acroform text field not align to right - pdfbox

I have this acro form
I am trying this code to align field to right :
((PDTextField) acroForm.getField("NewRentWithoutChargesChf")).setQ(PDVariableText.QUADDING_RIGHT); //align right not works
I expect field to be right aligned but it doesn't (still left).
Already checked this realted SO How to (horizontally) align text of PDTextField in PDFBox?

PDFBox (and many other PDF libraries, too) generates appearances (if at all) only when the field value is set; they don't update the appearance again and again each time some other field property changes.
Thus, you should first set the quadding value and only thereafter change the field value, i.e.
((PDTextField) acroForm.getField("NewRentWithoutChargesChf")).setQ(PDVariableText.QUADDING_RIGHT); //align right works


combobox properties to allow user to type text in it and let it filter by text entered

I have a combobox where I'll need to allow user to search by text and be able to select that value from the list. So what I'm currently doing is, on CBO_KeyPress, I open the drop down.
Me.cboNames.DroppedDown = True
I set the property of the cbo...
DropDownStyle = DropDown
Everything works beautifully except for one issue. As it stands, i have items in the drop down where the width is significantly wider than the combobox - I have a function that adjusts the DropDownWith to longest string in the list of items. My concern is that while this helps user search for correct item, it's width is only as wide as the combobox. Is there a way to adjust this?
My only other option is to not use AutoCompleteSource=ListItems and instead simply open the dropDown programmatically on KeyPress or something. In this case, it doesn't do as good of a job of filtering the items. AutoCompleteSource does it beautifully but the width issue does not make it look right.
EDIT : Plutonix - here's what I did. I changed AutoCompleteSource=None. On CboName_KeyPress I open dropdown programmatically. Now I type in text, see image below....
It doesn't find text 100% of the time as you can see. AutoCompleteSource narrows it down and only shows you the items that begin with the same text as typed by user but the width is the issue. It actually looks much better with AutoCompleteSource because if they type in text that's not in the list of items then it shows nothing - and user known it's not in the list.
Users tab into the filed and start typing text. They don't open it. That's why they want this to be updated like that. I want them to see the items as they type in.

Set export value of a new created checkbox with iText

I need to add a checkbox to an existing pdf. Also I need set the export value of this checkbox. I saw that this should be configurared with appearance dictionary /AP but till now I did evaluate how to set this on a new checkbox.
With export value I mean the value which is marked in the screenshot
Here is my code which creates a checkbox, but the export value is always empty...
PdfFormField checkbox = PdfFormField.createCheckBox(stamper.getWriter());
checkbox.setWidget(fieldVO.rect, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_NONE);
//TODO set export value"exportValue is " + fieldVO.getExportValue());
stamper.addAnnotation(checkbox, fieldVO.getPageNumber());
First this: you are using PdfFormField to create a check box. That is hard. Why don't you use the RadioCheckField class?
rect = new Rectangle(180, 806, 200, 788);
checkbox = new RadioCheckField(stamper.getWriter(), rect,
"fieldVO.getNewName()", "on");
field = checkbox.getCheckField();
Then you want to define the appearances. Suppose that onOff is an array of PdfAppearance objects, one with the appearance if the box isn't selected (0) and one if the box is selected (1). Note that the name of the off state should be "Off" as defined in ISO-32000-1. As far as I remember, the standard recommends using "Yes" for the on state, but you can use a custom value, such as "MyCustomValue":
PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "Off", onOff[0]);
PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, "MyCustomValue", onOff[1]);
In this case, the appearance of the on state will be stored as an entry with key /MyCustomValue. This key is a PDF name object and several restrictions apply. That's why the /Opt key was introduced:
(Taken from ISO-32000-1) Beginning with PDF 1.4, the field dictionary for check boxes and radio buttons may contain an optional Opt entry. If present, the Opt entry shall be an array of text strings representing the export value of each annotation in the field. It may be used for the following purposes:
To represent the export values of check box and radio button fields in non-Latin writing systems. Because name objects in the appearance dictionary are limited to PDFDocEncoding, they cannot represent non-Latin text.
To allow radio buttons or check boxes to be checked independently, even if they have the same export value.
EXAMPLE: a group of check boxes may be duplicated on more than one page such that the desired behavior is that when a user checks a box, the corresponding boxes on each of the other pages are also checked. In this case, each of the corresponding check boxes is a widget in the Kids array of a check box field.
In your case, you'd need something like:
PdfArray options = new PdfArray();
options.add(new PdfString("My Custom Value"));
field.put(PdfName.OPT, options);
I haven't tested if this works, I'm merely interpreting what ISO-32000-1 says and converting the spec into iText code.
Finally, you can add the field.
stamper.addAnnotation(field, 1);

Which text field should I use in word and how to fill it

I am trying to use a text field in my word template document but I confused which one should I use?!!
which one you recommend?
Rick text
Text Form Field
My second question is how to address these component in Macro? I use below code:
Third question is how to set a value to this component in Macro? so many website use .Value but I don't know why I cannot find this field in above component.
Last question is: if I use any form field, a gray shadow exist below my component, how I can remove it? it is even coming in check print.:(
I am using word 2007.
You would add : textFormField.
you would pass value by Me.FormFields("Text1").Result = "abc"
in your controls tab,
somewhere next to the formField control find the "formFieldShadding"
control. when you select that control your gray shadding will

Add second line when a column is full from text length ultraWinGrid

Is there a way to automatically add a new line or something when a column in my ultraGrid is full? Sometimes when i load some text into a column in my ultragrid it has a longer value length than the available column field, as a result some text stays hidden. So i want when this happens to show the rest of the text in another line. Is this possible in for ultrawingrid?
You could set the CellMultiLine property as in the example below. (supposing you have one band and the column with the long text is the second one)
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(1).CellMultiLine = DefaultableBoolean.True
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns(1).VertScrollBar = True
UltraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.DefaultRowHeight = 100
The next two lines are optional, but they serve the purpose to show immediately the column with a different height and with a vertical scrollbar

Checkboxes in Rdlc Report

I am creating rdlc report and i have issue that i got some bool type object fields and now i have to show checkboxes. but there is nothing i found for this solution to show checkboxes in table.
Is there anyone who know that how i can implement that thing?
Maybe you can put image there, depend on true or false, just display different pic. LOL
If checkbox is true I set Chr(254) else show unchecked checkbox using Chr(168).
Chr(254): This is decimal value for Wingdings character 254 its shows like checked check box image.
Chr(168): This is decimal value for Wingdings character 168 its shows like rectangle box like unchecked check box image.
I had a requirement that the checkboxes have a background color. I liked the simplicity of a text-based rather than image-based approach, so I used a variation of the popular Wingdings-font method: I used a small, square textbox with a thin border and the specified background color, set it to use a bold, sans-serif font, and used this expression for the text value:
=IIf(Fields!SomeBool.Value, "X", "")
If you still want a checkmark rather than an X, you can use Wingdings 2 font and this expression:
=IIf(Fields!SomeBool.Value, Chr(80), "")
In either case, you may have to adjust the font size and/or box size to keep the result square; my first take was taller than wide because it expanded vertically to accommodate the font.
Or you can set the textbox placeholder to render tags as html and then put this html in: Or you can set the Placeholder expression to support HTML and then set up the following html code:
<font face="Wingdings 2" color="green">#Html.Raw(((char)0x51).ToString())</font>
You should put in the character of the wingdings that you want.
This way, only part of the text can be wingdings.
Wingdings 2
Finally I got solution
here is the link download the project and run it.
i have developed class and then used list to set bool variable true/false. while on other hand i used image control in rdlc report To set image.
You just need to set image path which are already in image folder.