook Login API with JavaScript SDK - facebook-javascript-sdk

I want to have FB login on my site but unable to do it, please help.
I just have login button with JavaScript SDK on this page fb-login page. After login it doesnot go anywhere.
I have added this link https://www.gorkhalisewa.com/ihf/ on Valid OAuth redirect URIs section on FB App. It does not go anywhere..
Please help! Thanks in Advance!


Open the Twitter app instead of the site for authorization APP

I have a site that Login with Twitter API.
User redirect to this link to Accept :
My problem is that in mobile, it enters the Twitter site through a browser and needs to log in to the Twitter account ** But all users use the Twitter app!!**
Is there a way to enter the Twitter app through the site and confirm without the need to log in again?
You can use this link to open Twitter App.
More information in this StackOverFlow question.

Auth0 Gmail SS0 doesn't work when I enable Customize Login Page (using auth0 asp.net mvc sample)

This is my ASP.NET MVC sample
Now I'm clicking log in button and it redirects me to the Auth0 custom login page
Now, I'm clicking login with the google button and I already signed in to my Gmail account but it doesn't bring token, and no redirection
URL : https://ishkyteck.us.auth0.com/login?state=hKFo2SBJRWVZQ1F2dk1WeW91Ry1sdVh2SklnQWhVemZjdS1YcKFupWxvZ2luo3RpZNkgb1FGXzRoYjR5a2phTmU2dUNEMGFUcmk0YXN4a1dRYjmjY2lk2SBTbjdld3VBcWk4Y3JyWFVTcjQ2bkYxSEJHZmF2VGl0cg&client=Sn7ewuAqi8crrXUSr46nF1HBGfavTitr&protocol=oauth2&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F&response_type=code%20id_token%20token&scope=openid%20profile&response_mode=form_post&nonce=637732441711041622.NjQ3MWUxZTYtMTM4Yy00OTQ1LWEyMzUtMTBmN2Y5NjQ5OWVkMzNjYjllMTItNTMwYi00NmIyLWIyMzEtNTY0MjQzNDk1ODll&audience=https%3A%2F%2Fishkyteck.us.auth0.com%2Fapi%2Fv2%2F&x-client-SKU=ID_NET461&x-client-ver=
and it hits the AuthorizationCodeReceived method but does not bring the token
Please, auth0 community developer look into this bug and resolve. I'm using your provided asp.net MVC sample but it doesn't work.
Sample I downloaded from : https://github.com/auth0-samples/auth0-aspnet-owin-mvc-samples/tree/master/Quickstart/01-Login/MvcApplication
Please help me. Thank you!!
Issue reproducing sample (my auth0 Gmail SSO sample),
When I enable this button, Gmail login does not work in the auth0 universal custom login page
auth0 custom universal login page

connecting web page to facebook page

Ok, this is frustrating, I'm running in cricles, therefore I appreciate any hints or directions..
Having a web page, I need to have a share & like buttons on it. The SDK needs na APP ID to connect, so I've created an facebook page. Well, turns out page ID isn't the same as app ID. So, having right now a web page, a FB page and a FB app, how do I connect these all together?
I had tried to google how to "connect FB app to FB page". That only directed me to something about "Page Tab" at which point I found myself completely lost.
You don´t need a Page, you only need an App. Here´s where you can create one: https://developers.facebook.com/apps
After creating the App, you will see the App ID.

Can't authorize with Spotify API

I try to authorize through Spotify API (https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/authorization-guide/) and my code is:
Spotify link
But instead of redirect me to my page it says:
I tried to delete app from "My applications" tab on developer.spotify.com and create a new one with new client id and it is no different. I log in to Spotify with my Facebook account.
Ok, I figured it out. You have to go to your application settings and enter your URL into "Redirect URLs" and it will work. I wonder why it isn't included in documentation.

Changing the profile picture of google from my website

I have website where i enabled login by Google+ using OAuth 2. Is this possible to change the profile picture of Google from my website once he get login?
Thanks in Advance
Hmm.. ya it can be possible if your site use application which uses Google Apps-Profiles-Data-API. This Profile data api allow update status. But you must authorize the app.
yo can find more more here-
Profile data API